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Head of the laboratory

Grigoriyev Sergey Nikolaevich

Year of birth
Academic degree
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Field of studies

Chair of the Deportment «High-Efficiency Processing Technologies» of the Moscow State University of Technology «STANKIN» (Russia)

General information


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Leading scientist's research interests: mechanical engineering, surface engineering, functional coatings, instrumental ceramics, plasma processes, durability, reliability, diagnostics, mechanical processing.

Scientific recognition

Awards and achievements:

2021, 2014, 2012 — Gold medals of the Moscow International Salon of. Inventions and Innovative Technologies. «Archimedes» (Russia). 

2015, 2014, 2010, 2000 — Honorary certificate from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Russia).

2014 — Award from the Government of the Russian Federation in science and technology (Russia).

2014 — Letter of gratitude Chairman of the State Duma (Russia).

2014, 2011 — Gold medals of the International Exhibitions of Innovations «Concours Lépine» (France).

2012 — Grand Prix of the international exhibition of inventions «INVENTECO» of Italy Inventors Association.

2012 — Medal «For Valiant Labor» from the Russian Union of Engineers.

2012 — Honorary certificate «For merit to the urban community» from the Moscow City Duma (Russia).

2012 — Honorary badge «For the Good of Russia» from the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Russia).

2011 — Order of Konstantin Tsiolkovakiy «For contribution to the development and implementation of projects and research program for space research».

2011 — Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation (Russia).

2010 — «85 Years of Scientific and technological survey» from the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (Russia).

2010 — Diploma and badge of a Winner of the Sergey I. Mosin Award.

2009 — «Platinum» award in the «Industrial» category at the 9th British Invention Show.

2009 - Award from the Government of the Russian Federation (scientific supervisor) in education (Russia).

2008 - Silver badge from the Union of Russian weaponry makers (Russia).

2005 - Award from the Government of the Russian Federation (scientific supervisor) in science and technology for young researchers (Russia).

2005 — Badge «Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation» (Russia).

2003 — Award from the Government of the Russian Federation in science and technology (Russia).

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Other laboratories and scientists
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Time span of the project
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