- We have described theoretical basics of processes that are crucial for synthesis of active and selective alkylation catalysts. We have found connection between modification stages, structural strength and acid-base qualities of produced catalysts.
- Our researchers have found that an important role in moulding of catalysts is played by zeta potential of particles. It determines extent of their electrostatic interaction. We have determined impact of time and conditions of the reaction stage on change of texture qualities, residual concentration of Bronsted and Lewis acid sites and number of compounds adsorbed on the surface of deactivated catalysts.
- A methodology for creating two types of efficient alkylation catalysts: synthetically modified Y zeolite based on combination of methods of decationation, dealumination and ion exchange, and a massive catalyst based on zirconium hydroxide sulfate and pseudoboehmite.
- A new reaction-rectification alkylation process that uses special side-mounted reaction sections where nickel-containing zeolite catalyst is distributed across segments. The reaction sections ensure efficient procedure of regeneration by hydrogen, removal of evaporating reagents, alkylate recirculation, distributed supply of olefin raw materials and recirculating isobutene.
- We have conducted experimental probation of modern reaction-rectification alkylation process with side-mounted reaction sections using prototype test rig. We have obtained data for scaling and designing a modern industrial alkylation device.
- A complex for researching catalysts that includes methods of nitrogen optometry., infrared spectroscopy of adsorbed pyridine, X-ray fluorescence element analysis, derivatographic analysis, ultraviolet spectroscopy, temperature-programmed reduction, oxidation and desorption of probe molecules, X-ray phase analysis, granulometric analysis by laser diffraction and chromatography–mass spectrometry.
Implemented results of research:
- We have developed an energy efficient technology to produce alkyl petroleum by using modern reaction and mass exchange processes.
- The Laboratory has obtained 5 patents for inventions and 2 for useful models: «A method of synthesis of a catalyst and a catalyst for alkylation of isobutan by isobutene», «A device for alkylation of isobutan by olefins based on a solid catalyst», «A method for synthesizing a spherical catalyst and a catalyst for alkylation of isobutan by isobutene», «A catalyst for oxidation condensation of methane and a method of its synthesis», «A device for isomerisation of light petroleum fractions», «A method to synthesize a catalyst for alkylation of paraffin by olefins».
- Technological regulation and a road map for the technological process of preparing the НY-AS-ZS-500 catalyst. An experimental lot of the catalyst have been produced.
- 9 completed contracts and signed partnership agreements to support development of new catalytic materials and technologies with leading engineering companies of Saint Petersburg in oil and gas refinery.
Education and career development:
- Employees of the Laboratory took part in a Summer School in Liverpool (UK).
- 5 candidate dissertations have been defended.
- 23 young researchers and employees of other companies have completed professional training at the Laboratory.
- 4 employees of the Laboratory have completed additional education programs.
- 2 programs for bachelors have been developed:
1. Computer modeling of hydrocarbon systems;
2. Computer modeling of catalyst systems.
1. Technological and economic analysis;
2. Optimization of technological modes of industrial devices in oil refinery and oil chemistry.
3. Methods of designing resource efficient manufacturing processes in chemistry, oil and biology industry;
4. Energy carriers. Formation, qualities and ecological problems of refining;
5. Research of transition processes in chemical technology and oil chemistry. Energotechnological systems of chemistry, oil chemistry and oil refinery;
6. Design and implementation of resource efficient systems;
7. Modern processes of oil refinery;
8. Modern methods of intensification of chemical technology processes;
9. Project management.
- 3 additional training (career enhancement) programs:
1. Modern technologies in developing alkylation catalysts;
2. Modern approaches in energy and resource efficiency in oil refinery and oil chemistry;
3. Energy efficiency in oil refinery: methodology and practical implementation;
- 2 textbooks (Diploma projects of oil refining and oil chemistry processes. Part 3. Primary processing of oil; Catalysis, catalytic processes and reactors) and one methodological book (Producing catalysts by soaking porous carriers).
Organizational and structural changes: A center for technological production has been created on the basis of the Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology in collaboration with Gazprom Neft PJSC within the road map for developing partnership.
Other results:
- 2 international conferences in oil chemistry and oil refinery.
- Contracts signed for collaboration in training professionals with leading Russian and international universities in chemical technologies.
- Åbo Akademi University (Finland), «Krakow Polytechnic» (Poland), Kinef (Russia): joint research, student changes
- Saint Petersburg State University (Russia): students exchanges
- Progressive technologies LLC (Russia), RRT LLC (Russia), Alvega LLC (Russia), Olkat (Russia): joint research
- Gazprom Neft PJSC (Russia): joint collective research center