As of 18.05.2020
Number of staff members
scientific publications
Name of the project: Algebraic geometry and its applications
Research directions: Research in algebraic geometry and adjacent domains: homological algebra, number theory, differential and complex geometry, and geometrical analysis
Kuznetsov A.G., Lunts V.
Categorical Resolutions of Irrational Singularities. International Mathematics Research Notices 2015(13): 4536–4625 (2015).
Verbitsky M.
Mapping Class Group and a Global Torelli Theorem for Hyperkahler Manifolds. Duke Mathematical Journal 162(15): 2929–2986 (2013).
Kaledin D.
Witt Vectors as a Polynomial Functor. Selecta Mathematica 24(1): 359–402 (2018).
Amerik E., Bogomolov F., Rovinsky M.
Remarks on Endomorphisms and Rational Points. Compositio Mathematica 147(6): 1819–1842 (2011).
Mori S., Prokhorov Y.
Threefold Extremal Contractions of Type IA. Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University 51(2): 393–438 (2011).
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory «Probability techniques in analysis» (10)
Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU) |
Maths |
St. Petersburg |
Hedenmalm Haakan Per
Sweden |
2024-2028 |
Laboratory «Nonlinear and nonlocal equations and their applications»
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia - (RUDN University) |
Maths |
Moscow |
Kuksin Sergei Borisovich
Russia, France |
2022-2024 |
Probabilistic Methods in Analysis
Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU) |
Maths |
St. Petersburg |
Hedenmalm Haakan Per
Sweden |
2021-2023 |