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Centre for the Research of Indian Philosophy and Culture «‎Purushottama»‎

Contract number
Time span of the project
General information

Name of the project: Development of a next-generation methodology and intellectual foundations for the study of Indian philosophy and its relationship with other leading philosophical traditions of Eurasia

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: ж

Goals and objectives

The main objective of the research is the development of concepts and new methodological approaches that will allow to form a new outlook on Indian philosophy, to assess its principal philosophical notions and concepts taking the changes in the modern world into account, to determine their intellectual importance for the prioritised philosophical traditions. The scientific research as a whole is aimed at the creation of an advanced methodology for the study of a vast array of sources in the domain of Indian philosophy with a subsequent comparative investigation of major philosophical traditions. This goal is supposed to be achieved by means of working in the following directions:

  • The translation of the most significant modern studies of Indian philosophy into Russian;
  • The translation of prominent texts of classical Indian philosophy (written in Sanskrit, Pali, and Tamil) into Russian;
  • The re-assessment, development and testing of various methodological approaches to the research of Indian philosophy;
  • The comparative research of the core cultural spheres;
  • The research of the influence of Indian philosophy on the development of the terminology of philosophy in Russian;
  • The testing of the results of the research in teaching lecture courses on Indian philosophy and disciplines expressly related to it (history of Indian philosophy, history of Indian logic, literary studies, history of Indian religions, Sanskrit, the Tamil language, methods of Indian yoga, history of Buddhist teachings, and others).
The practical value of the study
Projected research results: 

  1. We will translate a number of classical texts of Brahmin and Buddhist traditions, create a commentary apparatus. The most remarkable texts of Western indology will also be translated.
  2. We will analyse existing methodological approaches to the study of Indian philosophical heritage and develop a special methodological apparatus that will, in one respect, take into consideration the achievements of Western indology and, conversely, propose new solutions to the research objectives.
  3. As a result of the implementation of the project, we will lay the foundations of the pragmatist typology of four major civilizations. This common part of the results will be used in concrete studies of historical and cultural materials in such areas as philosophy, religious studies, political studies, variants of anthropology, law and other aspects inherent to civilizations, in particular, with regard to the Indian civilization and culture.
  4. We will infer the general laws of the reception of Indian philosophical heritage by Russian culture reflected at the level of the language. In the determined patterns, we are planning to find features similar to the process of emergence and development of the conceptual language of philosophies of other cultural regions (Europe and Asia) and features characteristic solely of Russia. We are planning to trace the impact of the aspects of the terminology of philosophy in the Russian language and its difference from the Western European and the Indian terminologies on the emergence of the mentality of the Russian nation. On the basis of the researched laws we are expecting to determine linguistic peculiarities of philosophical texts belonging to various cultural regions as well as to detect correlations between linguistic features of the language of a philosophical tradition and the worldview created by it.
  5. The Laboratory will develop a number of education programmes in our research domain.
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Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Kantian Rationality Laboratory

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University - (IKBFU)

Philosophy, ethics and religion


Sturm Thomas Kurt

Dmitrieva Nina Anatolievna

