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Site Search Results
Found 298 results
Laboratory for Experimental Nuclear Physics
National Research Nuclear University Moscow Engineering Physics Institute - (MEPhI) Physics 2011-2015 11.G34.31.0049 2011
Laboratory of the Spin Physics of Two-Dimensional Materials
Р.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS - (LPI) Physics 2021-2023 075-15-2021-598 2021
Laboratory for Astroparticle Physics and Gamma Astronomy
Irkutsk State University - (ISU) Physics 2013-2017 14.B25.31.0010 2013
High Energy Physics Data Analysis Laboratory
Tomsk State University - (TSU) Physics 2018-2020 074-02-2018-325 075-15-2019-870 2018
Laboratory for the Physics of Enhanced Tokamak Plasma Retention
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University - (SPbPU) Physics 2011-2013 11.G34.31.0041 2011
Ferroic Physics Laboratory
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of RAS (Ioffe Institute) Physics 2013-2017 14.B25.31.0025 2013
Laboratory for the Modelling of Plasma Phenomena in Extreme Astrophysical Objects
Federal Research Center Institute of Applied Physics of the RAS - (IAP RAS) Physics 2014-2018 14.Z50.31.0007 2014
Laboratory for Lightning Physics
Federal Research Center Institute of Applied Physics of the RAS - (IAP RAS) Earth studies and related Ecological sciences 2013-2017 14.B25.31.0023 2013
Laboratory for Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University - (MSU) Maths 2010-2014 11.G34.31.0005 2010
Laboratory of Physics for Neuromorphic Computation Systems
MIREA - Russian Technological University - (RTU MIREA) Electrical engineering electronics and information technologies 2022-2024 075-15-2022-1131 2022
Laboratory for Chemical Physics of f-elements
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University - (MSU) Chemistry 2019-2023 075-15-2019-1891 075-15-2022-1107 2019
Laboratory for Surface Physics and Catalysis
North Ossetian State University after K.L. Khetagurov - (NOSU) Chemical technologies 2019-2020 075-15-2019-1887 2019
Computational Laboratory for Underground Physical and Chemical Hydro-Geomechanics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University - (MSU) Earth studies and related Ecological sciences 2019-2023 075-15-2019-1890 075-15-2022-1106 2019
Laboratory for Cosmology and Elementary Particle Physics
Novosibirsk State University - (NSU) Space studies 2011-2015 11.G34.31.0047 2011
Biophysics of Excitable Systems Laboratory
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT) Medical biotechnologies 2010-2012 11.G34.31.0015 2010
Durability Physics and Smart Diagnostic Systems
Togliatti State University - (TSU) Mechanics and machinery 2010-2014 11.G34.31.0031 2010
Centre for Laboratory Astrophysics
Р.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS - (LPI) Space studies 2021-2023 075-15-2021-597 2021
Laboratory for the Physics and Chemistry of Combustion
Samara National Research University - (Samara University) Energy and rational natural resources usage 2017-2021 14.Y26.31.0020 2017
Laboratory of Climate and Environmental Physics
Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin - (UrFU) Earth studies and related Ecological sciences 2011-2013 11.G34.31.0064 2011
Laboratory for Planetary Boundary Layer Physics
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod - (UNN) Earth studies and related Ecological sciences 2011-2015 11.G34.31.0048 2011
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