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Laboratory for Cosmology and Elementary Particle Physics

Contract number
Time span of the project

As of 30.01.2020

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information

Name of the project: Research of invisible energy, invisible matter and search of cosmologic antimatter using telescopes and detectors of elementary particles

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: б

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Cosmology, astrophysics, gravity theory, dark matter, dark energy

Project objective: Developing new experimental methods of searching for dark matter by developing two-phase cryogenic laser detectors

The practical value of the study

  • We have created a prototype of maximum sensitivity detector for direct registration of dark matter particles, remote diagnostics of nuclear reactors and positron tomography.
  • Our researchers have developed a new method for changing fundamental cosmological Hubble parameter.
  • We have built a theory of generation of significant amount of antimatter in the University that corresponds to existing observable limitation.
  • We have found a series of effects in theories of modified gravity that can be checked in future observations(birth of high energy cosmic rays, formation of large-scale of the University, anti-gravity of finite-dimensional object).
  • Our researchers have studied.   manifestations of massive and supermassive black holes in formation of globular clusters and galaxies as well as sources of gravity waves registered by LIGO and Virgo interferometers.

Implemented results of research: We have developed a technology of two-phase detectors with multipliers based on GEM and SiPM matrices that finds its application in detectors to find dark matter and remote monitoring of nuclear reactors.

Education and career development:

  • 1 doctoral dissertation, 1 candidate dissertation have been defended. 5 candidate dissertations are currently being prepared.
  • We have developed new direction in the curriculum of the Novosibirsk State University: astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology.
  • Lectures have been delivered at the Specialized Research and Education Center of the Novosibirsk State University and the Novosibirsk Planetatium.

Other results:

  • We have conducted an international conference in cosmology «Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Their Detection» (22-26 July 2013).
  • The laboratory has created an interdisciplinary scientific center of elementary particle physics and astrophysics at the Faculty of Physics of the Novosibirsk State University with support from the G.I. Boudker Institute of Nuclear Physics.
  • The Laboratory of Cosmology and Elementary Particle Physics of the Novosibirsk State University has been included into the Dark Side international collaboration working in the Gran Sasso cave.


  • DarkSide-20k (Italy): conducting an experiment to search for dark matter using two-face argon detector
  • RD51 (Switzerland): collaboration in developing new detectors for astrophysics and elementary particles physics based on microstructure gas detector

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Buzulutskov A.
Photon Emission and Atomic Collision Processes in Two-Phase Argon Doped with Xenon and Nitrogen. Europhysics Letters 117(3): 39002, 1–6 (2017).
Blinnikov S., Dolgov A., Porayko N.K., Postnov K.
Puzzles of GW150914 by Primordial Black Holes. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016(11): 036(1)–036(13) (2016).
Bondar A., Buzulutskov A., Dolgov A., Grebenuk A., Peleganchuk S., Porosev V., Shekhtman L., Shemyakina E., Sokolov A.
Study of Infrared Scintillations in Gaseous and Liquid Argon. Part II: Light Yield and Possible Applications. Journal of Instrumentation 7(06): P06014, 1–21 (2012).
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Centre for Laboratory Astrophysics

Р.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS - (LPI)

Space studies


Kaiser Ralf Ingo



Space Flight Mechanics Laboratory

Moscow Aviation Institute - (MAI)

Space studies


Aslanov Vladimir Stepanovich


Svotina Victoria Vitalyevna



Laboratory for Research of Stars with Exoplanets

Institute of Astronomy, RAS - (INASAN)

Space studies


Piskunov Nikolai Evgenievich

