Doctor of biology, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Rector of the N. I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Russia)
Leading scientist's research interests: Genetic engineering, analysis of structure and function of eukaryotic genome, fluorescent proteins
Quote by the head of the laboratory: Our main goal is to understand laws of development of tumors in living organisms so that later we can find ways to treat them.
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Functional Quantum Materials Laboratory
National University of Science and Technology MISIS - (NUST MISIS) |
Physics |
Moscow |
Klingeler Rudiger |
2021-2023 |
Laboratory of the Spin Physics of Two-Dimensional Materials
Р.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS - (LPI) |
Physics |
Moscow |
Yakovlev Dmitriy Robertovich
Russia |
2021-2023 |
Laboratory for Microwave Photonics and Magnonics named after B. A. Kalinikos
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» - (ETU LETI) |
Physics |
St. Petersburg |
Kostylev Mikhail Pavlovich
Australia, Russia |
2021-2023 |