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Contract number
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Head of the laboratory

As of 30.01.2020

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General information

Name of the project: New approaches in developing medications: scoring and constructing virus strains that are non-pathogenic for humans that are prospective as oncolyic medications

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: в, д

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Developing and research of onclytic viruses, molecular epidemiology of viral infections, taxonomy of viruses

Project objective:

  • Developing concepts of creating oncolytic medications based on viruses
  • Broadening fundamental knowledge of mechanisms of virus–cell interaction, of functions and structure of virus-specific cell proteins that are linked to cancerogenesis and defense against it
  • Creation of a world class research and education laboratory with state -of-the-art infrastructure aimed at developing new highly efficient oncolytic medications based on non-pathogenic viruses
  • Training highly qualified professionals in molecular biology and biotechnologies who will have fundamental knowledge and experimental skills in life sciences and will be able to apply their knowledge to create new technologies and medications 

The practical value of the study

  • Our researchers have obtained a collection of potentially oncological strains of enteroviruses, paramyxoviruses and adenoviruses and characterized their anti-tumor activity.
  • We have shown high oncoselectivity of the Russian strain of the L-IVP vaccinia virus and anti-tumor activity of the VVdGF-ApoS24/2 recombinant strain synthesized on its basis.
  • We have synthesized a series of recombinant strains of vaccinia expressing proteins that strengthen their oncolytic qualities. We have shown increased oncolytic activity of these strains. Pre-clinical tests of one of the strains have been started within the «Pharma-2020» Federal Target Program.
  • The Laboratory has created a genetic engineering vectors based on a full-scale copy of genome of a 6th type adenovirus and started constructing its derivatives to synthesize therapeutic anti-tumor medications. We have obtained several recombinant oncolytic strains of adenovirus of the 6th serotype and started studying their oncolytic characteristics.
  • We have studied oncolytic and cultural characteristics of a number of strains of enteroviruses. Several prospective strains have been selected for pre-clinical tests.
  • Several most promising oncolytic strains of paramyxovirus Sendai have been selected. Comparative research of their oncolytic qualities has been started.
  • We have started assembling a reverse genetics system for conservation and reproduction of original properties of the Sendai virus and synthesizing recombinant oncolytic strains based on it.

Implemented results of research: Highly prospective stamps of enteroviruses have been selected for pre-clinical testing.

Education and career development:

  • We have opened a masters program in biotechnologies, students complete pre-thesis and thesis research at the Laboratory in the «Oncolytic viruses» domain (2016).
  • We have developed and tested the «Oncolytic viruses» course for medical students, interns and resident doctors (2012).
  • The «Basics of virology» online course has been launched at the Coursera platform (2016).

Organizational and structural changes: We have organized collaboration between the Laboratory and students of the microbiology case study. On the basis of this collaboration we have published the «Case study in biotechnology. Part 1» textbook (2017).

Other results:

Textbook «Basics of biosecurity» (with contributions by S. V. Netyosov) has received an award for the best textbook in «Health sciences» at the «Academus» contest by the «Infra-M» publishing house (2017).


  • University of Minnesota (USA): joint research
  • State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology «Vector» (Russia), Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences: joint research, publications, patents
  • Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: joint research and publications

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Kochneva G.V., Babkina I.N., Lupan T.A., Grazhdantseva A.A., Yudin P.V., Sivolobova G.F., Shvalov A.N., Popov E.G., Babkin I.V., Netesov S.V.
Apoptin Enhances the Oncolytic Activity of Vaccinia Virus in vitro. Molecular Biology 47(5): 733–742 (2013)
Kochneva G., Zonov E., Grazhdantseva A., Yunusova A., Sibolobova G., Popov E., Taranov O., Netesov S., Chumakov P., Ryabchikova E.
Apoptin Enhances the Oncolytic Properties of Vaccinia Virus and Modifies Mechanisms of Tumor Regression. Oncotarget 5(22): 11269–11282 (2014)
Matveeva O.V., Kochneva G.V., Netesov S.V., Onikienko S.B., Chumakov P.M
Mechanisms of Oncolysis by Paramyxovirus Sendai. Acta Naturae 7(2): 6–16 (2015)
Bào Y., Amarasinghe G.K., … Netesov S.V. et al.
Implementation of Objective PASC-derived Taxon Demarcation Criteria for Official Classification of Filoviruses. Viruses 9(5): 106 (2017)
Svyatchenko V.A., Ternovoy V.A., Kiselev N.N., Demina A.V., Loktev V.B., Netesov S.V., Chumakov P.M.
Bioselection of Coxsackievirus B6 Strain Variants with Altered Tropism to Human Cancer Cell Lines. Archives of Virology 162(11): 3355–3362 (2017)
Other laboratories and scientists
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Сell Physiology and Pathology Laboratory of Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics (10)

Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev - (Orel State University)

Medical biotechnologies


Abramov Andrey Yuriyevich

Russia, United Kingdom


Laboratory for Super-elastic Bio-interfaces

Tomsk State University - (TSU)

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Volinsky Alexei Aleksandrovich

USA, Russia


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Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology - (Skoltech)

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