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Head of the laboratory

Bolozdynya Alexandr Ivanovich

Academic degree
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Field of studies

Professor at the Department of Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute University – MEPhI (Russia)

General information

Leading scientist's research interests: Experimental nuclear physics, elementary particle physics, astrophysics

Quote by the head of the laboratory: We are striving to use our potential to the maximum. We want to not only just to survive as a modern experimental laboratory but also to revive the former glory of the Russian fundamental experimental nuclear physics. We are training students not at writing desks but at real modern scientific installations, giving them an opportunity to broaden their world view and to participate in solving non-standard physical problems.

Scientific recognition

Awards and achievements:

2017 – Distinguished Worker of Science of the Russian Federation.

2012 – Badge of the Rosatom State Atomiс Energy Corporation «For international cooperation in nuclear science».

2012 – Medal «70 Years Anniversary of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute».

1982 – Medal of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR «For the best scientific work by a young scientist».

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Other laboratories and scientists
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Time span of the project
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