As of 30.01.2020
Name of the project: Development of expression systems based on transgenic agricultural plants for producing substances for veterinary and medical applications.
Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: г
Project objective: Development of expression systems based on transgenic agricultural plants for producing substances for veterinary and medical applications, including development of a strategy of production of edible vaccines against rabies for agricultural animals; growing plants – producers of «universal» edible vaccines against bird and swine flu; production of plants that produce artemisin, an anti-malaria agent
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Research and manufacturing biotechnology complex for conducting works for the study, preservation and practical application of cultivated cells and organs of higher plants and microalgae
Timiryazev Institute of plant physiology of the RAS - (IPP RAS) |
Agricultural biotechnologies |
Moscow |
Paek Keeyoeup
Korea |
2019-2021 |
Laboratory for the Molecular Basis of Plant Stress Resistance
Shemyakin–Ovchinnikov Institute of bioorganic chemistry RAS - (IBСh RAS) |
Agricultural biotechnologies |
Pushchino |
Taliansky Mikhail Emmanuilovich
Russia, United Kingdom Mityushkina Tatyana YuriyevnaRussia |
2017-2021 |