Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences of the Tyumen State University (Russia)
Leading scientist's research interests: Factor analysis of processes of formation of water quality, empirical modeling of small river contamination, «quality of environment – health of population» correlations.
Quote by the head of the laboratory:
Mega-grants are a powerful tool to create multidisciplinary scientific teams, to attract young researchers to science, to fascinate undergraduates and postgraduates with fundamental research and search of applications of results of their own discoveries.
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Centre for Isotope Bio-geochemistry
Tyumen State University - (UTMN) |
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries |
Tyumen |
Kuzyakov Yakov Viktorovich |
2021-2023 |
Grain Quality Assessment Laboratory
Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin - (Omsk SAU) |
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries |
Omsk |
Koksel Hamit
Turkey |
2021-2023 |
Laboratory for Forest Genomics
Siberian federal University - (SibFU) |
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries |
Krasnoyarsk |
Krutovsky Konstantin Valeriyevich
Russia, USA |
2014-2018 |