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Year of birth
Academic degree
Doctor of Science

Head of a division at the Department of Landscape Gardening (South Korea)

General information

Leading scientist's research interests:

• Scalable manufacturing of biomass and secondary metabolites of medicinal plants using bioreactor technologies

• Reproduction of ornamental, rare and extinct plants using in vitro culture and bioreactor technologies

• Study of mechanisms of secondary metabolism in plants

• Producing high-quality plant material in hydroponic culture

• Morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of in vitro cultivated plants in the process of acclimatization

• Physiology of flowering of ornamental plants

Scientific recognition

Awards and achievements:

2011 - «Best Scientist of Korea» Prize from the president of South Korea for high achievements in scientific activities.

2004 – Prize «For academic achievements» from the Korean Society for Plant Biotechnology for high achievements in research and development of biotechnologies.

2003 – Award «Best contribution to development of advanced agricultural technologies» from the Daesan Agriculture Foundation for development of advanced agriculture technologies (South Korea).

1985 – Prize «For scientific achievements» of the Korean Science of the Korean Society for Gardening Studies for high achievements in the field of development of applied technologies for ornamental plants

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Other laboratories and scientists
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Time span of the project
Functional Quantum Materials Laboratory

National University of Science and Technology MISIS - (NUST MISIS)



Klingeler Rudiger


Laboratory of the Spin Physics of Two-Dimensional Materials

Р.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS - (LPI)



Yakovlev Dmitriy Robertovich



Laboratory for Microwave Photonics and Magnonics named after B. A. Kalinikos

Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» - (ETU LETI)


St. Petersburg

Kostylev Mikhail Pavlovich

Australia, Russia
