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Laboratory for the Study of Cultural Heritage

Contract number
Time span of the project
Invited researcher
since December 2022 Tereschenko Elena Yurievna
Number of staff members
scientific publications
General information

The development in the Russian Federation of such modern sciences as “Heritage Science” and “Natural Sciences applied to Cultural Heritage”, in the field of scientific research in-situ using the example of Russian medieval painting and architecture decor, as well as Russian avant-garde, using optical spectroscopy and tomography methods, as well as by creating a laboratory at ITMO University and as part of it a mobile team, equipped with innovative portable instruments.

Name of the project:the Russian mobile laboratory for the study of the cultural heritage on the basis of advanced optical technologies (HS-MOLAB RU)

Goals and objectives


Development in the Russian Federation of such modern sciences as the science of heritage and natural sciences for cultural heritage, in the field of in-situ scientific research on the example of ancient Russian painting and architectural decoration, as well as the Russian avant-garde, using optical spectroscopy and tomography methods, as well as creating a laboratory at ITMO University and a mobile group within it equipped with innovative portable equipment.

Project objectives:

Creation of a laboratory at ITMO University specializing in the study of museum objects and cultural heritage objects with the use of optical spectroscopy and tomography methods, and as part of a mobile group equipped with portable equipment for in-situ scientific research.

Development of methods for studying the technology of ancient Russian painting, including frescoes preserving the historical location in medieval temples, based on the use of optical spectroscopy and tomography methods. Approbation of the applicability of these techniques to determine the time, place and method of production of paints, the type of dye and technologies for their production.

Development of methods for determining dating features in ancient Russian architectural decoration, including glass-crystal materials, in the locations of monuments based on the use of optical spectroscopy methods. Investigation of the applicability of these methods to determine the time, place and method of production, type of dye and opalescent agent.

Development of methods for detecting forgeries of Russian avant-garde paintings based on the use of optical spectroscopy and tomography methods. Checking the applicability of these techniques for determining the composition of paints. Development of methods for determining artificial aging of canvas and paints

The practical value of the study

Introduced into scientific circulation are monuments of ancient Russian art - bow carved polychrome crosses of the 17th century. More than 200 icons of the Russian North of the 17th century and more than 50 works of the Russian avant-garde have been identified. Regularities in the manufacture of glazes and smalts of different colors were revealed. A technique for tomographic studies of multilayer materials using optical coherence tomography on test objects and an icon of the 14th century has been developed. The database includes data on the reference spectra of pigments of the 17th century and the Russian avant-garde. A model has been developed for the quantitative analysis of the component composition of paints on artwork canvases based on spectral data.

Implementation of research results :

Expert analysis of museum objects and objects of cultural heritage. Areas of use: the study of pigments and binders of paint layers of painting, as well as gilding in church interiors.

Production of samples of special glasses activated by manganese, chromium and titanium ions with specified fluorescent properties. Applications: reference glasses in laboratories for the calibration of optical and X-ray instruments.

Education and retraining of personnel:

A new educational program for Masters Femtosecond and Quantum Technologies has been developed; students were recruited and training under the program began in September 2022. The educational and methodical manual "Physical Optics" was published // Chirtsov A.S., Tsvetkov A.R. et al., ITMO University, 2022, St. Petersburg, ISBN, 2227-8397. 

The thesis was defended for 2 bachelors, 1 candidate dissertation.

Four employees of the laboratory completed advanced training courses "Theories and practices of culture storage", which were held at the "European University in St. Petersburg".


  • The scientific seminar “Optical Workshop for Restorers” (ITMO University), 
  • The scientific seminar “Modern Optical Methods for Researching Old Russian Easel Paintings” (Kirillo-Belozersk), 
  • The Neradov’s Readings conference (State Russian Museum), the scientific seminar “Preserving Heritage” (Museum of History Petersburg), 
  • International Scientific Symposium Fundamentals of Laser Micro- and Nanotechnologies (FLAMN-22) (ITMO University), 
  • International Conference The STEMM Smart Nanomaterials (SNAIA ), 
  • Section Methods of spectroscopy in art ( The spectroscopy techniques in Art ) at ITMO University and L'Ecole Polytechnique (Paris). 

Infrastructure transformations:

Research Equipment Sharing Center of Nanotechnology at ITMO University


Joint scientific activities and research with the following Russian organizations:

  • State Russian Museum (Russia);
  • Museum of the History of St. Petersburg (Russia).

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Andreev I.I., Sirro S.V., Lykina A.A., Smolyanskaya A.A., Minin A.V., Kravtsenyuk O.V., Menu M. and Smolyanskaya O.A.

Necessity and use of a multilayer test object based on an anonymous 19th century copy of a painting by Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817-1900). Heritage, 2022, 5(4).

Detalle , V. and Bai, X.

The assets of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for the future of heritage science. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 2022, 191.

Bai, X., Calligaro , T., Pichon , L., Moignard , B., Lemasson , Q., Gosselin, M., Richiero , S., Dillmann , P., Téreygeol , F., Auber, J. and Saux , L.

Comparative study on quantitative carbon content mapping in archaeological ferrous metals with laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (LIBS) and nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) for 3D representation by LIBS. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 2022, 194, p.106454.

Zhuravleva A.I. , Sirro S.V.

Worship cross from the chapel of the Dormition Kemsky Cathedral. Reconstruction copyright coloristic solutions based on natural science data. Russian Nanotechnologies , 2022, December, 17(5) .

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