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Contract number
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Head of the laboratory

As of 01.11.2022

Number of staff members
scientific publications
General information

Name of the project: Kantian rationality and its potential in modern science, technologies and social institutions.

Goals and objectives

Project objective: To develop and apply an innovative model of Kantian rationality, as well as to justify timeliness and importance of re-assessment and development of key postulates of the Kantian doctrine possessing significant explanatory potential in respect o progress of the modern science, high technologies and modernization of social institutions

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  • Our researchers have developed a Kantian model of theoretical rationality and descried its application to the current problems of dynamics and the systematization of scientific knowledge and cognitive processes.
  • A new interpretation of Kantian pure practical reason has been created.
  • We have conducted a research of the difference between «reasonable» and «rational» in an attempt to follow Kant’s dichotomy of «pure practical» and «empirical practical» mind.
  • A critical analysis and renewal of Kant’s model for the ethical assessment of solutions has been performed.
  • We have conducted a research of Kantian duty theory in its application to current discussion between proponents of rigorism and proponents of the so-called «yappie ethics».
  • Our researchers have conducted an assessment of the potential of the applicability of Kantian practical reason to modern problems of the philosophy of law and the practice of law-making in Russia.
  • The Laboratory has conducted an analysis of the Kantian model of rational citizenship, the protection of sovereignty and the legislative mechanism of the reduction of socio-economic inequality in the context of the development of society and state.
  • Our researchers have developed a concept of resolution of religious conflicts based on the Kantian rational interpretation of religion.
  • We have built a Kantian concept of education as Bildung, i.e. as balanced personal, intellectual and moral development of a human in harmony with the Kantian theory of modernization of society the principles of the extension of rationality, the return of the idea of knowledge, the renewal of moral education, dialogical education-mentorship; a re-thinking of the concept of «critical thinking» from the Kantian standpoint and the methods of its reproduction in the education system; formulated the concept of «New education» based on the Kantian model of rationality and suggests a significant increase in erudition, the level of critical thinking, the capability to work with new information and the individual responsibility of members of society.

Education and career development:

  • The Laboratory has developed and implemented the master’s degree program «Rationality in science and society» for the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
  • Internships have been organized for employees of the Laboratory at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain).
  • We organized and staged the following events: the Laboratory“s lectorium «Kantian rationality» (a series of presentations, 2020/21, 2021/22), the international conference «Kantian rationality in the philosophy of science» (Kaliningrad, October 2020), the international conference «Kantian rationality in ethics» (Kaliningrad, May 2021), the international conference «Kantian rationality in the projection of education» (Kaliningrad, October 2021), the Laboratory’s workshop «Ideas in Kantian transcendental philosophy» (Kaliningrad, December 2021).
  • One Doctor of Sciences and two Candidate of Sciences dissertations have been prepared and defended.


  • Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain): student exchange, additional training of academic staff members.
  • Russian State Library (Russia): joint scientific events, digitalization and creation of electronic images of editions and Kant-related materials from the library’s collection.
  • Tambov State University, Moscow State University, Moscow State University (Russia), Philipps University of Marburg (Germany): joint scientific events, creating a virtual reconstruction of Immanuel Kant’s house.

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дмитриева н.а.
The Kantian Origins of Sergey Rubinstein’s Theory of Moral Improvement, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, 55.6
бэкхерст д.д.,
Human Nature, Reason and Morality, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, 55.6
бэкхерст д.д., штикер м.й.,
Kant on Education and Improvement, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, 55.6
бэкхерст д.д.
Après le déluge: Teaching and learning in the age of COVID, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, 55.4-5
загирняк м.ю.
Sociability and Education in Kant and Hessen, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, 55.6
штикер м.
Kant on Thinking for Oneself and with Others – The Ethical A Priori, Openness and Diversity, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, 55.6
корнилаев л.ю.
Kant’s Doctrine of Education and the Problem of Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, 55.6
круглов а.н.
Споры о Канте во время Великой Отечественной войны: взгляд спустя 75 лет после Победы. Ч. I и II, Вопросы философии, 2020, № 5 и № 6
зильбер а.с., луговой с.в.
Луговой С.В. Консервативный либерализм И. Канта в свете либерального консерватизма Э. Бёрка, Философский журнал, 2021, 14(3)
мер р.
Die Raum-und Zeitlehre Alois Riehls im Kontext realistischer Interpretationen von Kants transzendentalem Idealismus, Kant-Studien, 2022, 113(3): 459–486
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Centre for the Research of Indian Philosophy and Culture «‎Purushottama»‎

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia - (RUDN University)

Philosophy, ethics and religion


Bilimoria Purushottama Padmaksa Bharati

Australia, USA
