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Year of birth
Academic degree
Field of studies

Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Tufts University (USA)

Editor-in-chief of the «International Journal of Engineering Science»

General information

Leading scientist's research interests:

  • Micro-mechanics of heterogeneous materials; Effective Properties; Cross-property connections between physical properties; Non-destructive monitoring of aging in metals.
  • Rough contacts: Their stiffness and conductivity.
  • Geophysics and rock mechanics.
  • Viscosity of suspensions containing particles of diverse shapes.
  • Piezoelectrics Invit.

Quote by the head of the laboratory: Micrommechanics is a relatively new domain that focuses on determining correlation between microstructure of materials and their mechanical and thermal characteristics. At the Laboratory, methods of microengineering have been developed in application to creation of materials for vehicles working under the conditions of the Far North.

Scientific recognition
Awards and achievements:

2018 – Impact-factor of the «International Journal of Engineering Science» (where the leading scientist is the editor-in-chief) rose to 7.03 and the journal moved to the first place out of 400 international interdisciplinary engineering journals.

2014 – Distinguished Fulbright Chair (USA).

1996 – Von Humboldt Research Award for Senior Scientists (Germany)

- Visiting professor: École normale supérieure (France), Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany), Technion — Israel Institute of Technology (Israel), Sandia National Laboratory (USA), University of Minnesota (USA).

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Other laboratories and scientists
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Functional Quantum Materials Laboratory

National University of Science and Technology MISIS - (NUST MISIS)



Klingeler Rudiger


Laboratory of the Spin Physics of Two-Dimensional Materials

Р.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS - (LPI)



Yakovlev Dmitriy Robertovich



Laboratory for Microwave Photonics and Magnonics named after B. A. Kalinikos

Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» - (ETU LETI)


St. Petersburg

Kostylev Mikhail Pavlovich

Australia, Russia
