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Laboratory for Inter-disciplinary Power Engineering Problems

Contract number
Time span of the project

As of 01.11.2022

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information
Name of the project: Development of methods of applied mathematics to solve inter-disciplinary problems of of environmentally friendly power generation from municipal and industrial waste

Goals and objectives

Project objective: the creation of a world-class scientific laboratory and the development of efficient methods of applied mathematics for the solution of inter-disciplinary problems of environmentally friendly power generation from urban and industrial waste, including the machine-based search for breakthrough technological solutions, the development, research and optimisation of their digital twins

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  • A concept of a platform for creating trainable digital twins of technologies of environmentally friendly power generation, whose analytical core is based on the collective solution of problems of non-stationary gas dynamics, heat and mass transfer and the conversion of the working substance in a combustion chamber accounting for the detailed chemical kinetics and a combination of mutually influencing technological factors (including the inhomogeneity and fluctuations of the composition of the composite gas fuel based on landfill gases and intermediate products of power-generating waste recycling, the intensity of air-fuel mixture swirling, the form factors of the combustion chamber and the emerging reaction zones, the factors of thermal and dynamic non-stationarity, including pulsations of heat emission and pressure), as well as  contains a neural network add-on for machine learning from the results of computational experiments.

Representative technological prototypes (solutions that have potential for environmentally friendly waste recycling with power generation) for the creation and subsequent comprehensive research of their digital twins (patents for inventions and useful models acquired). We have determined the good prospects of the use of swirling for ultra-poor air-fuel mixtures and composite gas fuels for the technological support of their sustainable low-emission combustion, for the implementation of which we have developed drafts of technological solutions and their structural description.

  • Functionally selected methods of multi-step structure with enhanced dispersion and dissipation properties for efficiently solving the emerging applied inverse problems of finding initial values.

A neural network-based method for producing Runge–Kutta pairs tuned for scalar autonomous problems, «trained» in the best way to solve problems with solutions having an oscillation nature.

Automodel solutions of gas dynamics and heat transfer problems in weakly-swirled jets built on the basis of an asymptotic decomposition of velocities and movement into series in the small parameter, which, when used as the initial approximation in numerical calculations of reacting swirled jets, ensures the possibility of significantly reducing  computation time costs for the implementation of the experiment with specified precision (Usama Jawad Mizher) «Mathematical modeling and numerical research of a swirled reacting fuel-air jet in applications to the design of low-emission power generation devices working on low-quality fuel»).

  • Our researchers have systematized and enhanced mathematical models of transfer and computational gas dynamics of the reacting working substance with controlled pressure gradient, including the swirling of the reacting jet applied to designing environmentally friendly technologies for fuel power production,. We have proven the favorable prospects of the use of swirling for ultra-poor fuel-air mixtures and composite gas fuels for the technological support of their low-emission combustion, to implement which we produced drafts of technological solutions and their mathematical description.

We have produced a kinetic equation describing the process of wandering particle of an ultra-poor fuel mixture accounting for the constant velocity of the particle as well as fractional differential equations describing the asymptotic behavior of the process. It has been demonstrated that the case of finite and infinite expected value of the path these equations have a completely different form. To solve the produced equations, we used  the method of local estimation of the Monte Carlo method and developed an algorithm of solution.

Our researchers have developed a software implementation of the mathematical models with the creation of a problem-oriented software complex for researching the kinetics and evolution of a disperse cluster of the reacting working substance in the combustion chamber by means of computational experiments. The complex implements an automated pre-processor for the ANSYS Fluent solver with the preparation of parameterized, geometric, physical and initial conditions of unambiguity, as well as data on the chemical kinetics from the open database С3М created by NETL Multiphase Flow Science (https://mfix.netl.doe.gov/c3m/). In the process of the creation of the problem-oriented complex, we registered exclusive rights for results of intellectual activity in the form of three original software programs.

  • We have developed and are enhancing digital twins of technological solutions that ensure the sustainable combustion of ultra-poor fuel mixtures based on landfill gases and products of the thermal decomposition of municipal and industrial waste, the minimization of chemical underburning and the neutralization of combustion products as well as methodological solutions for their production and investigation.

The Laboratory has obtained preliminary results of exploratory research in the form of digital twins of technological solutions that ensure the sustainable combustion of ultra-poor fuel mixtures based on landfill gases and products of thermal decomposition of municipal and industrial waste, the minimization of chemical underburning and the neutralization of combustion products produced on the basis of representative  technological prototypes (the ТГМЕ-464 energy boiler, the water-heating boiler PTVM-100, original composite-fuel burners and furnace devices of the types GMU-45 and GDS-100).

Education and career development:

  • We have developed and launched the new master’s degree program «Heat power engineering» to train professionals for the renewable energy sector of the region (profile «Technologies of electric power and heat energy production», the program started in September 2022).
  • Two Candidate of Sciences dissertations have been prepared and defended.
  • Two employees of the Laboratory have completed an academic internship at the Mathematics Department of the University of Western Macedonia (Greece) under the supervision of the leading scientist Professor Simos, at the same time studying at the course «Computational Methods with MATLAB and Mathematica» and improving their qualifications in modern computation methods.
  • Three employees of the Laboratory have completed science and technology internship at the landfill sites Vereinigte Ville (Cologne, Germany) and Braunschweigischen Kohlen-Bergwerke AG (Braunschweig, Germany) as well as visited laboratories of TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences and the European exhibition «Greener Manufacturing Show» (10-11 November 2021, Cologne, Germany), improving their qualifications in waste-to-energy technologies, separate waste collection, deep recycling, producing methane from waste.
  • 10 employees of the Laboratory have completed a practice-oriented crash course at at «Sarov Engineering Center» Ltd (an official partner of Siemens in Russia and CIS countries), obtained practical skills and improved their qualifications in computational gas dynamics and the modeling of combustion processes using the STAR-CCM+ software complex.


  • University of Western Macedonia (Greece): joint development and publications in the domain of numerical methods, academic internships of young researchers, employees of the Laboratory.
  • Democritus University of Thrace, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece): joint development and publications in the domain of numerical methods.
  • European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering: annual topical symposiums devoted to the project at the international conferences «International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering ICCMSE» and «International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM».
  • Since 2022 the Laboratory has been collaborating with the Laboratory for the Modeling of Convective Heat and Mass Transfer Processes of the National Research Tomsk State University (Russia). 

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v.n. kovalnogov, r.v. fedorov, y.a. khakhalev, t.e. simos, c. tsitouras
A neural network technique for the derivation of runge–kutta pairs adjusted for scalar autonomous problems / Mathematics (Q1), Volume 9, Issue 16, 2021, ISSN 22277390, https://doi.org/10.3390/math9161842.
v.n. kovalnogov, r.v. fedorov, a.v. chukalin, , t.e. simos, c. tsitouras
Evolutionary derivation of runge–kutta pairs of orders 5(4) specially tuned for problems with periodic solutions / Mathematics (Q1), Volume 9, Issue 18, 2021, ISSN 22277390, https://doi.org/10.3390/math9182306.
v.n. kovalnogov, r.v. fedorov, t.v. karpukhina, t.e. simos, c. tsitouras
Sixth order numerov-type methods with coefficients trained to perform best on problems with oscillating solutions / Mathematics (Q1), Volume 9, Issue 21, 2021, ISSN 22277390, https://doi.org/10.3390/math9212756.
v.v. saenko, v.n. kovalnogov, r.v. fedorov, d.a. generalov, e.v. tsvetova
Numerical Method for Solving of the Anomalous Diffusion Equation Based on a Local Estimate of the Monte Carlo Method / Mathematics (Q1), Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, ISSN 22277390, https://doi.org/10.3390/math10030511.
d.a. generalov, e.v. tsvetova, r.v. fedorov, v.n. kovalnogov, t.e. simos
A two-step singularly P-stable method with high phase and large stability properties for problems in chemistry / Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (Q2), Volume 60, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 475-501, ISSN 02599791, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10910-021-01313-8.
v.n. kovalnogov, m.i. kornilova, y.a. khakhalev, d.a. generalov, t.e. simos
Fitted modifications of Runge– Kutta–Nyström pairs of orders 7(5) for addressing oscillatory problems" / Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (Q1), 2022, ISSN 01704214, https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.8510, in press
v.n. kovalnogov, m.i. kornilova, y.a. khakhalev, d.a. generalov, t.e. simos, c. tsitouras
New family for Runge-Kutta-Nyström pairs of orders 6(4) with coefficients trained to address oscillatory problems / Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (Q1), Volume 45, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 7715-7727, ISSN 01704214, https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.8273, in press.
v.n. kovalnogov, r.v. fedorov, v.n. klyachkin, d.a. generalov, kuvayskova y.e., s.v. busygin
Applying the Random Forest Method to Improve Burner Efficiency / Mathematics (Q1), Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, ISSN 22277390, https://doi.org/ 10.3390/math10122143.
m.i. kornilova, v.n. kovalnogov, r.v. fedorov, m.m. zamaleev, v.n. katsikis, s.d. mourtas, t.e. simos
Zeroing Neural Network for Pseudoinversion of an Arbitrary Time-Varying Matrix Based on Singular Value Decomposition / Mathematics (Q1), Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, ISSN 22277390, https://doi.org/10.3390/math10081208.
v.n. kovalnogov, r.v. fedorov, d.a. generalov, e.v. tsvetova, t.e. simos, c. tsitouras
On a New Family of Runge– Kutta–Nyström Pairs of Orders 6(4) / Mathematics (Q1), Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, ISSN 22277390, https://doi.org/10.3390/math10060875
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