As of 01.11.2022
Number of staff members
scientific publications
Name of the project: Kantian rationality and its potential in modern science, technologies and social institutions.
Project objective: To develop and apply an innovative model of Kantian rationality, as well as to justify timeliness and importance of re-assessment and development of key postulates of the Kantian doctrine possessing significant explanatory potential in respect o progress of the modern science, high technologies and modernization of social institutions
дмитриева н.а.
The Kantian Origins of Sergey Rubinstein’s Theory of Moral Improvement, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, 55.6
бэкхерст д.д.,
Human Nature, Reason and Morality, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, 55.6
бэкхерст д.д., штикер м.й.,
Kant on Education and Improvement, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, 55.6
бэкхерст д.д.
Après le déluge: Teaching and learning in the age of COVID, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, 55.4-5
загирняк м.ю.
Sociability and Education in Kant and Hessen, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, 55.6
штикер м.
Kant on Thinking for Oneself and with Others – The Ethical A Priori, Openness and Diversity, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, 55.6
корнилаев л.ю.
Kant’s Doctrine of Education and the Problem of Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, 55.6
круглов а.н.
Споры о Канте во время Великой Отечественной войны: взгляд спустя 75 лет после Победы. Ч. I и II, Вопросы философии, 2020, № 5 и № 6
зильбер а.с., луговой с.в.
Луговой С.В. Консервативный либерализм И. Канта в свете либерального консерватизма Э. Бёрка, Философский журнал, 2021, 14(3)
мер р.
Die Raum-und Zeitlehre Alois Riehls im Kontext realistischer Interpretationen von Kants transzendentalem Idealismus, Kant-Studien, 2022, 113(3): 459–486
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Centre for the Research of Indian Philosophy and Culture «Purushottama»
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia - (RUDN University) |
Philosophy, ethics and religion |
Moscow |
Bilimoria Purushottama Padmaksa Bharati
Australia, USA |
2021-2023 |