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Found 264 results
Derevianko Anatoly Panteleyevich
... integration of data of archaeology and various natural science disciplines it is possible to determine the main laws of interaction between the nature and the society in the ancient times. Awards and achievements: 2018 – Order of Alexander Nevsky (Russia). 2017 – professor at the Altai State University (Russia). 2015 – Honorary Badge «Golden Sigma» of the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia). 2014 – Lomonosov Grand Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences ...
Zinoviyev Vasiliy Pavlovich
Doctor of Sciences in History h-index: Scientist's research interests: social sciences. Awards and achievements: 2021 – «Professor of the year» (Russian Professor Assembly, Russia). 2019 – «For valiant labor in Tomsk State University» (Russia). 2018 – «Professor of the year» (Russian Professor Assembly, nomination in Siberian Federal District, Russia). 2016 – Badge of honor «For merit in education» (Russia). ...
Neverov Alexander Nikolayevich
... scientific work in the setting of noospheric economy. Awards and achievements: Winner of the Grant Competition of the Presidential Council for the support of young Russian scientists – Doctors of Sciences MD-2018 with the project «The strategy of Russia as an economic agent in the setting of a multi-polar economic space» (2018 – 2019, project director, Russia). 2016 – the 3 rd International Research and Practice Conference «Economic Psychology: the Past, the Present and the Future» (a Russian ...
Grigoriyev Sergey Nikolaevich
... instrumental ceramics, plasma processes, durability, reliability, diagnostics, mechanical processing. Awards and achievements: 2021, 2014, 2012 — Gold medals of the Moscow International Salon of. Inventions and Innovative Technologies. «Archimedes» (Russia). 2015, 2014, 2010, 2000 — Honorary certificate from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Russia). 2014 — Award from the Government of the Russian Federation in science and technology (Russia). 2014 — Letter ...
Sadovnikov Alexandr Vladimirovich
... Mandelstam-Brillouin spectroscopy, photonic crystal, Bragg lattice, Bragg soliton, microwave oscillation generation. Awards and achievements: 2022 — Winner of a competition for master’s degree programs professors, grant competition 2022/2023 (Russia). 2022 — «Young scientist» badge (Russia). 2021 — Award for high achievements in the socio-economic development of the city with induction to the Board of Honor (Russia). 2018 — Professor Vladlen S. Letokhov Medal (Russia). 2017 — Winner ...
Minkina Tatyana Mikhailovna
... interests: soil chemistry, geochemistry and biogeochemistry, monitoring and restoration of soil ecosystems. Awards and achievements: 2019 – Diploma «Scientist of the Year 2019» for achievements in academic activity (Government of Rostov Oblast, Russia). 2018, 2016 – V. V. Kovalskiy Memorial Medal for fundamental contrbution to the development of biogeochemistry (V. I. Vernadskiy Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia). 2016 – Medal ...
Rudenko Oleg Vladimirovich
... business and don't take part in «brain drain, academic schools are better, traditions are richer… Awards and achievements: 2012 – Main award of the International Academic Publishing Company «Nauka» for the book «Nonlinear waves and structures» (Russia). 2005 – Medal «For Merit to the Fatherland» (Russia). 2004 – Medal «Honorable worker of higher education» (Russia). 1998 – Award of the International Academic Publishing Company «Nauka» for the best journal publication (Russia). 1997 ...
Matveev Sergey Vladimirovich
... Chelyabinsk State University and significantly stimulated interest of young tutors and students in independent creative work and in obtaining results. Awards and achievements: 2017 - Badge "For Merit" of the Chelyabinsk State University (Russia). 2016 - Academician of RAS (Russia). 2012 – Honorary professor of the Chelyabinsk State University and the «Honorary professor» badge (Russia). 2008 – «Honorary worker of higher education of Russia» Badge. 2007 – Order «For Merit to ...
Vodopiyanov Sergey Konstantinovich
... Science) Head of the laboratory's research interests: Geometric control theory, quasiconformal analysis, Sobolev spaces, partial differential equations Awards and achievements: 2016 – Honorary certificate from the Novosibirsk State University (Russia). 2016 – Honorary certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Russia). 2016 – Honorary certificate from the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia). Director of the ...
Markovich Dmitriy Markovich
... direction in high demand in the future. Our country definitely need to transfer to a new technological order and development of new technologies in energy and transportation undoubtedly requires formation of a new scientific basis. There are areas where Russia can efficiently hold its position: nuclear energy, hydro energy, and we need to continue supporting and enhancing the scientific foundations for these areas by making the main accent to security (so that tragedies of Chernobyl and Sayano–Shushenskaya ...
Karpov Sergey Pavlovich
1948 Doctor of Science in History h-index: Research interests: Middle Ages, medievistics, Byzantium, Blach Sea region, source studies, phaleristics, economic history. Awards and achievements: 2021 — Order of Alexander Nevsky (Russia). 2018 — First Degree Order of Saint Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow «For contributions to the promotion of traditional values in the society and in relation to the 70th anniversary of the birth» (Russian Orthodox Church, Russian Academy of ...
Naumov Igor Vladimirovich
... technical and engineering sciences, mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma, experimental hydromechanics and vortex dynamics. Awards and achievements: 2022 — Member of the Expert Committee for the Presidential Program of the Russian Science Foundation (Russia). 2020 — Certificate of Merit from the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for great achievements in fundamental and applied research, fruitful research and organizational activity (Russia). 2018 — Honorary title ...
Redin Dmitriy Alexeyevich
..., historical regional studies, source studies, phenomenon of transition from the Middle Ages oto the Modern TImes. Quote by the head of the laboratory: We didn't even realize how deeply Western European novelties had penetrated the cultural life of Russia of the times of Peter the Great and subsequent periods. It influenced not only the metropolitan elite (which was predictable and evident), but also spread in broad masses of provincial elites of different levels and social statuses. Awards and ...
Kratasyuk Valentina Alexandrovna
... applications, experimental modeling of fermentative processes in hyaloplasm, molecular crowding Awards and achievements: 2021 – Medal «For contributions to the implementation of the state policy in education» (Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia). 2021 – Letter of gratitude for the development of environmental education and training for children and teenagers in Krasnoyarsk Krai (Ministry of Environment and Rational Use of Natural Resources of Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia). 2021 — Honorary ...
Lomakin Evgeniy Viktoroviсh
... are applied in innovative designs. The future of the Laboratory is connected with the team of young, talented and actively working employees. Awards and achievements: 2014 – Honorary professor of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Russia). 2013 – Honorary professor of the Moscow State University (Russia). Leading scientist of the «Research Laboratory for Mechanics of Prospective Construction and Fundamental Materials», Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Russia) ...
Zhilyaev Alexandr Petrovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Senior research fellow of the Institute of the Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia) Awards and achievements: 2015 – Honorary worker of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia). 2006 – Ramon and Cajal Foundation (Spain). 2004 – Fellowship of the National Research Center of the USA. 2000 – Scholarship of the ...
Pochinka Olga Vitalievna
1972 Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor h-index: Scientist's research interests: Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems Awards and achievements: 2022 Acknowledgement of the Higher School of Economics, Russia; 2022 Acknowledgement of the Vice-Rector of the Higher School of Economics, Russia; 2022-2025 Overhead for publications making a special contribution to the international scientific reputation of the Higher School of Economics, Russia; 2017- 2022 ...
Kopiev Viktor Felixovich
... everything to support young scientists and university science at the highest level. Awards and achievements: 2018 - Prize named after academician G.I. Petrova аor outstanding work in the field of the theory of hydrodynamic stability and turbulence (Russia). 2016 - Honorary Badge of the Union of Aircraft Manufacturers of Russia (Russia). 2008 - MAIK / Science Prize for the best publication in RAS journals (Russia). 2006 - Prize named after academician L.I. Sedov and the Gold Medal for outstanding ...
Baranov Denis Grigoryevich
... of Physical and Mathematical Sciences h-index: Research interests: Physics. Awards and achievements: 2022 - OSA certificate for dedication to quality scientific peer-review (USA). 2020 - recipient of the Russian Federation President grant award (Russia). 2019 - OSA certificate for dedication to quality scientific peer-review (Russia). 2014 - Dynasty foundation scholarship for PhD students (Russia). 2013 - Dynasty foundation scholarship for students (Russia). Lead researcher
Zheltikov Alexey Mikhaylovich
... infrastructure we have been forming a unique scientific environment for raising highly qualified Russian scientific professionals". Awards and achievements: 2015 – Prize and medal named after V.V. Kurchatov «For scientific achievements» (Russia). 2010 – Medal of the Nobel Prize winner W. Lemb for achievements in laser physics and quantum optics «For pioneering contributions to optics of super-short laser pulses in photon-crystal fibers» (USA). 2003 – Award of the «Nauka» publishing ...
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