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Research Laboratory for Problems of Strength, Dynamics and Operation Life

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Head of the laboratory

As of 01.11.2022

Number of staff members
scientific publications
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General information

Name of the project: Experimental research of materials in wide range of velocities and temperatures in the setting of fields of mechanical nature

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Experimental research of materials in wide range of velocities and temperatures in the setting of fields of mechanical nature

Project objective: Determining, research, description of characteristics of materials; determining, researching and describing effects and processes in materials; assessing dynamics of strength, operation life, destruction of materials for ensuring reliability and extending operation lifespan of critical nodes and structures in hi-tech fields of economics, in nuclear power

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  1. We have conducted a model identification to describe the behavior of materials and structures in quasi-static and dynamic loading modes. We developed mathematical models and numerical methodologies for the research of the nonlinear behavior of structures and materials under conditions of thermo-power quasistatic effects. We have developed models, algorithms and programs for the research of the dynamic and quasistatic processes of deformation in alloys, materials and elements of structures made of materials with various moduli. Mathematical models, algorithms and software tools have been developed on the basis of the finite element method for the numerical modeling of corrosion cracking under strain for materials of structures under thermo-mechanical load under the impact of water media.
  2. The employees of the Laboratory have developed experimental schemes for the research of the deformation and destruction of layered composite materials under dynamic loading. Using the Ansys computation complex, we have conducted a numerical modeling of the processes of deformation and destruction of samples in the indicated schemes. We numerically substantiated of the applicability of the developed techniques for assessing speed dependencies of the characteristics of deformation and strength. On the basis of the obtained equipment for high-speed video recording of dynamic processes, we have developed a methodology for assessing the parameters of deformation of a sample under conditions of low spatial resolution. The said methodology was used for an experimental analysis and validation of the direct hit method to determine the dynamic deformation curves of viscoelastic materials.
  3. The developed schemes of dynamic testing of composite materials (carbon fiber reinforced plastic with various reinforcement schemes) on the basis of the Kolskiy method to detect the dynamic properties of composite materials. We theoretically substantiated the methodologies of dynamic testing of composites with arbitrary parameters of anisotropy and different reinforcement schemes. Our researchers have conducted dynamic tests of samples made of prospective materials and alloys, composites. We conducted numerical testing of the effect of the frequency of loading on the processes of viscoplastic deformation and accumulation of fatigue damage in construction steels.

Implementation of research results:

Experimental schemes for the research of the velocity sensitivity of the strength characteristics of layered composite materials based on carbon fiber and a polymer binding agent developed and verified by the Laboratory were used to complete works pursuant to commercial contracts with the United Engine Corporation (CIAM – Central Institute of Aviation Motors (Moscow), «UEC–Aviadvigatel» JSC (Perm), «UEC–SATURN» PJSC (Rybinsk) to determine velocity dependencies of the characteristics of strength for a number of composite materials as part of the development of PD–14, a next-generation Russian aircraft engine. On 15 December 2020, the Irkut MC–21 with Russian PD-14 engines made its maiden flight. After the flight, Anatoliy M. Bragov, chair of the Laboratory of Dynamic Testing of the Research Institute of Mechanics of Nizhniy Novgorod State University, received a letter from Alexandr A. Inozemtsev, chief designer of «UEC–Aviadvigatel», a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in which he thanked the team of the Research Institute of Mechanics of Nizhniy Novgorod State University for their participation in the PD-14 program, «for dedicated work, professionalism and devotion to the interests of the Russian aircraft industry». 

Education and retraining of personnel:

In 2019–2020, 13 employees of the Laboratory participated in the development of the master’s degree program «Supercomputer technologies in modeling in physics and engineering» in collaboration with professors from National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. The first enrollment was launched in 2021 (the program was developed with support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia as part of an initiative to support the development of higher education programs with the engagement of scientific and pedagogical staff of universities from global topical top-200 lists).

In 2018 and 2019, we modernized to working programs of training disciplines.

Under the supervision of Leonid A. Igumnov, in 2020 22 employees of the Laboratory completed advanced training in the program «Engineering analysis and supercomputer modeling», in 2019 22 employees of the Laboratory completed the program «Problems of strength, dynamics and operational life», in 2018 23 employees of the Laboratory trained in the program «Problems of strength, dynamics and  operational life».

In 2020, employees of the Laboratory completed additional training in 8 more programs at National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, in 2019 they completed 2 advanced training programs at Nizhniy Novgorod State University.

Over the course of the existence of the Laboratory:

  • In 2018 employees of the Laboratory defended 2 Doctor of Science dissertations, 1 Candidate of Science dissertations, under the supervision of employees of the Laboratory one master’s degree thesis, one specialist degree thesis have been defended, one diploma on the completion of postgraduate school was obtained, one person was admitted to the postgraduate school.
  • In 2019, employees of the Laboratory defended 2 Candidate of Sciences dissertations,   Candidate of Sciences dissertations, 4 master’s degree theses, 5 bachelor’s degree theses, 3 diplomas on the completion of postgraduate school was obtained.
  • In 2020, employees of the Laboratory defended 2 Candidate of Sciences dissertations, 1 master’s degree thesis, one person was admitted to the postgraduate school.
  • In 2022, employees of the Laboratory defended 3 Candidate of Sciences dissertations, one person was admitted to the postgraduate school.

Employees of the Laboratory actively participate in the work of the Research school «Computer and experimental mechanics» of Nizhniy Novgorod State University, in the work of dissertations boards in Nizhniy Novgorod State University, read lectures and conduct practical classes in the Institute of Information Technologies, Mathematics and Mechanics of Nizhniy Novgorod State University, supervise research works of undergraduate and postgraduate students. Under the supervision of members of our research team Candidate of Sciences.

 Infrastructure transformations:

  • The Laboratory has received a computational cluster based on SuperMicro (the computational system is 20 computing nodes, each of which consisted of two Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 eight-core processors with the x86-64 architecture working at 2,6 GHz) with 128 GB of DDR3 RAM. Operating system – CentOS 6.5 (Final), core version 2.6.32-431.
  • indicated the system’s  overall performance is 5833 GFlops.
  • Employees of the Laboratory have at their disposal the equipment of the Center for the Collective Use of Scientific Equipment «Computer and experimental mechanics» located in the Research Institute of Mechanics of Nizhniy Novgorod State University. The employees of the Laboratory directly participate in the work of the Research and Education Center «Mechanics» and the Research School «Computer and experimental mechanics». 


Employees of the Laboratory conduct joint research with employees of TU Delft (the Netherlands), International Telematic University UNINETTUNO (Italy), Research laboratories «New materials and projects for science and technology» (France), the University of Strasbourg (France), the Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics (Germany), the University of Stuttgart (Germany), TU Berlin (Germany), Cardiff University (United Kingdom), Imperial College London (United Kingdom), Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland), the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (Switzerland), Tufts University (USA), Military University of Technology (Poland). We are conducting joint scientific seminars, preparing joint publications.

At various stages of the project, the following researchers have been engaged in it:

Leading foreign researchers: Leopold Kruszka (h-index = 4);

  • Researchers – young specialists from other regions of Russia: Alexey D. Yevstufeyev (Saint Petersburg), Galina Yu. Levy (Rostov-on-Don).

As part of the completed work, we have published two joint monographs issued by the Springer publishing house in the series «Advanced Structured Materials: Dynamics, Strength of Materials and Durability in Multiscale Mechanics» edited by the leading scientist Francesco dell’Isola (Rome, Italy) and Leonid A. Igumnov (ISBN 978-3-030-53754-8); «Multiscale Solid Mechanics: Strength, Durability, and Dynamics» edited by Holm Altenbach (Berlin, Germany), Viktor A. Yeremeyev. (Gdansk, Poland) and Leonid A. Igumnov (ISBN 978-3-030-54927-5).

To successfully organize the academic work of young employees, we have engaged experienced world-renowned researchers from the Military University of Technology (Warsaw), Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg Institute of Mechanics, Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a branch of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Scientific Research Institute of System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences that set tasks for young researchers, postgraduates and master’s degree students and monitor their progress, help and suggest ways of solving the problems.

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Malikan M., Eremeyev V.A.
A new hyperbolic-polynomial higher-order elasticity theory for mechanics of thick FGM beams with imperfection in the material composition // COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 2020. Vol 249. DOI 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112486
Bragov A.M., Igumnov L.A., Konstantinov A.Y., Lomunov A.K., Rusin E.E., Eremeyev V.A.
Experimental analysis of wear resistance of compacts of fine-dispersed iron powder and tungsten monocarbide nanopowder produced by impulse pressing // WEAR. 2020. Vol 456. DOI 10.1016/j.wear.2020.203358
Chroscielewski J., dell'Isola F., Eremeyev V.A., Sabik A.
On rotational instability within the nonlinear six-parameter shell theory // INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES. 2020. Vol 196. DOI 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.04.030
Ferretti M., Gavrilov S.N., Eremeyev V.A., Luongo A.
Nonlinear planar modeling of massive taut strings travelled by a force-driven point-mass // NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 2019. Том: 97 Выпуск: 4 Стр.: 2201-2218. DOI: 10.1007/s11071-019-05117-z
Smirnov I.V., Lamzin D.A., Konstantinov A.Y., Bragov A.M., Lomunov A.K.
A unified experimental-theoretical approach to predict the critical stress characteristics of failure and yielding under quasi-static and dynamic loading // ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS. 2018. Vol 225. DOI 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2018.10.023
Bragov A.M., Balandin V.V., Igumnov L.A., Kotov V.L., Kruszka L., Lomunov A.K.
Impact and penetration of cylindrical bodies into dry and water-saturated sand // INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING. 2018. Vol 122. DOI 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2018.08.012
Mikhailova N.V. , Smirnov I.V., Balandin V.V., Balandin, V.Vl. Bragov A.M., Petrov, Yu.V.
The spall failure delay: Experimental observation and theoretical analysis// INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING, 2022, DOI 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2022.104194
Bragov A.M., Konstantinov A.Y., Lomunov A.K., M.S.Smakovsky, G.G. Savenkov, V.V. Stolyarov, A.V. Kuznetsov
Features of Dynamic Deformation and Failure of Aluminum Bronze Processed by Laser Surface Treatment// Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials,2022, vol 8, pp. 122-136, DOI 10.1007/s40870-021-00326-3
Konstantinov A.Y., Bragov A.M., Igumnov L.A., Eremeyev V.A., Balandin, V.V., Balandin, Vl.Vl//
Experimental Study and Identification of a Dynamic Deformation Model of Dry Clay at Strain Rates up to 2500 s-1// Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2022, vol.8, pp.981-995, DOI 10.22055/JACM.2022.39321.3387
Bragov A.M., Igumnov L.A., Konstantinov A.Y., Kruszka L., Lamzin D.A., Lomunov A.K.
Methodological aspects of testing brittle materials using the split Hopkinson bar technique// Strain,2021, vol. 57, e12389, , DOI10.1111/str.12389
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
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Perm National Research Polytechnic University - (PNRPU)

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