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Site Search Results
Found 15 results
Laboratory for Cryogenic Nanoelectronics
Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev - (NNSTU) Electrical engineering electronics and information technologies 2010-2014 11.G34.31.0029 2010
Diamond-based Electronics Laboratory
Federal Research Center Institute of Applied Physics of the RAS - (IAP RAS) Electrical engineering electronics and information technologies 2013-2017 14.B25.31.0021 2013
Laboratory of Wireless Technologies
ITMO University - (ITMO) Electrical engineering electronics and information technologies 2022-2024 075-15-2022-1120 2022
Laboratory of Physics for Neuromorphic Computation Systems
MIREA - Russian Technological University - (RTU MIREA) Electrical engineering electronics and information technologies 2022-2024 075-15-2022-1131 2022
Novikov Sergey
1974 Ph.D. h-index: Leading scientist's research interests : Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information technology. Awards and achievements: 2018 - Winner of the contest for the selection of leading scientists with international work experience (Russia) Head of Laboratory
Laboratory for Stochastic Multistable Systems
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod - (UNN) Electrical engineering electronics and information technologies 2018-2022 074-02-2018-330 (2) 075-15-2019-871 (2) 075-15-2021-640 2018
Metamaterials Laboratory
Saratov Chernyshevsky State University - (SGU) Electrical engineering electronics and information technologies 2010-2014 11.G34.31.0030 2010
Laboratory for Spin-orbitronics
Far Eastern Federal University - (FEFU) Electrical engineering electronics and information technologies 2021-2023 075-15-2021-607 2021
Spin-photonics Laboratory
V. A. Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the RAS Electrical engineering electronics and information technologies 2019-2023 075-15-2019-1874 075-15-2022-1098 2019
Laboratory of Controlled Optical Nanostructures
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT) Electrical engineering electronics and information technologies 2022-2024 075-15-2022-1150 2022
Laboratory for Ultra-fast Dynamics of Ferroics
Moscow Technological University Electrical engineering electronics and information technologies 2014-2018 14.Z50.31.0034 2014
Laboratory for Advanced Nano-photonics and Quantum Materials
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT) Electrical engineering electronics and information technologies 2021-2023 075-15-2021-606 2021
Laboratory for the Design of Specialised Integrated Circuits
National Research Nuclear University Moscow Engineering Physics Institute - (MEPhI) Electrical engineering electronics and information technologies 2013-2017 14.A12.31.0002 2013
Kimel Alexey Voldemarovich
1974 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: Electronics, electrical engineering, information technologies Quote by the head of the laboratory: Intensity of information flows in the world is so high that now data storage centers that are constantly writing and rewriting data consume several per cent of electricity produced on our planet. Methods ...
Zhukov Alexey Евгеньевич
1968 Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences ... ... St. Petersburg for Outstanding Scientific Achievements in the Field of Science and Technology in the Physics and Astronomy category (2017), Popov Award of the Government of St. Petersburg for Outstanding Scientific Achievements in the Field of Electrical and Radio Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology (2010), AIXTRON Young Scientist Award (1999, 2005), "Outstanding...