As of 30.01.2020
Name of the project: Applications of biorthogonal chemistry in research of living systems
Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: в, г
Research directions: Membrane receptors, new topical antifungal medications for preventing and treatment of dermatomycoses in extreme environmental conditions, new antimicrobe medications with system action for therapy of resistive forms that do not react to treatment, new anti-tumor medications with low general toxicity, new means of protection of plants for agriculture, antimicrobial agents based on polyphenols and polymetoxybenzone of plant nature.
Project objective: Producing new fundamental scientific knowledge on structural and functional features of membrane receptors, determining key segments to which ligands and potential medications that impact them directly link, as well as determining molecular mechanisms of functioning of these receptors.
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Microplastics Research Centre (10)
Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University - (NovSU) |
Chemistry |
Veliky Novgorod |
Kenny Jose Maria
Italy |
2024-2028 |
Laboratory for Redox-active Molecular Systems
Kazan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences - (FRC KazSC of RAS) |
Chemistry |
Kazan |
Alabugin Igor Vladimirovich
Russia, USA |
2022-2024 |
Spin Hyperpolarisation Laboratory
International Tomography Center Siberian Branch of RAS - (ITC) |
Chemistry |
Novosibirsk |
Bodenhausen Geoffrey
France, Netherlands Yurkovskaya Alexandra VadimovnaRussia |
2021-2023 |