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Site Search Results
Found 124 results
Laboratory for Molecular Cancer Biology
Institute of Gene Biology RAS - (IBG RAS) Biology 2018-2020 14.W03.31.0020 2018
Integrative Structural Biology
National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute» - (Kurchatov Institute) Biology 2024-2028 075-15-2024-630 2024
Laboratory for RNA Biology and Epigenetics
Institute of Molecular Genetics of the RAS - (IMG RAS) Biology 2017-2019 14.W03.31.0007 2017
Laboratory for Systems Biology of Ageing
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University - (MSU) Biology 2017-2021 14.W03.31.0012 2017
Laboratory for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Tomsk State University - (TSU) Biology 2014-2016 14.Z50.31.0011 2014
Laboratory for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Aquatic Organisms (LEEBAO)
Far Eastern Federal University - (FEFU) Biology 2010-2014 11.G34.31.0010 2010
Russian-American Biological Chemistry Laboratory
Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the RAS - (ICBFM SB RAS) Medical biotechnologies 2013-2015 14.B25.31.0028 2013
International Associated Laboratory «Developmental Neurobiology»
Kazan Federal University - (KFU) Biology 2011-2015 11.G34.31.0075 2011
Centre for Brain Neurobiology and Neurogenetics
Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics - (IC&G SB RAS) Biology 2013-2017 14.B25.31.0033 2013
Laboratory for Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine
Novosibirsk State University - (NSU) Chemistry 2011-2013 11.G34.31.0045 2011
Schedl Paul
... interests: Study of molecular basics of gene activity regulation in various ontogenesis processes Awards and achievements: 2017 – Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – A leading specialist in molecular genetics and developmental biology; 50 years of experience in molecular biology, overall number of publications – 187, citations count – 9579. Head of the Department of Molecular biology at Princeton University (USA) Chair of the grant committee of the National Institute ...
Kurchenko Vladimir Petrovich
1947 Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor h-index: Research interests: physico-chemical biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology and biophysics, biotechnology, food science and technology. Awards and achievements: Academician of the ...
Mityushkina Tatyana Yuriyevna
1964 Candidate of Sciences in Biology h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: molecular biology, genetic engineering, synthetic biology. Senior research fellow of the Laboratory of Molecular Bases of Plant Stress Resistance of the Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic ...
Kondrashov Aleksey Simonovich
1957 Candidate of biological Sciences h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: Evolutionary biology Quote by the head of the laboratory: We have found a new species of jellyfish and called it Cyanea tsetlinii in honor of Alexander Tsetlin, the director of the ...
Laboratory for Biodiversity and the Functional Genomics of the World Ocean
A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS - (IBSS) Biology 2017-2019 14.W03.31.0015 2017
Laboratory for Genome Expression Regulation
Institute of Gene Biology RAS - (IBG RAS) Biology 2013-2017 14.B25.31.0022 2013
Laboratory for Cell Division
Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Siberian Branch of RAS- (IMCB SB RAS) Biology 2014-2016 14.Z50.31.0005 2014
Pevzner Pavel Arkadiyevich
1956 Candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences Director of the bioinformatics and systems biology of the University of California (USA) Director of the Center for Computational Mass-Spectrometry (USA) h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: Bioinformatics, computational biology, system biology Quote by the head of the laboratory: ...
Lukyanov Sergey Anatolyevich
1963 Doctor of Biological Sciences Doctor of biology, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Rector of the N. I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Russia) h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: Genetic engineering, analysis of structure ...
Mironov Alexandr Sergeyevich
1946 Doctor of Biological Sciences h-index: Scientist's research interests: molecular genetics, microbiology. Awards and achievements: 2008 — Honorary certificate from the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation (Rosnauka) . - Fellow of the American Society ...