As of 01.11.2022
Name of the project: Computational and experimental aerohydromechanics, aerodynammics and aeroacoustics of helicopters
Research directions: Mathematics and mechanics
Project objective: Development of instrumental means and methods of physical and numerical modeling in problems of designing aerodynamic layout of helicopters
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Лаборатория инновационных технологий и механики разрушения |
Mechanics and machinery |
St. Petersburg |
Кашаев Николай Сергеевич
Russia |
2024-2028 |
Laboratory «Dynamics and extreme characteristics of advanced nanostructured materials»
Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU) |
Mechanics and machinery |
St. Petersburg |
Li Baoqiang
China |
2022-2024 |
Laboratory for Digitalisation, Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Mechanical Systems, Networks and Environments
Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the RAS |
Mechanics and machinery |
St. Petersburg |
Fridman Emilia Moiseevna
Israel, Russia Plotnikov Sergey AlexandrovichRussia |
2021-2023 |