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Infrared metrology based on quantum interferometry

Contract number
Time span of the project
Host organization
Laboratory «Quantum engineering of light»
South Ural State University (national research university) - (SUSU)
Goals and objectives

Goals of project:

Overcoming the limitations of traditional infrared (IR) spectroscopy methods (such as the high background noise of IR detectors, the need for their cryogenic cooling to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, low sensitivity, and high cost) through the technology of quantum interferometry.

Project objective: 

  1. Perform calculations of the design (shape and orientation) and regimes of generation of spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) photon pairs in novel nonlinear crystals that include lithium (Li) or silver (Ag) compounds.
  2. Assemble and fine-tune an experimental setup for observing SPDC generation over a wide range of wavelengths (from 600 nm to 10 000 nm).
  3. Develop variations of the design for a quantum IR microscopy system. 
  4. Assemble an experimental setup for quantum IR microscopy.
  5. Develop and implement quantum IR microscopy technology in fingerprint mid-IR spectrum range.

The practical value of the study

Planned project results:

  1. Results on the calculation of the design and characteristics of novel nonlinear crystals for the observation of SPDC photon pair generation.
  2. Results from experiments observing different regimes of SPDC generation in novel nonlinear crystals.
  3. Development and implementation of quantum microscopy/interferometry technology in the fingerprint mid-IR spectrum range.

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