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Head of Laboratory

Kovalnogov Vladislav Nikolaevich

Year of birth
Academic degree
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Field of studies

The head of the department is a professor at the Department of Thermal and Fuel Energy, head of the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Energy Problems at Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Russia.

General information


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Scientist's research interests:

  • Thermophysics and heat engineering;

  • Applied mathematics, numerical methods, development of software packages.

  • Dispersed flows, two-phase flows, chemically reacting flows, swirling flows;

  • Computational fluid dynamics ;

  • Heat and mass transfer;

  • Design and optimization of power plants;

Scientific recognition

Honorary Worker of Science and High Technologies of the Russian Federation. He has more than 250 original research works, including 8 monographs, more than 80 articles in peer-reviewed journals and more than 50 results of intellectual activity.

He is the head of the leading scientific school of the Russian Federation in the field of energy. He is known for his developments in the field of mathematical modeling, research and optimization of thermal and hydro-gas-dynamic processes in applications to the problems of creating energy equipment and heating engineering, transport energy and power engineering.

Scientific supervisor of the graduate school, trained 8 candidates of technical sciences.

Member of the RAS National Committee on Heat and Mass Transfer (NKTM RAS, since 2019). Accredited expert of the Federal Register of Experts in the Scientific and Technical Field (FGBNU Scientific Research Institute RINCCE, since 2014), performs expert work for the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, for scientific foundations and organizations.

Valid Member of the European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ESCMSE, since 2016). Actively participates V organizations And work conducted by ESCMSE international scientific conferences By applied mathematics "International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering - ICCMSE" (Thessaloniki, Greece ; member scientific committee conferences since 2016 ) and “ International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics - ICNAAM” ( Rhodes , Greece ; leader sections since 2014 ) .

Member of editorial board of international scientific journal “International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment” (Begell House).

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