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Laboratory No. 1 for Physical and Numerical Modelling of Aerodynamics, Flight Dynamics and Durability of Helicopters

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As of 01.11.2022

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General information

Name of the project: Computational and experimental aerohydromechanics, aerodynammics and aeroacoustics of helicopters

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Mathematics and mechanics

Project objective: Development of instrumental means and methods of physical and numerical modeling in problems of designing aerodynamic layout of helicopters

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  1. The Laboratory has created a complex of measurement and computation tools and methodologies for conducting the experiment and a mathematical modeling  in the  aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of helicopters, a database of results of experimental and numerical modeling.
  2. We have created a database of construction elements of designs of helicopter fuselages for the purpose of assessing their impact on helicopter aerodynamics and verifying numerical moldering methods.
  3. Our researchers have created designs for a number of commercially manufactured light aircraft and drones.
  4. Using the genetic algorithm, we have developed a methodology for optimizing helicopter fuselages for the purpose of decreasing the aerodynamic resistance.
  5. We have developed a methodology for researching the influence of the shape of the tip of a rotor blade on the aeroacoustic characteristics of the main rotor of a helicopter in the near and far field.
  6. A methodology has been developed for determining load distributions across the surfaces of the disk of the active rotor for horizontal flight.
  7. We have proposed a modification of a criterion for determining of the position of the core of the rotor blade tip vortex with the use of the results of a numerical and physical modeling. 

Implemented results of research:

  • For the «Russian Helicopters» holding company we have analyzed the modern state and  prospects of the development of structural elements of designs of helicopters and on-board radio-electronic equipment.
  • We have proposed design solutions for  the optimization of the shape of the fuselage of the «Ansat» helicopter («Russian Helicopters» OJSC) for the purpose of improving its flight quality, technological and economic indicators.
  • In collaboration with the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute — TsAGI we have conducted a research to measure the shape of the cargo compartment of the Mi-8 helicopter type to improve the aerodynamic characteristics of the helicopter. We conducted research to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics of a convertoplane that is taking off veritably. 
Education and career development:

  • For the Kazan National Research Technical University we have developed and are currently delivering lectures in the disciplines «Mathematical modeling and computational methods in aeromechanics», «Numerical methods of sovling problems in aerodynamics», «Design of helicopters», «Design of components of helicopters».
  • We have published the study guides: «Aerodynamics: a study guides» / Alexandr N. Kusyumov, Andrey V. Ivanov, Yelena V. Romanova. – Kazan: Publishing house of the Kazan State Technical University, 2013. 160 p.; «Computing the polar of a single-panel wing with mechanization»: a study guide for the course «Aerodynamics»/ Alexandr N. Kusyumov, Sergey A. Kusyumov, Sergey A. Mikhailov, Yelena V. Romanova. – Kazan: Publishing house of the Kazan National Research Technical University, 2022. – 52 p.
  • The Laboratory has published the monograph: Vadim A. Ligay; Sergey A. Mikhailov; Alexandr N. Kusyumov «Analysis of the current level of the international development of helicopter technologies»: Monograph. Kazan: Publishing house of the Kazan National Research Technical University, 2017. – 704 p.
  • Four young researchers have completed internships at the University of Liverpool (United Kingdom).
  • Thee Candidate of Engineering Sciences dissertations have been prepared and defended.
  • The Laboratory conducted the scientific conferences «New technologies, materials and equipment of Russian aerospace industry» (8–10 August 2018), «Problems in the modeling of the dynamics of complex interdisciplinary systems»; the thematic session «Modern fundamental and applied problems in mechanical engineering: Methods, models, applications in aviation and aeronautics» (2017); the 11th International Chetaev Conference «Analytical mechanics, stability and control» (2017); the International Youth Scientific Conference «23rd Tupolev Readings (young scientists’ school)» (8-10 November 2017); the International Research and Practice Conference «Problems and prospects of the development of aviation, land transport and power engineering» (2015). 


  • Nanjing University (China PR): a joint laboratory has been created for the research of helicopter aerodynamics, a Russian-Chinese helicopter forum has been conducted.
  • Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia): an agreement on collaboration.

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степанов р.п, кусюмов а.н., баракос дж.
О локализации ядра концевого вихря крыла // Известия высших учебных заведений. Авиационная техника, № 1, с. 131–136, 2022.
zhang, t., qiao, g., smith, d.a., barakos, g.n., kusyumov, a.
Parametric study of aerodynamic performance of equivalent ducted/un-ducted rotors//Aerospace Science and Technology, 117, 106984, 2021.
barakos, g.n., fitzgibbon, t., kusyumov, a.n., kusyumov, s.a., mikhailov, s.a.
CFD simulation of helicopter rotor flow based on unsteady actuator disk model, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 33(9), pp. 2313–2328. 2020.
chen, x., zhao, q., barakos, g.n., kusyumov, a.
Numerical analysis of rotor aero-acoustic characteristics for ice detection/International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 18(6-7), pp. 596–620, 2019.
batrakov a.s., kusyumov a.n., mikhailov s.a., barakos g.n.
Aerodynamic Optimization of Helicopter Rear Fuselage. Aerospace Science and Technology Volume 77, Pages 704–712, 2018.
диизи ф., баракос дж., кусюмов а.н., кусюмов с.а., михайлов с.а.
DES-моделирование обтекания несущего винта вертолета//Авиационная техника, № 1, 2018, стр. 40–46.
stepanov r., pakhov v., bozhenko a., batrakov a., garipova l., kusyumov a., mikhailov s., barakos g.
Experimental and numerical study of rotor aeroacoustics // International Journal of Aeroacoustics. 2017. Vol. 16. №6. P. 460–475.
stepanov r., zherekhov v., pakhov v., mikhailov s., garipov a., yakubov w., barakos n.
Experimental Study of Helicopter Fuselage Drag // Journal of Aircraft. 2016. Vol. 53. № 5. P. 1–18.
batrakov a., garipova l., kusyumov a., mikhailov s., barakos g.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Helicopter Fuselage Drag // Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 52, No. 5, 2015, pp. 1634–1643.
valiev m., stepanov r., pakhov v., salakhov m., zherekhov v., barakos g.n.
Analytical and experimental study of the integral aerodynamic characteristics of low-speed wind turbines // The Aeronautical Journal. 2014. Vol. 118, №1209. P. 1229–1244.
Other laboratories and scientists
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