As of 30.01.2020
Name of the project: Spatial economics, regional economics, integration and agglomeration economics, interregional and international trade
Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: е
Research directions: Imperfect markets theory, urban and regional economics, international and interregional trade
Project objective: Development and analytical, numerical, statistical and econometric research of interrelated theoretical and empirical models of functioning of imperfect markets that allows to receive answers to a wide range of questions in international trade, economical geography, urban and regional economics, as well as market theory.
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory «Interdiciplinary Research and Educaiton in Technological and Economic Challenges of the Energy Transition (CIRETEC-GT)»
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University - (SPbPU) |
Economics and Business |
St. Petersburg |
Devezas Tessaleno Campos |
2022-2024 |
International Scientific and Educational Laboratory for Technologies of Improvement of Wellbeing of Older Adults
Tomsk Polytechnic University - (TPU) |
Economics and Business |
Tomsk |
Casati Fabio
Italy, USA Barysheva Galina AnzelmovnaRussia |
2014-2018 |
Center for the Study of Diversity and Social Interactions (CSDSI)
New Economic School - (NES) |
Economics and Business |
Moscow |
Weber Shlomo
USA, Israel |
2013-2017 |