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Found 12 results
Bastiaanse Yvonne Roelientje Maria
1955 PhD - head of the Center for Language and Brain of the Higher School of Economics (Russia) - professor of neurolinguistics and professor of the Medical center of the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: Clinical linguistics, aphasiology, neurolinguistics Quote by the head of the laboratory: The Center for Language and Brain has received worldwide recognition as a state of the art research ...
Kaptein Robert
... well. This is why advancements aimed at increasing sensitivity of NMR are in such high demand. Awards and achievements: 2008 – Fellow of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR). 2006 – Bijvoet Medal of Utrecht University (the Netherlands). 2006 – Royal decoration: Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion (the Netherlands) 1997 – Honorary member National Magnetic Resonance Society of India. 1991 – Member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (Germany). 1989 – ...
Kharton Vladislav Vadimovich
... the ISSFIT-12 conference. 2015 – Certificate for outstanding contributions to peer reviewing, Journal of Solid State Chemistry (Elsevier, USA). 2015 – Certificate for outstanding contributions to peer reviewing, Solid State Ionics (Elsevier, the Netherlands). 2015 – Certificate for outstanding contributions in peer reviewing, Materials Letters (Elsevier, the Netherlands). 2013 – Certificate for outstanding contributions in peer reviewing, Solid State Ionics (Elsevier, the Netherlands). 2011 ...
Theodorus "Theo" Henricus Maria Rasing
... achievements: 2019 - Synergy Grant from the European Research Council. 2010 – Member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences 2009 - Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Magnetics Society. 2008 — Science and Society Award. 2008 - Spinoza Award (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research). 2007 — Award in Physics from the Netherlands' Physical Society. - Nominated for the first annual academic award in the Netherlands (Academische Jaarprijs) for the popularization of science. - Elected ...
Klapwijk Teunis Martien
... h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: nonequilibrium superconductivity. Quote by the head of the laboratory: "Focus on scientific content, ignore the rankings". Awards and achievements: 2013 – Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion for scientific and pedagogical work (Netherlands). 2012 – Kamerlingh Onnes Award for pivotal experiments in research of superconductivity qualities of superconductor-ferromagnetic nanostructures and superconductor-normal metal. 2008 ...
Hanjalic Kemal
... – Grant of the Government of the Russian Federation for state support of scientific research conducted under supervision of leading scientists in Russian higher education institutions (Russia). 2010 – Royal Award «Order of Orange-Nassau» (the Netherlands). 2009 – Honorary doctor of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France). 2007–2010 – Marie Curie Professor at the Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). 2005 – Foreign member of the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK). 2000 – ...
Kirilyuk Andrey Ivanovich
... achievements: 2013 – Award «Best Tutor of the Year» of the Pedagogical Institute of Molecular Life Sciences 1995 – Marie Curie Prize, European Union Professor of condensed matter physics of the FELIX Laboratory of the University of Nijmegen (Netherlands)
Kimel Alexey Voldemarovich
... write at least tens of times faster consuming millions of times less energy. Awards and achievements: 2017 – Radboud Science Award (Germany). 2004, 2006, 2017 – Award of the Center of Innovation Stimulation of the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands). Head of the Laboratory for Super-fast Dynamics of Ferroics
Nikolayev Yevgeniy Nikolayevich
... Spectrometry Review» journal, devoted to the 75 th birthday of Yevgeniy N. Nikolayev (the United Kingdom). 2012 — Special personal issue of the «International Journal of mass spectrometry», devoted to the 65 th birthday of Yevgeniy N. Nikolayev (the Netherland). 1997 — Mead of the Government of the City of Moscow for achievements in science In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow (Russia). 1987 — Award from the Academy of Science of the Soviet Union for achievements in sciences (the ...
Sloot Peter Maria Arnoldus
... education Professor, head of the TROIKA: Technology and Research On Information-driven Knowledge Alliance, Saint Petersburg University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics – ITMO (Russia) Professor of the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands) Professor of the Institute of Complex Systems Research, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) Senior editor of international journals Journal of Computational Science and Future Generation of Computing Systems
10 contest
... the competition for the first time. The grant council selected 8 research projects that will be implemented in Russian universities and scientific organizations under the supervision of leading scientists from Belarus, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, France, Sweden and Japan. As part of the competitive selection process in the second track, 17 applications from 13 countries were reviewed. Two young promising researchers from South Korea and Singapore will conduct their projects in Chelyabinsk ...
Bodenhausen Geoffrey
... of scientific interest: physical chemistry, magnetic resonance, chemical physics. Geoffrey Bodenhausen is a French physical chemist specializing in nuclear magnetic resonance, being highly cited in his field. He is a Corresponding member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and a Fellow of the American Physical Society, where he was elected “for his numerous contributions toward making magnetic resonance one of the most sophisticated and versatile methods available for gaining insight ...
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