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Laboratory «Probability techniques in analysis» (10)

Contract number
Time span of the project
General information

Name of the project:

Analysis, probability, quantum theory, integrable systems, machine learning and their applications

Goals and objectives

Goals of project:

The goal of the project is to develop modern techniques and methods related to the problems in probability and analysis that are studied in the laboratory “Probability techniques in analysis” at SPbU.  The ongoing research will be extended and embedded into the context of new research areas such as geometry, mathematical physics, signal analysis, representation theory.  Among the main group of problems can be mentioned: point processes, random sequences, Schrodinger operators, random matrices, topological insulators, greedy algorithms (in approximation theory), discrete models, mathematical models related to oncology and tuberculosis research.

Project objective: 

The project aims to investigate new and important problems in theory of function spaces, approximation theory,  probability, representation theory, integrable systems, statistic mechanics, spectral theory, that include among others, applications of greedy algorithms in approximation problems, investigating tensor invariants of discrete and continuous dynamical systems, asymptotic behavior of planar orthogonal polynomials, spectral behavior of Schrodinger operators, universality of Airy processes, development of color correction algorithms and analysis of medical data.

The practical value of the study
Planned project results:

Among the results of the project can be mentioned the following: unified approach to asymptotic estimates of planar orthogonal polynomials, new estimates of the integral mean spectrum, description of lattices generating various classes of Gabor frames, description of invariant Schrodinger operators for different configurations of point interactions, estimates on the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem for point and Pfaffian processes, Montgomery type estimates for the sine-process, description of tensor invariants for dynamical systems on symplectic manifold, studying the BBP transition in the Ising model, new estimates of asymptotic characteristics in multidimensional approximation, description of invariants of topological insulators, solution of the «Kerchief» problem, results on condenser approximation, new technique for the solution of the Delsart problem, estimates of the asymptotic design size, development of new methods in the balayage theory, conditions of universality of the limiting spectral distribution for Gram matrices.

Developing and implementing color correction algorithms for modern endoscopic systems used for diagnosis and treatment, building of a novel up-to date theoretical and methodological foundations to carry out the program of color processing of medical data; development and customization of multi-objective optimization schemes for problems of diagnosis and treatment for thrombotic events and complications.
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Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
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Peoples' Friendship University of Russia - (RUDN University)



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Russia, France


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St. Petersburg

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Ulyanovsk State Technical University - (UlSTU)



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