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Contract number
Time span of the project

As of 01.11.2022

Number of staff members
scientific publications
General information

The laboratory proposes a new strategy for the solution of the problem of the emergence and evolution of complex organic molecules (COMs) in our galaxy. The strategy will envisage, on the one hand, the promotion of laboratory astrophysics to the foreground during joint research in various domains of science, including laboratory astrophysical, chemical dynamics, spectroscopy, theory, modelling and astronomical observations and, on the other hand, the building of solutions to problems from elementary reactions to complex macro-processes.

Name of the project: The origin and evolution of organic molecules in our galaxy

Goals and objectives

The main goals of the laboratory are the discovery of the paths of the formation of complex organic compounds observed in our galaxy and the application of the obtained results to understand the chemical evolution of the Solar system and to solve the mystery of how life emerged on Earth. This will be achieved by researching the mechanism of the formation of COMs comprised of С, Н, О, and N atoms in low temperature ice that enshrouds cosmic nano-particles (sand grains) in the developed state-of the-art facility «‎Cryogenic surface processes»‎ that replicates the conditions of the interstellar space. Nano-particles covered with ice play a critical role in processes of the formation of stars and solar systems, as well as serve as permanent factories of complex organic molecule generated by non-equilibrium reactions on the surface induced by cosmic radiation. Since these particles are one of the main source materials for solar systems, the discovery of the origin of complex organic molecules in them is necessary for the understanding of the fundamental processes that have created biologically relevant molecules (and their precursors) in our Solar System.

Key objectives:

  1. To design, build, and launch next-generation cryogenic surface processes;
  2. To build a unified concept of the fundamental processes of the growth of molecular mass leading to the main classes of organic compounds in extraterrestrial ice on the basis of experimental data obtained within the project;
  3. To test the mechanisms of the formation of COMs in molecular clouds and star formation regions by comparing them with results of astrochemical modelling and astronomical observations.

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  • We have proposed a new radical mechamism for forming 1- and 2-propanol, cis- and trans-propanol and cyclopropanol molecules in ice containing methane, water, methanol and carbon monoxide. The found profiles of potential energy surfaces (PES) demonstrated that the reaction pathways leading to these products contain energy barrier that can be overcome with the energy received by the reagents during interaction with space radiation.
  • Our researchers have proposed and experimentally confirmed a new, earlier unknown, path of the formation of an anthracene molecule (C14H10) through the dynamics of the excited state on a triplet surface by cycloaddition with the participation of two benzyl radicals, which is a fundamental shift in the modern paradigm of the synthesis of multi-ring structures in the gaseous phase, broadening the understanding of the origins and evolution of carbon substance in the Universe.
  • By processing data of the spectral survey of the Onsala Space Observatory radio-telescope (Sweden), with help from a developed methodology of compound spectra, we have found complex organic molecules of CH3C3N and C2H5OOCH in the W51e1/e2 star formation region, as well as CH3OH, CH3CCH, CH3CHO, CH3OCHO, NH2CHO, CH3OCH3, CH3CH2OH, HC5N and CH2CHCN in the DR21OH star formation region.

Implemented results of research: 

The complex organic molecules found by the Laboratory will set goals for the development of analytical devices for future space mission aimed for determining the composition of objects of the Solar system.

Education and career development:

  • We have conducted the 7th and 8th youth scientific schools «Modern Quantum Chemistry Methods in Applications».
  • One Candidate of Sciences dissertation has been defended.


  • University of Hawaiʻi (USA): joint experimental research.
  • Florida International University (USA): joint theoretical research.
  • S. P. Korolev Samara National Research University: joint research, student exchange, collaborative scientific events. 

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kalenskii s. v., kaiser r. i., bergman p., olofsson a. h., degtyarev k. d., & golysheva p.
Spectral-line Survey of the Region of Massive Star Formation W51e1/e2 in the 4 mm Wavelength Range. The Astrophysical Journal, 2022, 932(1), 5.
he c., goettl s.j., yang z., kaiser r.i., nikolayev a.a., azyazov v.n., & mebel a.m.
Gas-Phase Preparation of Subvalent Germanium Monoxide (GeO, X1Σ+) via Non-Adiabatic Reaction Dynamics in the Exit Channel. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2022, 13, 4589-4597.
красноухов в.с., пивоваров п.с., загидуллин м.в., азязов в.н., мебель а.м., морозов а.н.
Формирование двухкольцевых полициклических ароматических углеводородов при рекомбинации бензил и пропаргил радикалов в условиях околозвездных оболочек звезд асимптотической гигантской ветви, Астрономический журнал, том 99, № 9, с. 1–17, 2022.
yang z., he c., goettl s., kaiser r. i., azyazov v. n., & mebel a. m.
Directed Gas-Phase Formation of Aminosilylene (HSiNH2; X1A′): The Simplest Silicon Analogue of an Aminocarbene, under Single-Collision Conditions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143(35), 14227-14234.
he c., doddipatla s., yang z., goettl s. j., kaiser r. i., azyazov v.n., ... & millar t.j.
Gas-phase Synthesis of Silaformaldehyde (H2SiO) and Hydroxysilylene (HSiOH) in Outflows of Oxygen-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2021, 921(1), L7.
yang z., doddipatla s., kaiser r.i., krasnoukhov v.s., azyazov v.n., mebe a.m.
Directed Gas Phase Formation of the Elusive Silylgermylidyne Radical (H3SiGe, X2A''). ChemPhysChem, 2021, 22, 184-191.
yang z., doddipatla s., kaiser r.i., nikolayev a.a., azyazov v.n., & mebel a.m.
On the Synthesis of the Astronomically Elusive 1-Ethynyl-3-Silacyclopropenylidene (c-SiC4H2) Molecule in Circumstellar Envelopes of Carbon-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars and Its Potential Role in the Formation of the Silicon Tetracarbide Chain (SiC4). The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2021. 908(2), L40.
kaiser r., zhao l., lu w., ahmed m., krasnoukhov v.s., azyazov v.n., & mebel a.m.
Unconventional excited-state dynamics in the concerted benzyl (C7H7) radical self-reaction to anthracene (C14H10). Nature communications, 2022, 13(1), 1-8.
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Space Flight Mechanics Laboratory

Moscow Aviation Institute - (MAI)

Space studies


Aslanov Vladimir Stepanovich


Svotina Victoria Vitalyevna



Laboratory for Research of Stars with Exoplanets

Institute of Astronomy, RAS - (INASAN)

Space studies


Piskunov Nikolai Evgenievich



Fundamental and Applied X-ray Astrophysics

Space Research Institute of the RAS - (IKI RAS)

Space studies


Poutanen Juri

