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Contract number
Time span of the project
Head of the laboratory

As of 30.01.2020

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information

Name of the project: Technology of lightweight materials and structures

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: а

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Development of new materials, technologies of their production and connection in structures

Project objective: Producing new light construction materials and modernization of welding technologies

The practical value of the study

  • Our researchers have designed structures made of aluminum alloys that possess increased hardness thanks to usage of structured sheets instead of traditional normal ones. Usage of structured sheets allows to reduce mass of structures while preserving necessary hardness. Such sheets higher thermal output which allows to use them in heating devices.
  • Various modes of friction stir welding have been investigated. We have produced elongated seams of sheets of aluminum alloys, joints of various materials (aluminum alloy + copper), joints of sheets having various thicknesses. Joints of aluminum alloys with copper can be successfully used in electric engineering for reducing production costs of electric elements (even though aluminum has lower conductivity than copper, it is several times cheaper).
  • We have produced the frame for a trimaran from elements of various thicknesses (AMg5 alloy) and experimentally researched its weight-carrying capacity;. The frame sustained load of up to 120 kilograms while required load according to the design assignment it should sustain 50 kilograms. It turned out that in case defect-free friction stir welding of junction nodes 1 mm + 2 mm it has durability that is not less than that of an element with thickness of 1 mm.
  • We have designed and completed all the technological stages of production of sandwich panels with aluminum foam (AFS). Such panels are lighter (they don't drown in water), have good noise cancellation and heat insulation qualities and at the same time are sufficiently hard. AFS panels can be used in construction as surface barrier structures, internal partition walls etc.
  • The Laboratory has studied various modes of additive electric-arc growing of nodes from additive alloys. The goal is achieving maximum build-up rate while preserving quality of the welding seam, producing details with more and more complex shapes. Transition to additive manufacturing allows to achieve high rate of utilization of the source material (up to 0,9). It is often the most cost-effective method of production of parts of complex shapes. The electric-arc growing method differs favorably from the laser build-up method: the main material is cheaper (welding wire instead of metallic powder) and increased build-up rate. This method is efficient or large-scale parts.

Implemented results of research: We have competed optimization of the structure of the bottom of the load-lifting mechanism for «Semargl» LLC specializing in production and maintenance of lifting and transportation equipment. Structuring and replacement of the material allowed to reduce the mass of the structure by 26 kilograms, therefore increasing the payload by 26 kilograms. Further usage of structured sheets in machinery to reduce various complex structures is possible.

Education and career development:

  • Professionals from other organizations have completed additional training and career enhancement programs at the Laboratory: 2 employees of «Khimet» LLC, 2 employees of the Saint Petersburg Architecture and Construction University, 2 employees of the Astrakhan State University.
  • One candidate dissertations, 13 master degree theses have been defended.
  • 10 members of academic staff of the Laboratory have been admitted to the postgraduate school
  • 7 members of academic staff of the Laboratory have completed additional training.
  • The following events have been organized: the seminar-opening of the Laboratory of Lightweight Structures, the seminar «Modeling processes of formation of structure and properties of lightweight alloys», two weekly scientific events devoted to Laboratory's research.
  • The Laboratory has implemented education courses: the additional training program «Mathematical modeling of plastic processing of flat aluminum alloy rolled stock; the program of academic and pedagogical staff training in the postgraduate school «Physical chemistry of nanostructured materials»; the additional professional training program «Technology of friction stir welding».

Other results: Participation in 111 conferences, 2 seminars and 2 symposiums


  • «All-Russian Research Center for Transport Technologies» LLC (Russia): expert work in determining causes of formation of cracks in welding seams
  • «Baltic Industrial Company» CJSC (Russia): industrial partner in co-funding of a wide range of research works- Technical University (Germany): internships, collaborative scientific publications, research within joint grants – ERA.NET.RUS Plus (since 2015)
  • Jiao Tong University Shanghai (China PR): internships (since 2018)

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Golubev Yu., Morozova Yu., Naumov A., Hantelmann C., Doynov N., Michailov V.
Numerical simulation and experimental investigationon impulse Friction Stir Welding of 6082-T6 aluminum alloy. Contributed Papers from Materials Science and Technology (MS&T17): 987–994 (2017).
Naumov A.A., Chernikov E.V., Isupov F.I., Panchenko O.V.
Friction stir welding of dissimilar in thickness Al-5Mg alloy butt joints. Contributed Papers from Materials Science and Technology (MS&T17): 971–977 (2017).
Golubev I.A., Chernikov E.V., Naumov A.A., Michailov V.G.
Temperature distribution and welding distortion measurements after fsw of al 6082-t6 sheets. Friction Stir Welding and Processing VIII: 289–295 (2016).
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory «Dynamics and extreme characteristics of advanced nanostructured materials»

Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)

Mechanics and machinery

St. Petersburg

Li Baoqiang



Laboratory for Digitalisation, Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Mechanical Systems, Networks and Environments

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the RAS

Mechanics and machinery

St. Petersburg

Fridman Emilia Moiseevna

Israel, Russia


Research Laboratory for the Mechanics of Bio-compatible Materials and Devices

Perm National Research Polytechnic University - (PNRPU)

Mechanics and machinery


Silberschmidt Vadim Vladimirovich

United Kingdom, Russia
