As of 15.02.2021
Name of the project: Creating the Laboratory of Composite and Ceramic Materials (LCCM)
Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: а, е
Research directions: Study of applicability of composite materials and porous ceramics for usage in transportation and technological complexes of Arctic regions that are characterized by a combination of three unfavorable factors: low temperature, high mechanical stress from ice masses and aggressive impact of the environment
Project objective: Creating a world-class laboratory in composite and ceramic materials for vehicles and structures working under the conditions of the Arctic including low temperature, aggressive impact of sea water and high mechanical stress.
2020. Impact behavior of a stiffened shell structure with optimized GFRP сorrugated sandwich panel skins, Composite Structures, v. 248, 112479. DOI:10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112479 (Impact Factor: 5.318, Q1)
(2020). On instabilities and post-buckling of piezomagnetic and
flexomagnetic nanostructures. International Journal of Engineering Science, 157, 103395. DOI:10.1016/j.ijengsci.2020.103395 (Impact Factor: 9.219, Q1)
2017. Design of the corrugated-core sandwich panel with external active cooling syste, Composite Structures, doi: (Impact Factor: 4,094,
Influence of mean distance between fibers on the effective gas thermal conductivity in highly porous fibrous materials, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (Impact Factor: 3,626, Q1)
2020. Crack approaching a domain having the same elastic properties but different fracture toughness: Crack deflection vs penetration. International Journal of Engineering Science, Volume 156, November 2020, 103374. DOI:10.1016/j.ijengsci.2020.103374 (Impact Factor: 9.219, Q1)
2019. Elastic compliances and stress intensity factors of multi-link zig-zag cracks, International Journal of Engineering Science,
2019. On elastic compliances and stress intensity factors of “zig-zag” cracks, Engineering Fracture Mechanics,
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory «Dynamics and extreme characteristics of advanced nanostructured materials»
Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU) |
Mechanics and machinery |
St. Petersburg |
Li Baoqiang
China |
2022-2024 |
Laboratory for Digitalisation, Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Mechanical Systems, Networks and Environments
Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the RAS |
Mechanics and machinery |
St. Petersburg |
Fridman Emilia Moiseevna
Israel, Russia |
2021-2023 |
Research Laboratory for the Mechanics of Bio-compatible Materials and Devices
Perm National Research Polytechnic University - (PNRPU) |
Mechanics and machinery |
Perm |
Silberschmidt Vadim Vladimirovich
United Kingdom, Russia |
2021-2023 |