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Centre for Micro- and Nanoscale Dynamics of Disperse Systems

Contract number
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Head of the laboratory

As of 30.01.2020

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information

Name of the project: Micro- and nanoscale dynamics of disperse systems

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: б

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Mathematics and mechanics

Project objective: Fundamental problems of micro- and nanoscale dynamics of fluids relevant for solving applied tasks of ail and gas industry, microindustry and biomedicine

The practical value of the study

  • We have solved problems of high computational complexity using high-performance clusters: modeling dynamics of bubbles in fluids, detailed research of their properties during movement and contact with surfaces, modeling movement of a large number of drops of emulsion, including in microchannels of arbitrary shape, computation and research of rheological properties of emulsions; study of features of formation of vortices during flow of viscous liquid and dynamics of deformable drops in microchannels with variable cross-sections
  • Our researchers have experimentally studied dynamics of bubble fluids under impact of ultrasound, features of behavior of emulsions under impact of electric field, properties of thin films on surfaces of hard substrates using atomic force microscopy, as well as investigated properties of surface nanobubbles also using atomic force microscopy. The Laboratory also investigated formation of hollows during production of fiber polymer composites.

Education and career development:

  • 7 candidate dissertations have been defended
  • Two scientific workshops have been conducted.
  • The Laboratory has developed lecture courses: «Solving applied tasks using boundary element method», «Research of the fast multifield method in linear algebra», «Programming for heterogeneous CPU/GPU architectures. Main CUDA technologies».
  • Our researchers have published 10 methodological guidebook.
  • We have compiled the program of the course «Methods of modern physical experiments. Atomic force microscopy».

Organizational and structural changes: On the grounds of the laboratory we have created a heterogeneous computational cluster with 4 computation nodes each of which is equipped with two universal processing units (CPUs) and 4 graphics processing units (GPUs). Theoretical peak performance for single precision is 26 Tflops and 11 Tflops for numbers with double precision.


  • Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), University of North Dakota (USA), University of Maryland (USA): joint research
  • Third Physical Institute of the University of Göttingen (Germany): agreement

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Gumerov N.A., Akhatov I.Sh.
Modes of Self-Organization of Diluted Bubbly Liquids in Acoustic Fields: One-Dimensional Theory. Journal of Acoustical Society of America 141(2): 1190–1202 (2017).
Gumerov N.A., Akhatov I.S., Ohl C.-D., Sametov S.P., Khazimullin M.V., Gonzalez-Avila S.R.
Robust Acoustic Wave Manipulation of Bubbly Liquids. Applied Physics Letters 108(13): 134102 (2016).
Абрамова О.А., Ахатов И.Ш., Гумеров Н.А., Питюк Ю.А., Саметов С.П.
Численно-экспериментальное изучение динамики пузырька, контактирующего с твердой поверхностью // Изв. РАН. Механика жидкости и газа. – 2018. – № 3. – С. 3–13.
Pityuk Yu.A. (Itkulova Yu.A.), Abramova O.A., Gumerov N.A., Akhatov I.S.
Boundary Element Simulations of Free and Forced Bubble Oscillations in Potential Flow // ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, vol. 7: Fluids Engineering Systems and Technologies, November 14–20 (2014). 11 pp.
Abramova O.A., Pityuk Yu.A. (Itkulova Yu.A.), Gumerov N.A., Akhatov I.S.
An Efficient Method for Simulation of the Dynamics of a Large Number of Deformable Droplets in the Stokes Regime. Doklady Physics 59(5): 236–240 (2014).
Other laboratories and scientists
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Time span of the project
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Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)

Mechanics and machinery

St. Petersburg

Li Baoqiang



Laboratory for Digitalisation, Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Mechanical Systems, Networks and Environments

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the RAS

Mechanics and machinery

St. Petersburg

Fridman Emilia Moiseevna

Israel, Russia


Research Laboratory for the Mechanics of Bio-compatible Materials and Devices

Perm National Research Polytechnic University - (PNRPU)

Mechanics and machinery


Silberschmidt Vadim Vladimirovich

United Kingdom, Russia
