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Laboratory «Dynamics and extreme characteristics of advanced nanostructured materials»

Contract number
Time span of the project
General information
Name of the project:

Dynamics and extreme characteristics of advanced nanostructured materials

Goals and objectives
Goals of project:

The creation of a new laboratory for the research of the dynamic behavior and the extreme characteristics of modern prospective nanostructured materials at the Saint Petersburg State University. The results of the research conducted by the Laboratory will lead to the development of fundamental mechanics in the field of newly developed nanostructured materials, the development of the principles of creation of new materials with specified mechanical properties as well as their operation under extreme thermomechanical loads, the development of the foundations for the creation of regulations and standards for the assessment of the strength properties of construction and medical materials under extreme impact, to the creation of the fundamental basis for the optimization of technological processes and the determination of the optimal modes of targeted deformation and destruction of these materials.

Project objective: 

  1. Determining the fundamental laws of the processes of destruction and structural transformations in new advanced nanostructured materials, in particular, materials produced by combining methods of intense plastic deformation and thermal processing as well as hydrogels and coatings on the basis of the classical principles of continuous media mechanics and fundamentally new approaches to dynamic destruction and structural transformations accounting for scale and structural-temporal characteristics of the behavior of materials.
  2. Designing new experiments and developing existing experimental methods for the study of the behavior of engineering and medical materials, including nanostructured materials, nanocomposites and nanocoatings under dynamic nonstationary thermomechanical impact.
  3. Preparing recommendations for the development of the existing and the creation of new regulations and standards for the assessment of the carrying capability of industrially implemented new advanced materials in extreme operating modes.
  4. Developing the fundamental basics of the optimization technological processes and the determination of the optimal methods of the targeted attainment of physical and mechanical properties of advanced nanostructured materials.
  5. Improving the quality and appeal of education and research activities in the field of technologies of the creation and the mechanics of new advanced materials at the Saint Petersburg State University.
  6. Engaging young researchers and students in cutting-edge research and new education programs in the field of materials science, mechanical engineering and extreme states of continuous media.
  7. Improving the international reputation of the Saint Petersburg State University as the principal center of Russian education and science by means of interaction with leading scientists in this field, foreign research centers and the publication of results of the project in prestigious international academic journals.
  8. The creation of a new innovative laboratory in the domain of the dynamics and extreme characteristics of advanced nanostructured materials that will be able to continue its work at the frontier of technology in 2022-2024.
Research directions: Mechanical engineering and machinery
The practical value of the study
Planned project results:

  1. New modern laboratory of the dynamics and extreme characteristics of advanced nanostructured materials at the Saint Petersburg State University.
  2. Fundamental principles of the modeling of dynamic deformation and destruction processes in construction materials and medical nanostructured materials and coatings accounting for structure-temporal and scale effects.
  3. Experimental data concerning the properties of new advanced nanostructured materials produced both in Russian and foreign innovation and technology centers and their behavior under extreme impacts. In particular, materials produced using a combination of intense plastic deformation and thermal processing will be investigated.
  4. Efficient methodologies for the testing of advanced nanostructured materials, hydrogels and coatings under extreme and dynamic impacts. These methodologies will allow to considerably modify the existing standards of the dynamic testing of advanced materials accounting for the specified operating conditions and to create new methodologies for these purposes.
  5. Fundamental basics of the optimization of technological processes and the determination of the optimal modes of the targeted production of advanced nanostructured materials with the best physical and chemical properties for operation in the extreme conditions and nonstationary dynamic loads.
  6. New education programs in materials research and destruction mechanics (in particular, new specialized courses will be developed for senior-year students and postgraduates, additionally, course projects and theses will be defended).
  7. A significant number of students and young researchers will be involved in the implementation of world-class research within the project. Student exchange will be established with leading international research centers. The main results of the project will be presented in leading international journals and in presentations at international conferences (these publications will reflect the fundamental aspects of the behavior of new advanced nanostructured materials as well as hydrogels and coatings under extreme and dynamic impact, and forecasting models will be built to describe destruction and structural transformations in them in the context of intense high velocity and pulsed input of energy). A number of materials, methodologies and materials testing devices developed in the course of the implementation of the project will be patented. Results of the project will be used as part of contracts with industrial enterprises as well as for consulting and interaction with representatives of the industry in collaborative commercial projects. It is planned that Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences dissertations dissertations    wo;; be defended on the basis of the results of the project, as well as master’s and bachelor’s degree thesis of Saint Petersburg State University students.

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Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
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Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the RAS

Mechanics and machinery

St. Petersburg

Fridman Emilia Moiseevna

Israel, Russia


Research Laboratory for the Mechanics of Bio-compatible Materials and Devices

Perm National Research Polytechnic University - (PNRPU)

Mechanics and machinery


Silberschmidt Vadim Vladimirovich

United Kingdom, Russia


Laboratory for the Mechanics of Gradient Nanomaterials named after A. P. Zhilyaev

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University - (NMSTU)

Mechanics and machinery


Zhilyaev Alexandr Petrovich


Raab Georgii Iosifovich

