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As of 01.12.2023

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General information
Name of the project: The stability and functions of soil carbon in agroecosystems of Russia (CarboRus)

Goals and objectives

Goals of project:

Ground ecosystems and soils of Russia play a decisive role in the global carbon cycle, since Russian soils hold a fifth of the world's carbon deposits. Undoubtedly being a carbon sink, the territory of Russia plays an important role in the climate regulation on the planet. The goal of the proposed research is the analysis of sinks, the stability, functions, and key processes of carbon sequestration in soils of Russia in the light of the global change of natural and anthropogenic factors.

Project objective:

The main objectives of the proposed research project are:

  1. The assessment of the change of the carbon deposits in Russian soils over the last decades;
  2. The determination of key mechanisms of carbon stabilisation at the molecular and the ecosystem level;
  3. The process-oriented modelling of the dynamic and carbon sinks in soils in the context of the current and the future land use and climate change;
  4. The ecological assessment of the development of the Russian agriculture     with allowances made for the ecosystem functions of soils, the rational management of soil resources, and the global climate change.
The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  1. The estimation of carbon sequestered over the last 20 years in the soils of Russia has been conducted. The rates of carbon sequestration during post-agricultural soil restoration in the territory of the Asian and European parts of Russia were analyzed, with consideration of the climate factors.
  2. Organic carbon stocks in Russian soils, particularly in soils of agricultural areas, were regionalized to create predictive models of carbon sequestration on the scale of Russia and to analyse the distribution of carbon stocks within large ecological zones. Databases and GIS materials on regional land use were created to refine the available soil carbon stock models, their mapping and forecasting of carbon stock dynamics on arable and abandoned lands.
  3. Approaches of granulometric, densimetric, biokinetic, and thermal fractionation techniques and their results to estimate SOM pools under contrasting land use types were analyzed.
  4. Based on the use of δ13C and δ15N to estimate the relative turnover of organic C and total N in natural soils, it is found that N turnover is twice as fast as C turnover, and the main factors controlling SOM turnover are mean annual temperature and litter quality (C/N ratio in soil). The fastest C turnover is characteristic of evergreen forests, and the lowest for mixed and coniferous forests. The applicability of this approach to a wide range of studies of natural biocenoses in which SOC and total nitrogen contents are measured and δ13C and δ15N values was determined.
  5. The effect of natural fires on the stability of soil organic matter was evaluated. It is revealed that wildfires lead to a decrease in the share of labile pool due to the primary oxidation and losses in the form of CO2 of the least stable organic compounds and dehydration reactions of aliphatic structures. At the same time, pyrogenic increase of labile pool is possible because of depolymerisation of complex organic molecules. Cyclisation and condensation reactions lead to an increase in the share of thermally stable organic matter in post-pyrogenic soils.

Organizational and infrastructural changes:

Centre for Isotope Biogeochemistry:

Isotope mass spectrometer isoprime precisION with vario ISOTOPE cube elemental analyser and headspace gas analyser isoFLOW module;

G2201-I intracavity isotope attenuation spectrometer;

Elemental analyser vario PYRO cube.

Education and personnel occupational retraining:

The Master's programme in the direction 06.04.01 Biology ‘Global Change and Carbon Regulation’ was developed and implemented from 2022.

The educational programme includes a wide range of disciplines on theoretical and practical issues of measuring climatically active gases, methods of carbon balance monitoring, approaches to carbon footprint assessment using life cycle assessment techniques, ecology of forest production, analysis of the current state of the climate and long-term scientific-based forecasting of its state.


Institute of Physico-Chemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science RAS

Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry SB RAS

RASTAM-Ecology Limited Liability Company

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Soldatova, E., Krasilnikov, S., Kuzyakov, Y.
2024. Soil organic matter turnover: Global implications from δ13C and δ15N signatures. Science of The Total Environment 912, 169423. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169423
Filimonenko, E., Kurganova, I., Uporova, M., Lopes De Gerenyu, V., Sokolova, L., Zorina, S., Dorofeev, N., Maltseva, A., Soldatova, E., Gershelis, E., Alharbi, S.A., Arbuzova, E., Samokhina, N., Ning, T., Kuzyakov, Y.,
2024. Energy storage and stability of soil organic matter during the natural restoration of abandoned cropland. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 375, 109198. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2024.109198
Filimonenko, E., Uporova, M., Prikhodko, N., Samokhina, N., Belyanovskaya, A., Kurganova, I., Lopes de Gerenyu, V., Merino, C., Matus, F., Chen, C., Alharbi, S.A., Soromotin, A., Kuzyakov, Y.,
2024. Organic matter stability in forest-tundra soils after wildfire. CATENA 243, 108155. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2024.108155
Weitao Li, Qi Lu, Sulaiman Almwarai Alharbi, Andrey V. Soromotin, Yakov Kuzyakov, Yanbao Lei.
Plant–soil–microbial interactions mediate vegetation succession in retreating glacial forefields. Science of The Total Environment. Volume 873, 2023, 162393, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162393
Tingting Sun, Jie Zhou, Lingling Shi, Wenting Feng, Michaela A. Dippold, Huadong Zang, Irina Kurganova, Valentin Lopes de Gerenyu, Olga Kalinina, Louise Giani, Yakov Kuzyakov.
Microbial growth rates, carbon use efficiency and enzyme activities during post-agricultural soil restoration. CATENA, Volume 214, 2022, 106226, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2022.106226
Database ‘General characterisation, microbial respiration and carbon of microbial biomass in soils under LUC from arable land to abandobed land’.
Kuzyakov Y.V., Smirnov P.V., Filimonenko E.A., Soldatova E.A., Kurasova A.O., Klyuka G.G., Volzhenin I.E., Vazhenina M.A., Samokhina N.P., Shanskikh A.I., Timofeev G.M., Arbuzova E.A. Database Registration Certificate RU 2023620509, 08.02.2023.
Database ‘Carbon content and stability of sod-podzolic and grey soils under different types of land use (on the example of Tyumen and Sverdlovsk oblasts)’.
Kuzyakov Yakov Viktorovich, Kurganova Irina Nikolaevna, Lopez de Guerenu Valentin Ovidiovich, Filimonenko Ekaterina Anatolievna, Ivanov Vladimir, Habbibulaev Behzodbek Ruhulla, Milyaev Ivan Alexandrovich, Samokhina Natalia Pavlovna, Arbuzova Ekaterina Alexandrovna, Shanskikh Anna Ivanovna, Belyanovskaya Alexandra Igorevna. Database Registration Certificate RU №2023623434, 12.10.2023.
Database ‘Carbon stocks and fluxes in post-pyrogenic soils of northern taiga, forest tundra and tundra of YNAO’.
Kuzyakov Yakov Viktorovich, Soromotin Andrey Vladimirovich, Kurganova Irina Nikolaevna, Lopez de Guerenu Valentin Ovidiovich, Filimonenko Ekaterina Anatolievna, Klyuka Gleb Gennadyevich, Milyaev Ivan Aleksandrovich, Samokhina Natalia Pavlovna. Certificate of registration of database RU № 2023623385, 27.09.2023.
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory of livestock genomic and post-genomic technologies (10)

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Gusev Oleg Aleksandrovich



Laboratory of Agricultural Ecotoxicology

Siberian Federal Research Center of Agrobiotechnologies of the RAS - (SFSCA RAS)

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Tsatsakis M. Aristides



International Laboratory for the Creation of Means of Prevention of Socially Significant Infenctions of Productive Animals

The Russian State Center for Animal Feed and Drug Standardization and Quality - (VGNKI)

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Karlyshev Andrey Vladimirovich

