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Invited researcher

Vinogradov Alexey Yuriyevich

Year of birth
Academic degree
Doctor of Technical Science
Field of studies

Leading research fellow of the Research Institute for Progressive technologies, Togliatti State University (Russia)

General information

Leading scientist's research interests:

Durability physics, fatigue, amorphous, ultradisperse and nanostructural materials with TRIP/TWIP effect, magnesium alloys for technology and medicine, acoustic emission

Quote by the head of the laboratory:

What I've seen and currently see in this program is creation of new points of growth on the scientific map of the world that could become prominent, recognizable in the international community and not (!) associated solely with the name of the leading scientist.

Scientific recognition

Awards and achievements:

2017 – Award of the «Journal of Metals, TMS, Light Metal Division» for the best scientific work.

2017, 2016 – Award of the «Acta Materiala» journal for editorial work.

2017, 2010 – Professor Mercator Award, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology (Germany).

2016 – Asian Light Materials Association Award for the best scientific work.

2014 – Award of the Work Group on Acoustic Emissions for the best scientific work

2012, 2007 – Award of the Japan Institute of Metals for the best scientific work (Japan).

2010 – Award of Int. AE Symposium, IAES-20 for the best scientific work (Japan).

2006 – Award of Int. Conf. on Ultrafine Grained Materials for the best scientific work (Germany).

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Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
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Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Functional Quantum Materials Laboratory

National University of Science and Technology MISIS - (NUST MISIS)



Klingeler Rudiger


Laboratory of the Spin Physics of Two-Dimensional Materials

Р.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS - (LPI)



Yakovlev Dmitriy Robertovich



Laboratory for Microwave Photonics and Magnonics named after B. A. Kalinikos

Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» - (ETU LETI)


St. Petersburg

Kostylev Mikhail Pavlovich

Australia, Russia
