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Found 47 results
Kazarian Sergei Gurgenovich
... molecular interactions and applied spectroscopy including innovative research of hydrogen bonds in supercritical fluids and discovery of new hydrogen bonds. Awards and achievements: 2019 — Lecturer of the Year award from Imperial College London (United Kingdom). 2018 — Elected editor-in-chief of the «Applied Spectroscopy» journal (USA). 2016 – Presidential award for an outstanding research team, Imperial College London (United Kingdom). 2015 – Sir George Stokes Award, of the Royal Society of ...
Schröder Martin
... Quote by the head of the laboratory: Don't be shy of your success Awards and achievements: 2016 – member of the European Academy of Sciences (European Union). 2008 – award from the Royal Society of Chemistry in noble metals and their compounds (United Kingdom). 2005 – honorary doctor of the Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia). 2003 – award from the Royal Society of Chemistry in transition metals (United Kingdom). 2003, 2008 – award from the Royal Society of Chemistry (United Kingdom). ...
Kovas Yulia Vladimirovna
... propagation of genetic knowledge, in development of legal and ethical aspects of utilization of genetic information by the society. Awards and achievements: 2018 – Invited speaker at the First Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference (United Kingdom). 2013 – Janet Taylor Spence Award of the Association for Psychological Science (United Kingdom). 2012 – Wiley Prize of the British Academy (United Kingdom). Professor, director of the International Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Investigations ...
Skolnick Maurice
... fabrication methods. This is organized very well at our Laboratory. Awards and achievements: 2015 – International Quantum Devices Award. 2011 – Elected foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2009 – Elected Fellow of the Royal Society (United Kingdom). 2002 – Mott Medal and Prize of the Institute of Physics (United Kingdom). Professor at the University of SHeffield (United Kingdom) Research professor at the Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics ...
Laptev Ari
... the head of the laboratory: Finally ideas of complex geometry have started working at a completely new level in research in algebra of polynomials and theory of algebraic functions. Awards and achievements: 2011 – Wolfson Research Merit Award (United Kingdom). 2007 – Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Sweden). Director of Institut Mittag-Leffler (Sweden) Professor of Imperial College London (United Kingdom)
Falkovich Gregory
... scientist's research interests: physics Awards and achievements: 2014, 2018 – professor scholarship, Simons Foundation (USA). 2009 – Outstanding Referee Prize from the American Physical Society. 2007-2008 - Leverhulme professor scholarship (United Kingdom) 2005 – Elected Fellow of the Institute of Physics, London 1996 – Levinson Prize in Physics, Weizmann Institute (Israel) 1995 – Alhadef Research Award (United Kingdom) 1992 – Guastalla Fellowship, Rashi Foundation (France) Professor ...
Singh Prim
..., both thanks to the existing infrastructure and to presence of researchers possessing the necessary competences. Awards and achievements: 1986 – Scholarship of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council of the Government of the United Kingdom. 1984 – Tutor Scholarship, Cambridge University (United Kingdom). Head of the Laboratory of Epigenetics at the Novosibirsk State University (Russia)
Lednev Igor Konstantinovich
..., biochemistry, analytical chemistry, biological chemistry, forensic medicine, biomedical diagnostics. Awards and achievements: 2018 — Gold Medal by the Society for Applied Spectroscopy (USA). 2018 — Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (United Kingdom). 2017 — Visiting professor at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany). 2015 — Rector's award for Success in Education and Creative Activities. 2014 — Member of the Society of Applied Spectroscopy (USA). 2014 — Chancellor's award ...
Martin Seamus
... (apoptosis), interleukins, psoriasis Quote by the head of the laboratory: For science it is easier to find remedies than answers. Awards and achievements: 2015 – Boyle Medal (Ireland). 2006 – GlaxoSmithKline Award of the Biochemical Society (United Kingdom). 2006 – Royal Irish Academy. 2005 – BA Charles Darwin Award (United Kingdom). Smurfit Professor of Medical Genetics at Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) Editor-in-chief of the The FEBS Journal (Wiley publishing house) President of the ...
Barakos George
1968 Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences professor at the University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: Computational (CFD) modeling in the field of helicopter aerodynamics Quote by the head of the laboratory: Works of members of the academic staff of the Laboratory have been published in leading ...
Gunko Yuriy Kuzmich
... agents, in photocatalysis, sensors and optoelectronics. Awards and achievements: 2011 – Ikerbasque Research Professor Award (Spain). 2008 – Enterprise Ireland Commercialisation Award (Ireland). 2007 – Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (United Kingdom). 2005 – Fellow of Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). 1995 – Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (Germany). 1993 – Royal Society Postdoctoral Award (United Kingdom). Professor at Trinity College Dublin (Ireland).
Kumacheva Eugenia Eduardovna
... effects in polymerized and phase-separating polymeric fluids. Applications of such effects for morphology of coatings and films in the paint and coatings industry. Awards and achievements: 2019- De Gennes Prize of the Royal Society of Chemistry (United Kingdom) 2017- Chemical Institute of Canada Medal (Canada) 2012- Humboldt Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany) 2012- «Inventor of the Year» from the University of Toronto (Canada) 2009- L'Oréal-UNESCO Women in Science Prize ...
Fotiadi Andrey Alexandrovich
... laboratory: I am experiencing the third new «birth» of the Brillouin topic. Possibly, it is exactly Brillouin lasers that will become the main element of radiophoton technologies. Awards and achievements: 2018-2020 - Leverhulme Trust Professorship (United Kingdom) 1998 – Invited researcher at Imperial College London (United Kingdom). 1995-1996 – Invited research fellow at the Institute of Optics (France). 1995 – Invited research fellow at the Institute of Electron Structure and Lasers (Greece). – ...
Wong Ming Hung
... focus on food waste for growing safe and high-quality fish breeding). Awards and achievements: 2019 - Silver Medal of Salon International des Inventions (Geneva, Switzerland). 2018 - Fellow of the Society of Environmental Geochemistry and Health (United Kingdom). 2016 - Milton Gordon Award for Excellence in Phytoremediation (International Phytotechnology Society). 2014 - Advisor/Research Chair Professor in Environmental Science of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. 2000 - Visiting ...
Kvashnina Kristina Olegovna
... database of outstanding female scientists «‎AcademiaNet» (Switzerland). 2021 — included in Топ-10 of strong female scientists by «‎Forbes Russia». 2020 — Editor-in-chief of the «‎Journal of Synchrotron Radiation» (published by IUCr), (United Kingdom). 2020 — Member of the committee for selection of applications for the use of the P01 line of the «‎Petra III» synchrotron (Germany). 2020 — Member of the consulting committee for the construction of X-ray spectroscopy stations at the ...
10 contest
... and 17 scientific organizations. Applications came from 36 countries. Among foreign applicants, most come from European Union countries (29 applications), China PR (13 applications), India (8 applications), the USA (7 applications) as well as from the United Kingdom (6 applications). Researchers from Yemen, Laos, Nigeria and South Africa entered the competition for the first time. The grant council selected 8 research projects that will be implemented in Russian universities and scientific organizations under ...
Utyuzhnikov Sergey Vladimirovich
... a capability to factor in real physical effects in a wide range of movement modes of hypersound spacecraft. Awards and achievements: 2007–2019 – Co-chair of the annual International Conference of Applied and Engineering Mathematics in London (United Kingdom). 2017 – Member of the Academic Council of the Fiztekh-school of applied mathematics and informatics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. - Member of editorial boards of journals: «Cogent Mathematics and Statistics», «Aeronautics ...
Fridman Emilia Moiseevna
... IFAC Council. Prof. Fridman has been a visiting professor at the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (Germany), INRIA (France), École Centrale de Lille (France), Valenciennes University (France), the University of Leicester (United Kingdom), University of Kent (United Kingdom), CINVESTAV (Mexico), Zhejiang University (China PR), IPM (Russia), the University of Melbourne, (Australia). Chana and Heinrich Manderman Chair on System Control at Tel Aviv University (Israel) Chair of ...
Forrest Alan
... gather a powerful international team of scientists for productive research that will find their reflections in academic journals published in Russia and Europe in different languages. Awards and achievements: Member of the Royal Historical Society (United Kingdom) 2015-2017 - A special fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust to prepare the book «The death of the French Atlantic» 2011 - Fellow of the Nantes Institute for Advanced Study for the research of the history of slave trade and French Atlantic trading ...
Turaev Dmitriy Vladimirovich
... dissipative localized structures, Fermi acceleration. Awards and achievements: 2010 – Invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians (dynamic systems section). Professor at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (United Kingdom)
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