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Contract number
Time span of the project
Head of the laboratory

As of 30.01.2020

General information

Name of the project: Spatial economics, regional economics, integration and agglomeration economics, interregional and international trade

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: е

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Imperfect markets theory, urban and regional economics, international and interregional trade

Project objective: Development and analytical, numerical, statistical and econometric research of interrelated theoretical and empirical models of functioning of imperfect markets that allows to receive answers to a wide range of questions in international trade, economical geography, urban and regional economics, as well as market theory.

The practical value of the study

  • Our researchers have started a new direction of research of imperfect markets theory and their applications to international trade by thorough investigation of properties of the demand side and its role in behavioral patterns of economical equilibrium and reaction to external shocks.
  • We have been developed the direction of research of agglomeration effects in Russia and inhomogeneity if distribution of economical industry and determination of the structure and laws of this distribution within empirical research.
  • Our researchers have conducted analysis of impact of demand on main characteristics of the market in the setting of monopolistic competition.
  • The Laboratory has started development of a theory of hybrid market structures.
  • A new concept of equilibrium has been proposed within research in game theory and its applications to analysis of imperfect markets.

Education and career development:

  • Members of the academic staff of the Laboratory are the main developers and tutors of courses for the bachelors program «Economics» and the masters program «Applied economics and mathematical methods» at the Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersburg.
  • Best students are working at the Laboratory as research interns.

Collaborations: London School of Economics (United kingdom), University of Quebec in Montreal (Canada), Northwestern University (USA), University of Sussex (United Kingdom), University of Rennes (France), Keio University (Japan), University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), KU Leuven (Belgium), University of Tokyo (Japan), Hitotsubashi University (Japan), Monash University (Australia): joint research

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Behrens K., Marc Brown W., Bougna Th.
The World is not yet Flat: Transport costs matter! Review of Economics and Statistics 100(4) (2018).
Cheshire P., Hilber C.A.L., Koster H.R.A.
Empty Homes, Longer Commutes: The Unintended Consequences of Morerestrictive Local Planning. Journal of Public Economics 158(2): 126–151 (2018).
Parenti M., Ushchev P., Thisse J.-F.
Toward a Theory of Monopolistic Competitio. Journal of Economic Theory 167(1): 86–115 (2017).
Kichko S., Kokovin S., Zhelobdoko E.
Trade Patterns and Export Pricing under Non-CES Preferences. Journal of International Economics 94(1): 129–142 (2014).
Zhelobdoko E., Kokovin S., Parenti M., Thisse J.-F.
Monopolistic Competition: Beyond the CES. Econometrica 80(6): 2765–2784 (2012).
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory «Interdiciplinary Research and Educaiton in Technological and Economic Challenges of the Energy Transition (CIRETEC-GT)»

Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University - (SPbPU)

Economics and Business

St. Petersburg

Devezas Tessaleno Campos


International Scientific and Educational Laboratory for Technologies of Improvement of Wellbeing of Older Adults

Tomsk Polytechnic University - (TPU)

Economics and Business


Casati Fabio

Italy, USA

Barysheva Galina Anzelmovna



Center for the Study of Diversity and Social Interactions (CSDSI)

New Economic School - (NES)

Economics and Business


Weber Shlomo

USA, Israel
