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Year of birth
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Field of studies

Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Alberta (Canada)

General information

Leading scientist's research interests: Archeology, Historical Sciences and Archeology:

  • Old World Archaeology, Siberia, Northeast Asia, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Hunter–gatherers;
  • Holocene foraging adaptations in the Lake Baikal region, Siberia, and Hokkaido;
  • Evolutionary change, subsistence, social organization, mortuary archaeology.

Quote by the head of the laboratory: Our achievements impress simply because the project has commenced in the end of May 2018. It is very pleasant to realize that all the goals that we had set were reached during the first year. This is really commendable as the team had had only 7 months to work!

Scientific recognition
Awards and achievements:

2019 - Honorary Professor of Irkutsk University (Russia).

2015–2019 - A*MIDEX Foundation, Endowed Research Chair (Aix-Marseille Université, France).

2015 - Visiting Professor, Ainu Centre for Indigenous Research (Hokkaido University, Japan).

2014 - Nomination for the Partnership Award (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada).

2013 - Nomination for Fellowship of the Royal Society of Canada.

2013 - Research Award in the rank of Full Professor, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta (one award per each rank)

1990–2013 - Research Associate (Canadian Circumpolar Institute, University of Alberta, Canada).

2012 - Keynote Speaker: Weber A.W. "Holocene Hunter–gatherers of Cis-Baikal (Siberia): A paradigm shift from unilinear to variational evolution" (The 39th Annual Conference of the Alaska Anthropological Association, Seattle, USA, February 29 – March 3, 2012).

2011 - Invitation from Canada Foundation of Innovation to submit equipment grant application to the Leaders Opportunity Fund.

2010 - Keynote Speaker: Weber A.W. (with contribution from D. White) "Baikal Hunter–gatherer Archaeology" (International Workshop Bridging Eurasia: Environmental and Human Dynamics in Southern Siberia", Berlin,Germany, April 28 – May 02, 2010).

2008 - Weber A.W. "Baikal Archaeology Project Today and Tomorrow" (Keynote address presented at the "Hunter–gatherer Archaeology of the Northern Pacific", Sapporo, Japan, 10–12 January, 2009).

2000–2002 - Teaching Honours Roll (Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Canada). 

1984 - President Award for Excellence in Research (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland).

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