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Tenth competition for grants from the Government of the Russian Federation

In 2024, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has announced the launch of the renew program revised «Mega-grants» program and will conduct the 10th round of selection of proposed projects.

The selection process will be divided into two tracks: funding research projects supervised by leading scientists and supporting promising young researchers.

The first track attracted applications from 59 universities and 17 scientific organizations. Applications came from 36 countries. Among foreign applicants, most come from  European Union countries (29 applications), China PR (13 applications), India (8 applications), the USA (7 applications) as well as from the United Kingdom (6 applications). Researchers from Yemen, Laos, Nigeria and South Africa entered the competition for the first time.

The grant council selected 8 research projects that will be implemented in Russian universities and scientific organizations under the supervision of leading scientists from Belarus, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, France, Sweden and Japan.

As part of the competitive selection process in the second track, 17 applications from 13 countries were reviewed. Two young promising researchers from South Korea and Singapore will conduct their projects in Chelyabinsk (South Ural State University) and Moscow (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology).

Research projects supervised by leading scientists

5 years
2024-2028 years
Time span of the project
million rubles
Maximum grant per project

Supporting promising young researchers

2 years
2024-2025 years
Time span of the project
million rubles
Maximum grant per project