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Contract number
Time span of the project
Invited researcher
since December 2022 Sazhin Sergei Stepanovich
2021 - 2022 Sunden Bengt Aake

As of 01.11.2022

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information
Name of the project: Promising methods of heat transfer control in media with phase and chemical transformation in power generation, chemistry, chemical and electrochemical technologies, and microelectronics

Goals and objectives

The objective of this project is the creation of the foundations for new methods for the control of the characteristics of transfer processes in application to solving large-scale problems of modern energy, chemical, electrochemical technologies, and microelectronics. This is the question of the creation of smart systems for the active and passive regulation of energy exchange intensity both to increase or decrease it.

The project includes several blocks linked to each other by a common methodology of the solution of thermodynamics problems, a complex approach allowing to efficiently solve modern complex problems of the energy industry and heat physics:

Block 1: The phenomena of interference of separated flows of various scales and their use for the solution of problems of heat exchange intensification. This block includes the following research directions:

  • Surface generators of longitudinal vortex for problems of passive control of the flow structure and heat and mass exchange;
  • Effects of hydrodynamic and thermal resonance in inter-costal cells and systems of periodic ribs;
  • Surfaces with intensified heat exchange in the presence of cavities and ledges of various shapes, sizes, and packing densities;
  • Two-phase, gas-droplet separated flows and new methods of inter-costal heat transfer control.

Block 2: The research of heat and mass transfer in vortex chemical reactors with a centrifugal pseudo-fluidised layer of solid particles:

  • The creation of vortex chambers to conduct research of heat and mass transfer with the possibility to vary the parameters of the swirled flow;
  • The creation of vortex apparatuses for electrochemical decomposition of water with a layer of Al2O3 particles modified with various coatings based on catalytically active metals.

Block 3: The intensification of heat transfer during evaporation and boiling in flowing liquid films of cooling agents on surfaces with gradient micro-mesh coatings:

  • The experimental research of heat transfer intensification in flowing films of a low-viscosity fluid on a structured surface with micro-fins and a micro-mesh coating in the evaporation and the nucleate boiling modes;
  • The experimental research of heat transfer during evaporation and boiling of a cooling agent in flowing films on a smooth surface and on a surface with a micro-mesh coating in a wide range of the Reynolds numbers of the film;
  • The visualisation of the process of flowing of films on surfaces with various structures, including micro-mesh coatings using high-speed video recording;
  • The processing and generalisation of obtained data, the comparison of results the research of heat transfer on smooth and micro-structured surfaces.

Block 4: The development of scientific foundations for methods of heat transfer control in energy technologies with the application of phase-change material (PCM):

  • Thermal conductivity of phase-change materials employing graphene nanotubes;
  • Thermal processes in PCMs of complex composition in a wide range of melting temperatures;
  • Applied aspects of the use of PCMs and problems of heat transfer control.

Block 5: Heat transfer and flow of liquids, gases and multi-phase fluids in micro- and nano-channels:

  • The research of the anisotropicity of the processes of transfer in nano- and micro-channels;
  • The modelling of the transfer coefficients of liquids and gases in micro- and nano-channels depending on the material of the walls and their possible structuring, the characteristic size of the channel and the temperature;
  • The study of the impact of the structure of the fluid in cramped conditions, including its rheology, on the heat transfer characteristics.
The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  1. For the first time with the use of optical methods we experimentally studied the turbulent structure of a separating flow behind a backward-facing step under the influence of rectangular or triangular tabs (barbs). It was determined that tabs significantly deform the field of both a mean flow and the distribution of pulsation values. An especially strong influence is observed in the near field of the flow behind the step, which improves the ventilation of this zone and here it will be possible to observe a strong intensification of heat exchange.
  2. We have experimentally studied heat exchange intensification when vortex generators in the form of tabs of various shapes impact separating flows. For the first time we found a strong intensification of heat exchange directly in the near zone of a separating flow behind a backward-facing step. The effect of amplification of heat transfer intensity is caused by the destruction of the dead zone of the recirculation zone and the growth of the turbulence of the flow. We have demonstrated the possibility of practical use of tabs to intensify exchange processes as well as the level of unevenness of heat removal in the transverse direction.
  3. Our researchers have developed a physico-mathematical model based on eddy-resolving methods for the numerical research of flow and heat exchange in the intercostal cell having various geometries, the prehistory of the flow and the variation of the Reynolds number. It has been demonstrated that the use of various methods of modeling and closure model leads to significantly different data on the structure of both the turbulent field and heat exchange. For instance, the use of the k-omega SST model leads to a decrease in the Nusselt number. The best agreement with experimental data was achieved using the v2f model. Eddy-resolving approaches more adequately reflect the structure of the flow.
  4. We have developed a physico-mathematical model describing the dynamics of a two-phase turbulent flow and heat transfer in channels of complex shapes and in the presence of separation zones with flow recirculation. The model is based on the use of the Euler approximation for both phases in a mean flow and in a fluctuation flow and accounting for the heat and mass transfer processes on the surface of particles (drops). We created software that allows to pefform computational research of a wide range of scientific and engineering problems, including optimization problems for various energy devices with multiphase flows.
  5. The Laboratory has researched the possibility of increasing the thermal conductivity coefficient of phase-changing materials when introducing single-wall carbon nanotubes into its composition. The introduction of «TUBALL» single-wall graphene nanotubes in in an amount of 0.5 mass per cent lead to a 24 per cent increase in the thermal conductivity coefficient of P2 graphene in the solid state.
  6. Within the model of a reacting boundary layer we have proposed a method to analytically assess the efficiency of organizing an efficient heterogeneous chemical process on the surface of solid particles around which a flow of reagents flows. Using experimental data on the characteristics of the sedimentation of a heat-shield coating from the gaseous phase, the adequacy of the developed model has been demonstrated. We have mastered methods of the diagnostics and modeling of bounded swirling two-phase flows, including those in the presence of chemical reactions. The obtained results allowed to develop new approaches to organizing combined heat and mass transfer in vortex chambers with a rotating layer of disperse particles.
  7. Using the molecular dynamics method, we have studied the heat conductivity of fluids in nanochannels. It has been demonstrated that in the general case the thermal conductivity of a fluid in nanochannels is always lower than in an unbounded volume, and this decrease is the higher the smaller the scale of the channel. For the first time it has been demonstrated that the viscosity of a gas, in the same manner as its heat conductivity, is anisotropic. In nanochannels fluid transport coefficients depend significantly on the interaction of its molecules with atoms of the channel walls. By changing the material of the channel walls it is possible to efficiently control the viscosity and heat conductivity of the medium. The indicated anisotropy of the viscosity is observed not only in nano- but also in microchannels.
  8. It has been demonstrated that the heat conductivity of nanofluids with metallic particles, in the same way as for oxides, depends on the size of nanoparticles, and it grows with its increase. Moreover, exceeding the thermal conductivity coefficient of all the studied nanofluids is significantly higher than predicted by the Maxwell theory.

Implementation of research results:

  1. New data of the experiment in destroying a separating flow using tabs can be used extensively to intensify heat and mass transfer in poorly ventilated recirculation zones of operating channels of energy devices for various purposes. It is important that the parameter of thermohydraulic efficiency of such vortex generators stays at a high value when varying the geometric and discharge characteristics in a wide range.
  2. The data of a detailed comparative a analysis of the conductivity of various models of turbulence for adequately describing the characteristics of flow and heat transfer demonstrate that the best agreement with the experimental can be achieved by using the v2f model. Eddy-resolving approaches more adequately reflect the structure of a flow. These conclusions are undoubtedly of practical interest when setting new research objectives for the numerical analysis of separating flows and for intensifying heat transfer. Such a conclusion can be made for problems of two-phase flows in the presence of phase transitions on the surfaces of particles or drops.
  3. The experimental data on the significant increase in the heat conductivity of phase-change materials by introducing carbon nanotubes indicate a high potential for the use of such technologies for increasing the efficiency of cooling in a wide range of energy technology processes.
  4. New data on coefficients of microfluidic transfer in channels with small linear dimensions have an important applied significance. The data collected for the first time indicate a strong influence of both the composition of the nanofluid and the material of the walls on exchange processes. This data will serve as the basis for the creation of engineering methods for computing microchannel heat transfer devices for various applications.

Education and retraining of personnel:

  1. Two Candidate of Sciences and four Doctor of Sciences dissertations have been prepared and defended.
  2. The following programs have been developed and introduced the following programs into the education process:
  • «Modeling and design of micro- and nonsstems» (Siberian Federal University).
  • «Modeling heat transfer processes in micro- and nanochannels» (Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering).
  • «Modeling using the Ansys Fluent software package» (Novosibirsk State Technical University).
  • «Thermodynamics and heat transfer» (Novosibirsk State Technical University).
  • «Basics of creating computational meshes using the Ansys software package» (Novosibirsk State Technical University).
  • «Mechanics» (Novosibirsk State University).


  • Indian Institute of Technology (India): joint research for the development of heat transfer intensification during boiling and evaporation on packages of horizontal tubes in the conditions of falling films and forced flow of liquids.
  • Tianjin University, Chinese National Engineering Research Center (China PR): research collaboration within the Association of Technical Universities of China PR and Russia.
  • Omsk State Technical University (Russia): an agreement to perform the special research assignment «Theoretical and experimental research to increase the efficiency of heat exchange in a closed vessel containing vaporized cryogenic liquid with free surface, vapors of the evaporated liquid, helium pressure feed during the conductive heating of external walls of the vessel».
  • Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: coordination of the research performed by the Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics within a joint Research program for the study of heat transfer intensification during boiling and evaporation of liquids with regard to the development of high-efficiency cooling systems for modern microelectronics.
  • Institute of Chemical Technologies (Bulgaria): scientific and practical collaboration with participants of the project within the Russian Foundation for Basic Research project «Modeling and experimental research of interphase mass transfer during distillation, absorption, adsorption and catalytic processes in industrial column devices for heat transfer intensification in mixture separation on stractured surfaces in multifphse flows».
  • Institute of Thermomechanics (Czech Republic): joint research within a Russian Foundation for Basic Research – Czech Science Foundation project to study the intensification and control of heat and mass transfer in nonstationary jet flows, research of the effects of hysteresis, bistability and intermittence in such flows.
  • University of Brighton (United Kingdom), Dalian University (China PR): joint research within Russian Foundation for Basic Research projects.

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v.i. terekhov, a.yu. dyachenko, ya.i. smulsky, and b. sunden
Intensification of heat transfer behind the backward-facing step using tabs, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2022, 35, 101475.
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The simultaneous analysis of droplets’ impacts and heat transfer during water spray cooling using a transparent heater, Water, 2021, 13, 19, 2730.
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Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory of Multiphase Precision Systems (10)

Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of RAS - (IT SB RAS)

Energy and rational natural resources usage


Sazhin Sergei Stepanovich

United Kingdom


Laboratory of Metal-hydride-based Power Engineering Technologies

Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the RAS

Energy and rational natural resources usage


Lototskiy Mikhail Vladimirovich

, South Africa


Laboratory of Solid-fuel Power Waste Recycling

South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platov - (SURPU (NPI))

Energy and rational natural resources usage


Chaudhary Sandeep

