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Site Search Results
Found 17 results
Research Institute of Space Studies, Technologies, Systems and Processes
National Research University Higher School of Economics - (HSE University) Space studies 2011-2013 11.G34.31.0060 2011
Laboratory for the Inter-disciplinary Study of Space
Tyumen State University - (UTMN) History and archaeology 2021-2023 075-15-2021-611 2021
Space Flight Mechanics Laboratory
Moscow Aviation Institute - (MAI) Space studies 2019-2021 075-15-2019-1894 2019
Research and Development of Space High-impulse High-frequency Plasmadynamic Electric Rocket Thrusters
Moscow Aviation Institute - (MAI) Space studies 2010-2014 11.G34.31.0022 2010
Infrared metrology based on quantum interferometry
2024 075-15-2024-634 Space studies 2024-2025
Laboratory for Research of Stars with Exoplanets
Institute of Astronomy, RAS - (INASAN) Space studies 2019-2023 075-15-2019-1875 075-15-2022-1109 2019
Laboratory for High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of Planetary Atmospheres
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT) Space studies 2011-2015 11.G34.31.0074 2011
Extreme Universe Laboratory
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University - (MSU) Space studies 2011-2013 11.G34.31.0076 2011
Complex Laboratory for the Research of Extraterrestrial Territories
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography - (MIIGAiK) Space studies 2010-2012 11.G34.31.0021 2010
Laboratory for Cosmology and Elementary Particle Physics
Novosibirsk State University - (NSU) Space studies 2011-2015 11.G34.31.0047 2011
Centre for Laboratory Astrophysics
Р.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS - (LPI) Space studies 2021-2023 075-15-2021-597 2021
Laboratory for Astrophysics of Objects with Extreme Energy Release
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University - (SPbPU) Space studies 2010-2012 11.G34.31.0001 2010
Fundamental and Applied X-ray Astrophysics
Space Research Institute of the RAS - (IKI RAS) Space studies 2018-2022 14.W03.31.0021 075-15-2021-618 2018
Laboratory for the Atmospheres of Planets of the Earth group and Earth-like Exoplanets
Space Research Institute of the RAS - (IKI RAS) Space studies 2017-2019 14.W03.31.0017 2017
Bassin Mark
... PhD Mark Bassin's research is devoted to the intellectual history in Eastern and Central Europe, primarily in Russia and Germany. h-index: Leading scientist's research interests: historical geography, history of ideas, history of Russia, identity, space. Awards and achievements: 2017 — Reginald Zelnik Book Prize in History (Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, USA). 1995 — Chester Penn Higby Prize ( American Historical Association). Professor at Södertörn University (Sweden)
Price Colin Gregory
... Leading scientist's research interests: Physics of the atmosphere, lightning, climate change, El Niño, atmospheric electricity, extreme weather, impact on the atmosphere Awards and achievements: 2018 – Head o the Center for Nano-Satellites and New Space (Israel). 2017 – Head of the Center for Innovation in Transportation of the Tel Aviv University (Israel). 2016 – Elected to the Council of Executives of the Tel Aviv University (Israel). 2015 – Elected to the Senate of the Tel Aviv University ...