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Site Search Results
Found 109 results
Koltermann Klaus Peter
... events is the highest and evaluate probability of these events in the context of climate scenario change, assessing the danger, threats and risks and helping people to be ready for them. Awards and achievements: 2014 – Honorary Professor of the Moscow State University «for contributions to development of modern methods of geographical research and development of scientific and educational cooperation with the Moscow State University» (Russia). Head of the Natural Risk Assessment Laboratory ...
Lomakin Evgeniy Viktoroviсh
... of the Laboratory is connected with the team of young, talented and actively working employees. Awards and achievements: 2014 – Honorary professor of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Russia). 2013 – Honorary professor of the Moscow State University (Russia). Leading scientist of the «Research Laboratory for Mechanics of Prospective Construction and Fundamental Materials», Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Russia) Head of the Department of Plasticity Theory,...
Agladze Konstantin Igorevich
1955 Doctor of Biological Sciences professor, senior research fellow of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia) h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: Biophysics, self-organization processes, nonlinear dynamics Quote by the head of the laboratory: Cell reprogramming is the opening of a new Universe!...
Karpov Sergey Pavlovich
... interests: Middle Ages, medievistics, Byzantium, Blach Sea region, source studies, phaleristics, economic history. Awards and achievements: 2021 — Order of Alexander Nevsky (Russia). 2018 — First Degree Order of Saint Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow «For contributions to the promotion of traditional values in the society and in relation to the 70th anniversary of the birth» (Russian Orthodox Church, Russian Academy of Sciences). 2016 — Lomonosov award for pedagogical achievements (Russia)....
Grigoriyev Sergey Nikolaevich
... research interests: mechanical engineering, surface engineering, functional coatings, instrumental ceramics, plasma processes, durability, reliability, diagnostics, mechanical processing. Awards and achievements: 2021, 2014, 2012 — Gold medals of the Moscow International Salon of. Inventions and Innovative Technologies. «Archimedes» (Russia). 2015, 2014, 2010, 2000 — Honorary certificate from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Russia). 2014 — Award from ...
Svotina Victoria Vitalyevna
1971 h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: electric rocket engines, ballistics of low-thrust spacecraft. Awards and achievements: 2021 – Veteran of Labor of Moscow Aviation Institute (Russia). 2020 — Diploma for the best presentation at the 13 th International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in the Aerospace Industry. 2002, 2003 – «Rocket engines and space» Scholarship (Russia). 1995 ...
Spagnolo Bernardo
... Physical Society. 2005 – Fellow the European Physical Society. 1982 – Fellow the Italian Physical Society. - Member of the Presidential Council of the Italian Physical Society. He is a visiting professor at the N.N. N.I. Lobachevsky (Russia), Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (Russia), Humboldt University (Germany), M. Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems (Germany), Jagiellonian University (Poland). Member of the Editorial Board, Physical Review. Editor of Chaos, Solitons & ...
Nikolayev Yevgeniy Nikolayevich
... Yevgeniy N. Nikolayev (the United Kingdom). 2012 — Special personal issue of the «International Journal of mass spectrometry», devoted to the 65 th birthday of Yevgeniy N. Nikolayev (the Netherland). 1997 — Mead of the Government of the City of Moscow for achievements in science In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow (Russia). 1987 — Award from the Academy of Science of the Soviet Union for achievements in sciences (the USSR). Full professor, head of the Laboratory of mass-spectroscopy ...
Spokoiny Vladimir Grigoriyevich
... International Statistical Institute,. - fellow of the American Statistical Association. - fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. - member of the Bernoulli Society Professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany) Professor at the Moscow State University (Russia) Professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia) Professor at the Higher School of Economics (Russia) Chair of a research group at the Weierstrass Institute (Germany) Head of a sector at the Institute ...
Malakhov Vladimir Vasiliyevich
... in journals published by the company (Russia) 1994 – A. V. Ivanov Prize of the Saint Petersburg Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the work «Kinorhyncha» (Russia). 1993 – D. A. Sabinin Prize of the Faulty of Biology of the Moscow State University for the work «Embryonic development of Bivalvia» (Russia). 1984 – Lenin Komsomol Prize for the work «Composition, development and phylogeny of Nemathelminthes» (USSR). Head of the Department of Zoology of Marine Invertebrates ...
Goltsman Gregory Naumovich
1948 Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: physics of superconductivity, quantum optics, integrated optics. Awards and achievements: 2022 — Badge of Merit from Moscow State Pedagogical University (Russia). 2021 — Badge «Honored worker of education and enlightenment of the Russian Federation» (Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation). 2017 — The IEEE Award for Continuing and Significant Contributions ...
Advanced functional materials for digital and quantum electronics
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT) Physics 2024-2028 075-15-2024-632 2024
Laboratory for Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University - (MSU) Maths 2010-2014 11.G34.31.0005 2010
Ozheredov Ilya Aleksandrovich
1972 PhD h-index: Scientist's research interests: physical and mathematical sciences. Assistant Professor Physical Faculty Lomonosov Moscow State (Russia)
Laboratory for Combinatorial and Geometrical Structures
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT) Maths 2019-2021 075-15-2019-1926 2019
Laboratory for Functional Organic and Hybrid Polymer Systems
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University - (MSU) Material Technology 2019-2023 075-15-2019-1889 075-15-2022-1105 2019
Laboratory for Systems Biology of Ageing
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University - (MSU) Biology 2017-2021 14.W03.31.0012 2017
Laboratory for International Trends Analysis
Moscow State Institute of International Relations - (MGIMO) Politology 2018-2020 14.641.31.0002 2018
Laboratory for Nonlinear and Extreme Nanophotonics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University - (MSU) Physics 2017-2021 14.W03.31.0008 2017
Laboratory for Topological Quantum Phenomena in Superconductive Systems
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT) Physics 2014-2018 14.Y26.31.0007 2014