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Site Search Results
Found 33 results
Tomsk Open Laboratory for Material Inspection (TOLMI)
Tomsk Polytechnic University - (TPU) Energy and rational natural resources usage 2010-2012 11.G34.31.0002 2010
Zinoviyev Vasiliy Pavlovich
Doctor of Sciences in History h-index: Scientist's research interests: social sciences. Awards and achievements: 2021 – «Professor of the year» (Russian Professor Assembly, Russia). 2019 – «For valiant labor in Tomsk State University» (Russia). 2018 – «Professor of the year» (Russian Professor Assembly, nomination in Siberian Federal District, Russia). 2016 – Badge of honor «For merit in education» (Russia). 2016 – Honorary professor of Tomsk State ...
Kuznetsov Vladimir Mikhailovich
... electron structure of surfaces of metallic materials and nanosystems grown on metallic surfaces, ion-plasma technologies, modifying products Quote by the head of the laboratory: Employees of the Laboratory significantly contribute to rankings of the Tomsk State University. In 2018 the University occupied the 277th place in the ranking of top-1000 best universities of the world according to the QS World University Rankings 2019. Awards and achievements: 2012 – Award of the «MAIK» publishing ...
Chulkov-Savkin Yevgeniy Vladimirovich
... to attract talented youth, make participants of the of the project world class professionals, to instill skills of international cooperation in them, to secure their participation in Russian science Awards and achievements: 2014 – Award of the Tomsk Region Government in education, science, healthcare and culture for high achievements effectively affecting development of economics and society of the Tomsk Region. 2013 – Honorary certificate from the Ministry of Education and Science of the ...
Funk Dmitriy Anatoliyevich
1962 Doctor of Historical Sciences h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: Social anthropology, urban anthropology, anthropology of religion, folklore studies, nations of the North Quote by the head of the laboratory: The Tomsk University has become one of the few centers in our country that successfully works on digital and 3D-archaeology, uses modern modern technologies to thoroughly record archaeological findings. This allows to analyze objects without ejecting them ...
Ernst Richard Everett
... related to genesis of ore deposits. So if scientists find out the age and the boundaries of an igneous provinces they will be able forecast the potential of finding minerals on this theory. Awards and achievements: 2022 – Medal «For merit to the Tomsk State University». 2018 – Letter of gratitude to distinguished doctors of the Tomsk State University from the Rector of the University. 2018 – Mendeleev Medal. 2018 – Award for publications in the «Nature Geoscience» journal: «Best representatives ...
Laboratory for Linguistic Anthropology
Tomsk State University - (TSU) Languages and literature 2017-2021 14.Y26.31.0014 2017
Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research
Tomsk State University - (TSU) History and archaeology 2013-2017 14.B25.31.0009 2013
Laboratory for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Tomsk State University - (TSU) Biology 2014-2016 14.Z50.31.0011 2014
Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation Detectors
Tomsk State University - (TSU) Physics 2022-2024 075-15-2022-1132 2022
Laboratory for Geochronology and Geodynamics
Tomsk State University - (TSU) Earth studies and related Ecological sciences 2017-2021 14.Y26.31.0012 2017
Laboratory for the Oncotheranostics of the School of Chemical and Biomedical Technologies
Tomsk Polytechnic University - (TPU) Clinical medicine 2019-2023 075-15-2019-1925 075-15-2022-1103 2019
High Energy Physics Data Analysis Laboratory
Tomsk State University - (TSU) Physics 2018-2020 074-02-2018-325 075-15-2019-870 2018
Laboratory for Cognitive Technologies and Behavioural Genetics
Tomsk State University - (TSU) Psychology 2011-2015 11.G34.31.0043 2011
Laboratory for Nanostructured Surfaces and Coatings
Tomsk State University - (TSU) Material Technology 2010-2012 11.G34.31.0028 2010
International Research Centre «Piezo- and Magnetoelectric Materials»
Tomsk Polytechnic University - (TPU) Material Technology 2021-2023 075-15-2021-588 2021
International Research Laboratory «Non-valent Interaction in Materials Chemistry»
Tomsk Polytechnic University - (TPU) Chemistry 2021-2023 075-15-2021-585 2021
Laboratory for Super-elastic Bio-interfaces
Tomsk State University - (TSU) Medical biotechnologies 2021-2023 075-15-2021-612 2021
Laboratory for Laser Molecular Imaging and Machine Learning
Tomsk State University - (TSU) Medical technologies 2021-2023 075-15-2021-615 2021
Kroening Hans-Michael
... non-destructive testing community: our highest responsibility, our commitment to our work and a common goal – to create a better, safe future. Awards and achievements: 2008 – Awards for achievements from NDE SPIE. - Honorary professor of the Tomsk Poly University (Russia) - Honorary professor of the Emperor Alexander I Saint Petersburg State Transport University (Russia) - Honorary professor of the Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (India) - Honorary professor of the Indian National ...