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Year of birth
Academic degree
Field of studies

Head of the Department of Translational Oncology, director of of the Center for Targeted Therapeutics, University of South Carolina (USA)

General information

Leading scientist's research interests: Molecular biology, genetics, anti-tumor medication design

Quote by the head of the laboratory: A great initiative by the Russian state that allows to conduct collaborative research of relevant problems.

Scientific recognition

Awards and achievements:

2015–2016 – Award from the University of South Carolina «Breakthrough leadership» for achievements in an organizing an interdisciplinary program for translational oncology and creating a center for targeted therapy of tumors with a grant of 11,3 million USD (USA).

2001 – Personal «Sagov-Pomerenz» Award for research of multiple drug resistance of aging of tumor cells under chemotherapy (Israel).

2000 – Award of the Secretariat of Regenerative Medicine «Life continuation» for discovering a mechanism of activation of transcription of the aging genes by the p21 protein (USA).

2000 – Award «Inventor of the Year» of the University of Illinois for invention activity (USA).

1999 – Award of the International Union Against Cancer for studies of multiple drug resistance in tumors and creation of methods of fundamental genetics.

1995 – Honorary lecturer in pharmacology at the Judah St. Clinic for merits in molecular genetics of tumors (USA).

1994 – Rhodes Memorial Award for personal scientific achievements: for developing the study of drug resistance of tumors and creating methods of functional genomics (USA).

1993 – Award of the National Cancer Institute for research of multiple drug resistance in oncology (USA).

1989 – Award of the American Cancer Society for research of multiple drug resistance in oncology (USA).

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Other laboratories and scientists
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Functional Quantum Materials Laboratory

National University of Science and Technology MISIS - (NUST MISIS)



Klingeler Rudiger


Laboratory of the Spin Physics of Two-Dimensional Materials

Р.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS - (LPI)



Yakovlev Dmitriy Robertovich



Laboratory for Microwave Photonics and Magnonics named after B. A. Kalinikos

Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» - (ETU LETI)


St. Petersburg

Kostylev Mikhail Pavlovich

Australia, Russia
