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Contract number
Time span of the project

As of 19.05.2020

Number of staff members
scientific publications
General information
Employees of the laboratory deal with such fundamental issues of the modern aero- and gas dynamics as the problems of adequate modeling of high-speed multidimensional nonstationary flows and combustion in energy generation devices. Solutions to those problems have important applications in development of high-speed transport vehicles.

Name of the project: Research and development of physical models and quantitative technologies of description of combustion modes in engines of aircraft

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: а, б

Goals and objectives

Research directions:

  • Modernisation, development and highly efficient software implementation of physical models of high-speed turbulent combustion in channels oriented towards computations within the RANS and LES approaches.

  • A Russian database of experiments in high-speed flows with combustion in channels has been created on the basis of the «fire» aerodynamic experiment (conducted in the ADT T-131 wind tunnel of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute – TsAGI).

  • Development and detailed quantitative and theoretical research of the model of engines with a resonator cavity in which combustion of fuel occurs in a rotating detonation wave.

Project objective:

Development and validation of models of various modes of combustion in jet engines as well as creation of specialised software for a cycle of aerodynamic design processes to build aircraft engines.

The practical value of the study

  • We have developed the zFlare software module for numerical modeling of 3D turbulent flows of viscous multicomponent gases with nonequilibrium combustion within the RANS and LES approaches using multiprocessor computers. The module implements new high-performance computation technologies: the fractional time step method, the law of the wall and others. The turbulent combustion models are also included among which are the newest models EPaSR and GPaSR. RANS and LES computations of high-speed flows with combustion have been compared to data from open databases and experiments conducted by the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute – TsAGI. We have achieved the world-class level of quality of experiments.
  • We have organised «fire» aerodynamics experiments using the Т‑131 high-speed facility of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute - TsAGI. The experiments were aimed at validation of the physical models and programs. We have designed and produced an experimental model with four pairs of optical windows for visualisation of the structure of the flow. During the experiment we ensured high-speed shadow video recording of the flow; visualisation of radiation of active particles in the flame region; measurement of wall temperature using thermocouples; registration of time-averaged distributions of static pressure along the walls as well as pressure pulsations measurements. A new Russian database containing results of experiments involving flows with high-speed combustion in channels.
  • We have created an «virtual experimental setup» that allows to modernise engines with a resonator and rotating detonation engine for a wide range of critical parameters. Detailed numerical computations on the «Lomonosov» supercomputer have proven the possibility of implementation of rotating detonation, controlling the direction of wave rotation and the characteristics of engines with a resonator and rotating detonation. The Laboratory has conducted a research of fuel combustion using the technology of thermochemical conversion of fuel.

Implemented results of research:

  • We have filed three patent applications and registered them on the www.rosrid.ru website («A rig for research of the work process in a direct-flow combustion chamber», «A combustion chamber of a ramjet aircraft engine», «A method of functioning of a detonation engine and a device for its implementation»).
  • A certificate of state registration of the zFlare program has been obtained.
  • 4 know-hows have been registered («A mathematical model of «catalytic» initiation of chemical reactions», «A method of computation-efficient and stable solving of nonlinear equation systems of a partially stirred reactor (PaSR) model», «A method of elimination of the effect stopping of development of a process in time in computations of turbulent flows using the SST model», «A series of techniques for stabilisation of vortex-resolving computations of flows of multicomponent gases including flows with chemical reactions»).

Education and career development:

  • Two doctoral dissertations and two candidate dissertations have been defended.
  • Two postgraduate students of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology have been recruited to the Laboratory after completing internships
  • Head of the Laboratory is the research adviser for a postgraduate student from China PR.
  • Employees of the Laboratory teach at the Faculty of Aerodynamics and Aircraft of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (courses in molecular turbulence, gas dynamics and combustion gas dynamics etc.).


  • Laboratory of Plasma Methods Ignition and Combustion Control in High Temperature Flows of the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia): an application for a Russian Science Foundation grant has been prepared to fund a joint computational and experimental research.
  • «Kintech Lab» in Skolkovo (Russia): a collaboration agreement for 2020-2021.

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Vlasenko V., Voloshchenko O., Sabelnikov V., & Talyzin V.
Choice of Geometry and Operating Regimes for Experimental Dual-Mode High-Speed Propane-Fueled Combustion Chamber. AIP Conference Proceedings 1893(1): 030071 (2017).
Vlasenko V.V., Matyash E.S., Molev S.S., Sabelnikov V.A., and Talyzin V.A.
Simulation of flow development in high-speed combustor in 2D and 3D formulations Citation. AIP Conference Proceedings 2027: 030076 (2018).
Ivankin M., Nikolaev A., Sabelnikov V., Shiryaeva A., Talyzin V., Vlasenko V.
Complex Numerical-Experimental Investigations of Combustion in Model High-Speed Combustor Ducts. Acta Astronautica. 2019. Vol.158, p.425-437. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.11.046
Ширяева А.А.
Применение модели реактора частичного перемешивания для учета взаимодействия турбулентности и горения на основе уравнений Рейнольдса // Ученые записки ЦАГИ. 2018. Т.48 №8.
Левин В. А., Мануйлович И. С., Марков В. В.
Вращающаяся волна детонации в кольцевом зазоре // Труды Математического института имени В. А. Стеклова РАН. 2018. Т. 300. С. 135–145.
Levin, V. A., Zhuravskaya, T. A.
The Methods of Control of Stabilized Detonation Location in a Supersonic Gas Flow in a Plane Channel. Combustion Science and Technology. 2018. PP.1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2018.1557641
Troshin A., Shiryaeva A., Vlasenko V., Sabelnikov V.
(2019) Large-Eddy Simulation of Helium and Argon Supersonic Jets in Supersonic Air Co-flow. In: Örlü R., Talamelli A., Peinke J., Oberlack M. (eds) Progress in Turbulence VIII. iTi 2018. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 226. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22196-6_40
Власенко В.В., Ноздрачев А.Ю., Сабельников В.А., Ширяева А.А.
Анализ механизмов стабилизации турбулентного горения по данным расчетов с применением модели реактора частичного перемешивания. Горение и взрыв. 2019. Т. 12. № 1. С. 43-57. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=37133454
Vlasenko, V. V., Sabelnikov, V. A., Molev, S. S., Voloshchenko, O. V., Ivankin, M. A., & Frolov, S. M.
Transient combustion phenomena in high-speed flows in ducts. // Shock Waves. 2020. Vol.30. P.245-261. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00193-020-00941-4
Власенко В.В., Лю В., Молев С.С., Сабельников В.А.
Влияние условий теплообмена и химической кинетики на структуру течения в модельной камере сгорания ONERA LAPCAT II. Горение и взрыв. 2020. В печати. http://ru.combex.org/conf_files/prog2020.pdf
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
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Time span of the project
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Mechanics and machinery

St. Petersburg

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Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)

Mechanics and machinery

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Laboratory for Digitalisation, Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Mechanical Systems, Networks and Environments

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the RAS

Mechanics and machinery

St. Petersburg

Fridman Emilia Moiseevna

Israel, Russia

Plotnikov Sergey Alexandrovich

