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Contract number
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Head of the laboratory

As of 30.01.2020

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General information

Name of the project: RNA-targeted antibacterial and antivirus medications based on oligonucleotides

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: в

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Research of fundamental aspects of DNA diagnostics and action of gene-targeted biologically active substances.

Project objective: Creating antibacterial and antivirus medications based on analogs of oligonucleotides and oligonucleotide conjugates capable of specifically targeting on bacterial and virus RNAs.

The practical value of the study

  • We have collected data on antibacterial and antivirus activity of oligonucleotide analogs and conjugates.
  • Our researchers have found ability of oligonucleotide analogs, conjugates and their supramolecular complexes of various structures and composition to penetrate cells.
  • We have created laboratory protocols of middle-scale synthesis, introduction of pre- and post-synthesis modification, quality evaluation and control of antibacterial and antivirus oligonucleotide analogs. Some of these protocols can become innovative and have commercial value.
  • Our researchers have worked on oligonucleotide analogs and conjugates that demonstrate high antibacterial and antivirus activity and capability to efficiently penetrate cells and to accumulate in them.
  • Computer modeling methods have been developed that allows to forecast hybridization properties of DNA complexes of oligonucleotide.

Implemented results of research: The Laboratory has developed protocols and methods for synthesis of phosphoryl guanidine arbitrary nucleic acids that have been successfully used in laboratory conditions for development of new antibacterial and antivirus compounds.

Education and career development:

  • We have organized internships in methods of analysis of structure of oligonucleotide derivatives and their complexes using at the Institute of Biophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the I. I. First Moscow State Medical University, «EcoNova» Institute of Chromatography, the N. N. Vorozhtsov Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • The additional training course «Analysis of Nanoo-scale objects using dynamic light scattering» for employees of «Vector-Best» JSC.
  • One doctoral dissertation, 3 candidate dissertations, 3 master degree theses and 4 bachelor degree theses have been defended.

Organizational and structural changes: «Noogen» LLC has been created to commercialize new derivatives of nucleic acids – phosphoryl guanidine oligonucleotides.


  • N. N. Vorozhtsov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), International Tomography Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences   (Russia): performing a series of works to research biopolimers using spin tags
  • A. V. Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia): development of elements of biosensor systems
  • Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia): joint research of artificial membrane structures
  • Novosibirsk State University (Russia): development of original special courses for students of the university, organizing research internships at the Laboratory, assistance with master and bachelor degree theses and dissertations
  • Institute of Cytology ad Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after M. M. Shemyakin and Yu. A Ovchinnikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RUssia), State Research Center for Virology and Biotechnology «Vector» (Russia), Moscow State University (Russia), Strasbourg University (France), University of Manchester (United Kingdom): developing methods of treatment of socially significant diseases
  • Moscow State University (Russia), Strasbourg University (France), University of Manchester (United Kingdom): organizing internships
  • Limnological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia): join research
  • «Medical and Biological Union» LLC (Russia): development of systems for agnostics of socially significant conditions

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