Scientific results:
- We have conducted a selection-based evaluation and studied the features of quality of grain in the collection quality plant nursery, including 450 varieties of different origins: 20 varieties of spring soft wheat of the international program KASIB (Kazakhstan-Siberia network); 20 varieties of spring soft wheat included into the State registry for the Western Siberian region; 30 varieties of winter wheat; 30 varieties spring hard wheat; 100 ancient varieties (landrace) of spring soft wheat; 30 synthetic hexaploid lines of spring wheat; 20 varieties of spring soft wheat from the USA and Canada; 50 lines of spring soft wheat with violet seeds; 150 samples of the targeted selection group of varieties «ON-KASIB» for the GWAS method. In the selection process of Omsk State Agrarian University we have created unique source material for selection oriented towards increasing productivity and grain quality: we have crossbred 259 combinations and produced hybrid seeds in an amount of 11 258 seeds, for winter wheat – for 407 crossbreeding combinations respectively; we assessed 269 first-generation hybrids; from the results of a comprehensive assessment in field tests in each nursery we isolated the best lines and varieties and conducted an analysis of the quality in terms of the protein and gluten content of the best lines: at the SP-1 nursery we picked 596 lines were selected; in SP-2 – 194 lines; in KP – 112 lines. Varieties for preliminary (PVT) and competitive (CVT) variety testing were assessed in terms of their technological and backing properties, performing PVT for 46 varieties and CVT for 24 varieties. We have obtained results concerning the impact of the predecessor, fertilizers and microelements on productivity, protein and gluten content in varieties of soft and hard wheat (from 48 variations of the experiment).
- The Laboratory has collected and analyzed grain quality in 50 varieties cultivated at farms as well as grains of 50 varieties steam-tested at variety test plot in various agroclimatic zones of the Omsk region.
- We have collected samples of grain of varieties of the KASIB-22 nursery, tested at various environmental stations of Western Siberia and the Urals for steam in 3-fold repetition: 45 varieties of spring soft wheat at Omsk State Agrarian University (Omsk) respectively, 44 at the Chelyabinsk Research Institute of Agriculture (Timiryazevskiy village, Chelyabinsk region), 48 at the Kurgan Research Institute of Agriculture (Sadovoye village, Kurgan region), 44 at the Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture (Krasnoobsk village, Novosibirsk region) and 18 varieties of hard wheat at the Altai Research Institute of Agriculture.
- The Laboratory has conducted work to assess the quality of produced and gathered grain and performed 8150 analyses, including: the technological properties were assessed in 6660 tests; the nutritional value including the content of macro- and microelements was assessed in 1260 analyses, phenol compounds, antioxidant and food fibers were assessed in 230 analyses.
- An assessment of the current state of the quality of grain in various agroclimtuc zones of the Omsk region demonstrated that at variety test plots in the steppe zone and the northern forest steppe zone, in a competitive variety testing when seeding by vapor out of 50 tested varieties, grains of 15 varieties meet the requirements outlined by GOST 34702-2020 for strong and valuable wheat, in terms of technological and baking indicators and properties of grain and flour, 27 are fillers and only 8 varieties are at the level of weak wheat. However, out of 50 different varieties cultivated directly in farms, grain produced from farming fields of the Omsk region from various climatic zones corresponded in 2021 in terms of technological indicators and baking properties only to to the filler and weak wheat class, mainly due to their weak gluten (GDI = 100 and higher) and low vitreousness. The general baking score as a whole across all the varieties amounted to 3,1 points, 10 varieties had scores corresponding to weak wheat (lower then 3 points).
- These properties for 4 varieties of hard wheat included into the State registry and recommended for cultivation in the Omsk region do not meet the requirements of the spaghetti industry in terms of the gluten index and other indicators defining the quality of spaghetti. Assessment of nutritional properties in wheat grain harvesting by grain-receiving stations is not performed. The collected data indicate the necessity of selection-based improvement of created varieties of soft and hard wheat is required to increase the stability of grain production in the region with high technological and nutritional properties. To solve this problem it is of primary importance to create a collection of sources of quality.
- An assessment of grain produced in collection quality nurseries of Omsk State Agrarian University across 20 varieties of winter soft wheat included in the State registry for agricultural use in the western Siberia region demonstrated that in many indicators they meet the requirements of GOST for strong and valuable wheat: they satisfy the requirements for the hard-grain class (average hardness index = 113,7; grain size index = 23,0 μm), is characterized by a high yield of flour (73,8 per cent on average), an increased content of protein (over 14 per cent) and gluten (over 39 per cent), flour has good rheological properties of dough and a high average falling number (361,8 s), which indicates a high potential for the production of high—quality grain for flour and bread production.
- We performed an assessment of the KASIB-22 nursery in four scientific organizations in Western Siberia and the Urals – Omsk State Agrarian University (Omsk), the Siberian Research Institute of Plant Breeding and Selection, (Novosibirsk), the Chelyabinsk Research Institute of Agriculture (Chelyabinsk) and Kurgan Research Institute of Agriculture (Kurgan). We established the environmental peculiarities of the formation of technological features of grain quality in varieties of winter hard wheat. A study of selection samples in the KASIB network allowed to conduct their comprehensive assessment during one year in terms of productivity, grain quality and determine the features of the genotype–environment interaction. Stable positive correlation in all testing points was observed in the gluten index of the sedimentation index, while negative correlation was observed for productivity and protein content. These correlations should be considered in the selection process. As a result of a comprehensive assessment we determined samples from Russia and Kazakhstan combining pronounced manifestations of quality indicators and productivity. The collected material will be used in selection work of Russian organizations participating in the KASIB network.
- We identified genes that determine the baking quality of varieties of ancient wheat: locuses of high-molecular subunits of glutenin, including the Glu-B1al (Bx7OE) and Glu-D1d alleles. The highest frequency of occurrence of Glu-B1al alleles was found in environmental groups of the Far East (80%) and Kuban (50%), while the Glu-B1al alleles were observed in groups of samples from Kazakhstan (25,0%) and Middle Asia (38,5%). The allele of the Gpc-B1 gene that determines increased content of protein in grain was only identified in samples from Mordovia, the Novgorod region and Kazakhstan. The TaGS-D1a allele associated with increased mass of bruchid weevil is widespread in samples of all environmental groups. The TaSus2-2B gene was identified in 12,5 per cent of samples from Kazakhstan, while the TaGASR-A1 gene was found in 12,5 per cent of samples from the Far East and 15,4 per cent of samples from Middle Asia.
- The varieties of targeted selection in the ON-KASIB nursery were analyzed for the presence of genes associated with favorable agronomic features. This collection was genotyped using the Affymetrix 135K platform and allowed to isolate 24146 unique genes with a filtration level of 5 per cent. The studied material was researched over two years and, while in 2020 we studied exclusively the physiological indicators and productivity parameters, in 2021 within the project we obtained additional results concerning grain quality features. As a result of implementing associative mapping for quality features over the two years of research we isolated 21 SNPs from data of 2020 for 3 features of grain quality while in 2021 37 SNPs were found for 11 quality features. For 41 SNPs we isolated sequences and obtained a code in the SNP database, which will allow to use them for identification using KASP-markers and to increase the efficiency of selection in grain selection nurseries.
- The results of analyses of general content and individual profile of phenolic acids and their antioxidative activity demonstrated that samples of grain with blue, violet grain, Elytrigia intermedia and individual synthetic lines of hexaploid wheat can be feasibly used as sources when creating raw material for selection to produce varieties with increased contents of polyphenol and natural antioxidants. The new wheat variety «EF 22» designed for functional feeding demonstrate an increased content and antioxidative properties of bound phenolic compounds (565,62 mg GAE/100 g and 62,7% accordingly).
- The unique collection of variety samples with a complex of valuable features at Omsk State Agrarian University is efficiently used in the creation of raw material for the selection of winter soft wheat. From results of crossbreeding soft wheat with sources of quality we produced hybrid seeds. The earlier created selection material was assessed in all the selection nurseries, promising lines and varieties were selected.
Implemented results of research:
- The varieties of winter soft wheat «Silantiy», «Niva 55» were included in the State registry of selection achievements of the Urals and Western Siberia regions of Russia. The varieties are characterized by a high potential of productivity, comprehensive resistance to drought and fungal diseases. The «Silantiy» variety is a mid-season variety: the maximum productivity is 6,5 tonnes per hectare, the mean protein content is 15,9 per cent, the raw gluten content is 30,6 per cent, the natural weight of 734 grams per liter. This variety is included in the list of strong grain varieties. The mid-season variety «Niva 55» with a maximum grain productivity of 7,0 tonnes per hectare, is included in the list of valuable high-quality grain varieties.
- The emmer wheat variety «Balda» of the mid-season type: it is highly drought-tolerant, bare-grained, its mean productivity is 2,4 tonnes per hectare, the protein content is 16–17 per cent. It is recommended for the production of diet cereals.
- The winter wheat variety «EF 22» designed for functional feeding, has been submitted for state variety testing. The variety is mid-late with a potential productivity of up to 6,8 tonnes per hectare and it demonstrates an increased content of phenolic compounds and antioxidative properties. The relative protein content is 17,4 per cent, the content of raw gluten is 29,0 per cent, the natural weight of grain is 860 grams per liter and the overall baking score is 4,2 points.
- The winter wheat variety «Kasibovskata 2» was submitted for State variety testing. This is a mid-early variety and it has a potential productivity of up to 5 tonnes per hectare.
- The Thinopyrum intermedium variety «Filin» with violet grain, which is designed for functional feeding, has been submitted for State variety testing.
Education and career development:
- Members of the academic team participated in Russian and international scientific conferences: «Prospective technologies in agricultural manufacturing: The Human, «The Digit». The environment» (27 July 2021, Omsk, Russia); the 7th Whole grain summit «From science to global application» (25-27 October 2021, Vienna, Austria), the 12th National food engineering congress (25-27 November 2021, Ankara, Turkey), «Current problems in selection, seed production and preservation of soil fertility» (24 March 2022, Omsk, Russia), «Selection and technologies of environmentally friendly plant production in the context of the changing climate» (12 April 2022, Tyumen, Russia), the 20th ICC Conference «Future Challenges for Cereal Science and Technology» (5-7 July 2022, Vienna, Austria), the 2nd International wheat congress» (11-15 September 2022, Beijing, China PR), «2022 Silkroad Agricultural Educational and Research Innovation Alliance Cooperation Forum» (27-28 September 2022, China PR), «Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals, Natural Health Products, and Dietary Supplements» (2-5 October 2022, Istanbul, Turkey).
- The Laboratory’s team organized scientific events and round tables with international participation: «Current directions of the improvement of wheat grain quality» (29 April 2021), «Prospective directions of selection for grain quality improvement and methods of the assessment of technological and nutritional properties of wheat» (24 January 2021), «Problems of selection for improving wheat grain quality in the KASIB network» (16 February 2022), «Modern trends in the development of the bakery industry of Russia: new varieties of grain cultures with functional properties, organic technologies of raw material production, innovations in baking production» (27 October 2022).
- We have developed and are currently implementing education programs for students majoring in Agrochemistry and Food Products and Raw Plant Materials: «Improving the nutritional value of wheat for functional feeding», «Influence of elements of agrotechnology on wheat grain quality», «Modern methods and means of grain quality assessment».
- One Candidate of Sciences dissertation in our area of research has been prepared and defended.
- In 2021, two postgraduate students completed internships at Istinye University (Turkey).
- Members of the academic team of the Laboratory participated in:
Organizational and structural changes:
The created laboratory is used for training by students specializing in 35.03.04, 35.04.04 «Agrochemistry»; 4.1.2. «Breeding, seed farming and plant biotechnologies».
Other results:
Over the course of the implementation of the project the academic team of the Laboratory has received a Russian Science Foundation grant worth 21 million rubles.
- Aktobe Agricultural Experimental Station, East Kazakhstan Research Institute of Agriculture, Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant Farming, Kazakh Research Institute of Grain Agriculture, Karabalyck Agricultural Experimental Station, Karaganda Agricultural Experimental Station, Pavlodar Research Institute of Agriculture (Kazakhstan), Omsk Agrarian Research Center, Chelyabinsk Research Institute of Agriculture, Kurgan Research Institute of Agriculture, Siberian Research Institute of Plant Breeding and Farming, Altay Research Center of Agrobiotechnologies, federal scientific center «Nemchinovka», Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, N. I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry (Russia), CIMMYT (Mexico), İstinye University, Yıldız Technical University (Turkey): joint research and academic events.
- JSC «Niva», Peasant Farm «Tritikum», Peasant Farm «Govin», Peasant Farm «Bezukladov», Peasant Farm «Shamanin N. P.», OJSC «Nadezhda», Peasant Farm «Tselin»: agreements to commercialize results of academic activities.