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Laboratory for Super-elastic Bio-interfaces

Contract number
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General information

An important innovative feature of the project is a phenomenological approach to the analysis of the stress-strain state of porous super-elastic SHS–TiNi alloys that is based on a comparison four groups of experimental deformation diagrams of TiNi samples produced using various methods.

Name of the project: Rheology of super-elastic alloy coating – biological tissue interfaces

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: в

The practical value of the study

Developed innovative solutions will allow to create unique principles of implant differentiation according to their rheological consistency with replaced tissue that are currently absent in international surgical practice.

Projected research results: 

We will conduct a comparative research of the phase structure and the functional properties of nickel titanium alloys produced using various methods: induced melting, rolling, rotary forging, drawing, vacuum arc re-melting, micro-crystal growing, zonal melting, vacuum super-solidus sintering of a porous alloy and SHS from elementary powders in argon. The structure and phase composition, the rheological and corrosion properties of alloys produced using the specified methods have significant differences. A comparative investigation of fibre, mono-crystalline and porous samples in a single project according to approved methodologies will allow to obtain new fundamental scientific results and to assess the range of functional properties of nickel titanium alloys. Such results are in quite a high demand in the world.

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Other laboratories and scientists
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Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Сell Physiology and Pathology Laboratory of Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics (10)

Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev - (Orel State University)

Medical biotechnologies


Abramov Andrey Yuriyevich

Russia, United Kingdom


Laboratory for Omics Technologies and big data for Personalized Medicine and Health

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology - (Skoltech)

Medical biotechnologies


Borchers Christoph Hermann


Laboratory for Molecular Imaging

Federal State Institution «Federal Research Centre «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» of the RAS» - (Research Center of Biotechnology RAS)

Medical biotechnologies


Bogdanov Alexey Alexeyevich

United States, Russia

Zherdeva Vitoriya Vyacheslavovna

