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Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research

Contract number
Time span of the project

As of 01.11.2022

Number of staff members
scientific publications
General information

Name of the project: Human in a changing world. Problems of identity and social adaptation in the history and in modern times

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Social and anthropological research of forms and identification strategies and practices in crisis, professional, minor and other groups; problems of formation, preservation and usage of digital social and cultural heritage

Project objective: Complex interdisciplinary research of identification strategies, adaptation practices and methods of constructing identities (supranational (European), national/civil, national/ethic, regional, confessional, professional) in the public politics space and daily life in Russia and in the world conducted on the basis of anthropology, social archaeology, history, sociology and modern digital technologies

The practical value of the study
Scientific results:
  • We have studied migration policies. The following features have been found: involvement of non-governmental organizations in problems of migration control; social and political activity of Tadjik immigrant communities in Russia, EU countries and the USA; presence of problems in interactions between «traditional» and «radical» islam; formation of stereotypical, mostly negative image of labor migrants in media.
  • Our researchers have detected basic models of cultural resistance in indigenous groups in all the cases that known to us – appealing to «colonial language» to protect their own interests and adaptation of perception of both social stratification and of sacral view of the world to dominating perceptions of the state capitalist ideology. Analysis of forms and practices of cultural identification in shamanic world views allowed to: a) present a substantial proof base for existence of «shamanic» features in rituals of veneration of fire by Indo-Europeans; b) determine direct analogies between activities of preachers of the pagan religion in Indo-Europeans and practices.
  • Our researchers have conducted analysis of processes of formation and development of Russian national discourse in the imperial Russia. The analysis has shown that in 1850–1860 the «Polish problem» was dominating. In the end of the 1860s the national discourse branched out a separate question of Little Russia (before that Little Russia had been viewed as an object of struggle against polonism). We have researched phenomena of public conscience of the population of Siberia at the level of separate «minor» social groups and layers of society. This allowed to refine and broaden the vision of ideological basis of regional identity, dynamics of construction, «splashes» and «rollbacks» of «siberianity» in the the period between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century that was crucial in the history of the country.
  • We have created multimedia content for virtual and real installations that has been implemented on the basis of materials provided by the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography of Siberia named after V. M. Florinskiy, the State Hermitage Museum, the National Museum of the Republic of Tyva named after Aldan-Maadyr, as well as at the Museum and Exhibition Center named after I. S. Shemanovskiy.

Implemented results of research:

  • Produced 3D models of archaeological objects and digital archives of excavations can become a basis for multimedia exhibitions, virtual museums, it can be included into projects that use the virtual reality technology and adaptive technologies. For example, 3D movie «Spirits of Ching-Tey» created within our laboratory's mega-grant is already actively used in education.

Education and career development:

  • We have introduced 1 program for bachelors and 2 program for masters within the «Anthropology and ethnography» major, as well as about 50 education courses.
  • 8 doctoral dissertations and 17 candidate dissertations have been defended.
  • We have organized 4 summer schools devoted to migration and ethnicization of urban spaces well as to social and political research of science and technology.

Organizational and structural changes:

  • In 2015 we have licensed the «Anthropology and ethnology» major (for bachelors and masters).
  • In 2017 a department of anthropology and ethnology was created which was one of the main objectives of the project.
  • We are running 2 masters programs: «Social anthropology» and since 2017 – «Migration research».


  • Moscow State Institute of International Relations – MGIMO (Russia), Irkutsk State University (Russia), Moscow State University (Russia), European University at St Petersburg (Russia): joint scientific research, events, projects.
  • East Kazakhstan State University (Kazakhstan), Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan), American University in Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan): joint masters programs.

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Человек в меняющемся мире. Проблемы идентичности и социальной адаптации в истории и современности: Сб. науч. ст. Томск: Изд-во Том. ун-та, 2015. 296 с.
Funk D.A., Nam I.V.
Contemporary transformations of ethnology/anthropology in Russia: an invitation to further discussion // Folklore. 2017. № 4. P. 226–237.
нам е.в.
Космология и практика сибирского шаманизма / науч. ред. Д. А. Функ. Томск: Изд-во Том. ун-та, 2017. 296 с.
nevskaya i.a., tybykova l.n., vavulin m.v., zaytseva o.v., vodyasov e.v.
3D documentation of Old Turkic Altai runiform inscriptions and revised readings of the inscriptions Tuekta-V and Bichiktu-Boom-III // Turkic Languages. 2018. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 194-216.
брязгина д.е., джанызакова с.д., нам и.в., садырин а.а., сметанин ф.а.
Трудовые мигранты из Центральной Азии в сибирском городе: инфраструктура, занятость, повседневность, досуг // Демографическое обозрение. 2019. Т. 6, № 4. С. 31-52. URL: https://demreview.hse.ru/issue/view/841/DemRev_6_4_2019.
deriglazova l.v., makinen s.
Still Looking for a Partnership? EU-Russia Cooperation in the Field of Higher Education // Journal of Contemporary European Studies. 2019. Vol. 27, № 2. P. 184-195.
kluczewska k.
Knowledge Production at IOM: Looking for Local Knowledge in Tajikistan // International Organization for Migration (IOM). The New 'UN Migration Agency'. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. P. 173-193.
schenk c.
The Migrant Other: Exclusion without Nationalism? // Nationalities Papers. 2021. Vol. 49. P. 1-12.
дятлов в.и., нам и.в.
Национально-культурные организации в этнической и мигрантской инфраструктуре сибирского города (на примере Томска и Иркутска) // Идеи и идеалы. 2021. Т. 13, № 1, ч. 2. С. 283-304.
сметанин ф.а.
Религиозные лидеры как акторы производства исламских пространств Томска // Вестник археологии, антропологии и этнографии. 2022. № 2 (57). С. 180‒190.
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Historical and Archaeological Laboratory For the Advanced Study of the Byzantine Black Sea

Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)

History and archaeology


Karpov Sergey Pavlovich



Laboratory «Byzantine Crimea»

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University - (Vernadsky CFU)

History and archaeology


Kazanskiy Mikhail Mikhailovich



Laboratory for Architectural Archaeology and the Inter-disciplinary Study of Architectural Monuments

The Institute of Archaeology of the RAS - (IA RAS)

History and archaeology


Giumlia-Mair Alessandra

Switzerland, Italy

Vdovichenko Marina Viktorovna

