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Site Search Results
Found 32 results
Kawazoe Yoshiyuki
... later. But the Institute's researchers have received opportunity to promptly get acquainted with achievements of Japanese science. Awards and achievements: 2012 – Award for contributions to the Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Science (Japan). 2007 – Prize of the Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Science (Japan). 2004 – General university research award from the IBM company (USA). 2004 – Scientific Prize for contributions to work of the Japan Institute of Metals. 2003 ...
Golberg Dmitriy Viktorovich
... stronger than the strongest steel and is lighter that the source material Awards and achievements: 2018 – Order of the National University of Science and Technology «MISiS» for merit of material science (Russia). 2017 – NIMS President Prize (Japan). 2017 – Highly Cited Researcher, Thomson Reuters (USA). 2015 – Seto Award, Japan Society for Microscopy (Japan). 2015 – Highly Cited Researcher, Thomson Reuters (USA). 2014 – Highly Cited Researcher Nomination, Thomson Reuters (USA). 2012 ...
Ueda Kenichi
... and fine scientific publications. Awards and achievements: 2012 – honorary professor of the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (China). 2011 – Medal with purple robbon for achievements in physics (Japan). 2011 – Taizan Award of the Insitute of Laser Technologies (Japan). 2010 – honorary professor of the South China University of Technology (China). 2008 – Award from the minister of education, cultuure, science and sport (Japan). 2006 – ...
Hayashizaki Yoshihide
... length cDNAs was used in the computer forecasting of the genome position (transcription unit) of genes by the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium. The data was also used by the research group of Dr. Shinya Yamanaka at Kyoto University (Japan) to create induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. In projects lead by Yoshihide Hayashizaki, original technologies have been developed (such as full-genome cDNA libraries, CAGE, GSC) with subsequent mass use. This allowed to produce the fullest description ...
Maruyama Shigenori
... head of the laboratory: "Stratigraphy of oceanic plates and accretion complex are the key to understanding Earth's history as a whole". Awards and achievements: 2017, 2002, 1998, 1995, 1978 - Special awards of the Geological Society of Japan. 2014 – Honorary member of the Geological Society of America. 2014 – Honorary member of Japan Geoscience Union. 2007-2008 - Clarivate Analytics Award for most citation in Earth sciences. 2006 – Medal with Purple Ribbon awarded by the government ...
Ono Teruo
... heavy metal that is in contact with the magnetic layer. h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: magnetism, spintronics, spin-orbutribucs, micro- and nanoelectronics. Awards and achievements: 2020 – APEX/JJAP Editorial Contribution Award (Japan Society of Applied Physics). 2019 – Best Article (Magnetics Society of Japan). 2017 – IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. 2014 – DoCoMo Mobile Science Award (Japan). 2013 – Gottfried Wagener Prize by the German Chamber of Commerce in Japan. 2012– ...
Ohtani Eiji
... h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: Experimental research of natural minerogenesis at ultra-high pressure Awards and achievements: 2017 – Urey Award of the European Association of Geochemistry 2010 – Medals of Honor with Purple Ribbon (Japan) 2008 – Honorary Professorship at the Tohoku University 2007 – Norman L. Bowen Award of The American Geophysical Union 1998 – Award of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute 1997 – Award of the Mineralogical Society of Japan Honorary ...
Maruta Kaoru
... scientist's research interests: New concepts of combustion: miicrocombustion, «flameless» combustion in the presence of microgravity Quote by the head of the laboratory: International collaboration can become a «bridge of trust» between Russia and Japan and it can lead to collaboration not only between academical but also between industrial partners of both countries. Awards and achievements: 2017 – Honorary Doctor of the Far Eastern Federal University 2015 – Award of the Ministry of Education,...
Zakharov Vyacheslav Iosifovich
... of the United States. Awards and achievements: 2012 – Honorary certificate of the Ministry of Industry and Science of Sverlovsk Oblast (Russia). 2009–2010 – Invited Professor, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo (Japan). 2000–2001 – Invited Professor, Center for Climate System Research, The University of Tokyo (Japan). 1998 – Science Technology Agency Fellow, Meteorological Research Institute (Japan). 1985 – Co-laureate of the Tomsk Regional Committee ...
Vinogradov Alexey Yuriyevich
... Award, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology (Germany). 2016 – Asian Light Materials Association Award for the best scientific work. 2014 – Award of the Work Group on Acoustic Emissions for the best scientific work 2012, 2007 – Award of the Japan Institute of Metals for the best scientific work (Japan). 2010 – Award of Int. AE Symposium, IAES-20 for the best scientific work (Japan). 2006 – Award of Int. Conf. on Ultrafine Grained Materials for the best scientific work (Germany). Leading ...
Piacentini Mauro
... diseases Quote by the head of the laboratory: The problem of molecular mechanisms of onset liver cancer is a highly relevant of the modern medicine. Awards and achievements: 2013 – Award of the International Cell Death Society. 2007 – Award of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Japan). 2006 – Descartes Prize of the European Commission. Professor of cellular biology and biological development at the University of Rome Tor Vergata
Okajima Junnosuke
... Mathematics, Earth Studies, Medicine, Agriculture and Biology, Social sciences, Informatics, Pharmacology, Toxicology ad Pharmacy, Heat engineering, Multiphase flow, Heat transfer Awards and achievements: 2017 – award for young researchers from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 2013 – award for young researchers from the Heat Transfer Society of Japan Associate professor at the Institute of Fluid Science of the Tohoku University
Shimomura Osamu
... applied research Awards and achievements: 2008 – Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery and development of a jellyfish protein. The Prize was awarded in collaboration with Roger Tsien and Martin Chalfie (Sweden). 2008 – Order of Culture (Japan). 2006, 2008 – Asahi Prize (Japan). 2005 – Emile Chamot Award (USA). 2004 – Pearse Prize, Royal Microscopical Society for the discovery of GFP (United Kingdom).
Kamenetsky Rina
... blossoming and resting in geophytes; strategies and technologies for production of ornamental and edible plants; plant biodiversity and implementation o new ornamental plants in warm regions. Awards and achievements: 2011 – Scholarship for research in Japan, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). 2010 – Biography featured in the book «Who is who in the world», 27th edition. 2004 – Robert W. Langhans Visiting Scholar of the Horticulture Faculty, Cornell University (USA). 1998 – Shemin ...
Zvyagin Andrey Vasilyevich
... Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship, The University of Western Australia, for demonstrating optical coherence tomography for fast scanning in skin cancer diagnostics (Australia). 1994 – Doctoral Candidate Research Excellence (Mombusho) Scholarship, Japan, Tokyo Institute of Technology, for theoretical and experimental research of mechanisms of formation of images in optical scanning near field microscopy (Japan). Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State ...
Weber Andrzej Witold
... achievements: 2019 - Honorary Professor of Irkutsk University (Russia). 2015–2019 - A*MIDEX Foundation, Endowed Research Chair (Aix-Marseille Université, France). 2015 - Visiting Professor, Ainu Centre for Indigenous Research (Hokkaido University, Japan). 2014 - Nomination for the Partnership Award (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada). 2013 - Nomination for Fellowship of the Royal Society of Canada. 2013 - Research Award in the rank of Full Professor, Faculty of Arts, University ...
Silberschmidt Vadim Vladimirovich
... scientific journals indexed by the Web of Science Core Collection database: 479 Number of the citations of the articles indexed by the Web of Science Core Collection database: 5189 President of Tokyo University of Science Prize (Tokyo University of Science, Japan) - 2012 Professor and Chair of Mechanics of Material Loughborough University
Kabanov Yuriy Mikhaylovich
... to conduct research in this domain independently. Awards and achievements: 2012 – Member of Academia Europaea. 2007–2010 – Member of the French National Board of Universities (France). 2004, 2003 – Daiwa professor of the Kyoto University (Japan). 2002 – Mercator professor of TU Münchenen (Germany). Professor of the University of Franche-Comté (France)
Di Carlo Aldo
... is to create cheap, flexible and highly productive solar cells that can be installed into facades of buildings and windows. Awards and achievements: 2011 – Marco Polo Award of the Kyoto Institute of Technology (awarded by the Italian embassy in Japan). 2007 – Award in nanophotonics and engineering for the best presentation at the PLMCN conference (Cuba). 2005 – Award GE Meeting Giardini di Naxos (ME) (Switzerland). Director of CNR institute for Structure of the Matter (Italy)
Gil Bernard
... mega-grant is a mega-opportunity for a fruitful collaboration on a world scale Awards and achievements: 2018 – Welker Prize by the International Symposium of Semiconductive compounds (USA). 2013 – Honorary professor at the Nagoya University (Japan). 2012 – Honorary professor at the Saint Petersburg State University (Russia). Professor at the University of Montpelier (France) Director of research, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
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