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Site Search Results
Found 16 results
Historical and Archaeological Laboratory For the Advanced Study of the Byzantine Black Sea
Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU) History and archaeology 2022-2024 075-15-2022-1130 2022
Laboratory for Geoarchaeology of Baikal Siberia
Irkutsk State University - (ISU) History and archaeology 2018-2022 074-02-2018-334 075-15-2019-866 075-15-2021-631 2018
Laboratory for Western European and Mediterranean Historical Studies
State Academic University for the humanities - (GAUGN) History and archaeology 2018-2020 14.Z50.31.0045 2018
Laboratory for Architectural Archaeology and the Inter-disciplinary Study of Architectural Monuments
The Institute of Archaeology of the RAS - (IA RAS) History and archaeology 2021-2023 075-15-2021-576 2021
Laboratory for the Interdisciplinary Research of Archaeology of Western Siberia and Altai
Altai state University - (AltSU) History and archaeology 2014-2018 14.Z50.31.0010 2014
Laboratory for Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology
Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the RAS - (IMBT SB RAS) History and archaeology 2017-2021 14.W03.31.0016 2017
Menu Michel Alexandre
1953 Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: applied physics, fundamental research in physics, analytical chemistry, art history, archaeology, heritage studies. Awards and achievements: 2004 – now — Co-chair of symposiums on cultural heritage and conferences organised by the EMRS (European Materials Research Society, France). 1999 – 2011 — Chief editor of «‎Technè» ...
Laboratory «Byzantine Crimea»
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University - (Vernadsky CFU) History and archaeology 2022-2024 075-15-2022-1119 2022
Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research
Tomsk State University - (TSU) History and archaeology 2013-2017 14.B25.31.0009 2013
Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Research in Oriental Studies
Kalmyk Scientific Center of the RAS - (KalmSC RAS) History and archaeology 2019-2021 075-15-2019-1879 2019
Laboratory for Editionary Archaeographics
Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin - (UrFU) History and archaeology 2013-2017 14.A12.31.0004 2013
Laboratory for the Inter-disciplinary Study of Space
Tyumen State University - (UTMN) History and archaeology 2021-2023 075-15-2021-611 2021
Kazanskiy Mikhail Mikhailovich
1953 Doctor of Science in History h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: history, archaeology. Lead research fellow of the French National Center for Scientific Research (France)
Derevianko Anatoly Panteleyevich
1943 Doctor of Historical Sciences h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: Problem of initial population of Northern, Central and Eastern Asia by humans, problem of interaction of the human and the environment, reconstruction of primordial, ancient and medieval history of Siberia and Far East Quote by the head of the laboratory: Archaeology is a symbiosis of various sciences. Only at the level of integration of data of archaeology and various natural science disciplines it is possible to determine the main laws of interaction between the nature and the society in the ancient ...
Redin Dmitriy Alexeyevich
1966 Doctor of Historical Sciences h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: Sociopolitical and economical history, history of law and state governance in the 17th – 18th centuries., history of bureaucracy, historical ... ... Ministry of General and Provessional Education of Sverdlovsk Oblast (Russia). Interim director of the Institute of History and Archaeology of the Ural Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia) Professor of the Department of History of Russia,...
Kradin Nikolay Nikolayevich
1962 Doctor of Historical Sciences h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: Nomads of Eurasia, social archaeology, world-system approach Quote by the head of the laboratory: Our main goal is to obtain new sources that will allow ... ... activities of ancient populations using modern methods of natural science methods. For example. from soot deposit on walls of vessels and analysis of stable isotopes there is a change to determine food rations, archaeobotanical and palynological research helps ...