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Year of birth
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Field of studies

Head of the Section of Statistical Multiomics at the University of Surrey (Great Britain)

General information

The research work of the scientist has been aimed at the improvement of the understanding of the foundations of multifactorial human diseases. To this end, key methodological and statistical problems related to the adequate analysis of omics data and the use of results to solve specific scientific problems have been studied. In recent years, Prof. Prokopenko's interests have spread to the research of comorbid diseases and the development of methodologies for the research of such effects in multiscale sets of multiomics data. A special attention is paid to the determination of population-specific risks of comorbid diseases in accordance with the development of a method, the implementation of software and the application to specific ethnic groups.


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Leading scientist's research interests: multiomics data analysis, research of multiphenotype associations across the whole genome, statistical genetics, pleiotropy, type 2 diabetes, glycemic characteristics, multimorbidity, metabolism, whole-genome polygenic score, methylation, machine learning, early growth.

Scientific recognition

Awards and achievements:

2019-2024 – Distinguished Chair at the University of Surrey (United Kingdom).

2014-2019 – «Highly Cited Researcher 2014-2019» in the field of Molecular Biology and Genetics (clarivate.com).

2011 – «Rising Star» award by the uropean Association for the Study of Diabetes for winning the competition of promising and innovative young researchers who are developing their research activities in Europe (Portugal).

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Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin - (Omsk SAU)

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Laboratory for Forest Genomics

Siberian federal University - (SibFU)

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Russia, USA
